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Base building - Land Claim / Trader Issue


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Hi 7D2D Community,
So I`m Playing the latest build SP, and encountered something kinda game breaking that was un-intuitive to me.

I`m not new to this game (almost 700h played atm), but in this play-through i was lazier than usual and made a noob mistake.

Steps to reproduce -

1. build a base right next to a trader (on the edge of his land where u are allowed to build)
2. try to place a land claim of your own for your base to function properly and fail. (the affected area cant overlap with trader)


this situation result in not being able to pick up workstations and electric devices in my base and is game breaking.
I find it very un-intuitive in a single player game mode, and this might be a common mistake made by new players,
since building your first base close to your first trader seems like a good idea at first, at a stage where the purpose of the Land claim block is unclear,
and the repercussions comes later near mid-end game when you are already committed. 

Have u encountered this?
Is there a work around? (except for the obvious "don't build too close next time" hindsight)
Where will it be appropriate to report this to the devs? (its not exactly a bug, just some edge case that should probably be prevented better)


Thanks In advance.

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A simple workaround would be to place the land claim block outside of the base. When you place the landclaim block a box with white lines will be shown. This is the area that is affected by the land claim block. As long as the base is inside this area you should be able to move your workstations.

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Unless you built your base in the shape of an L and put it around the edge of the trader there is a position of the landclaim block so it has all your base in its range but his max range is just outside of the trader protection area. This might be a position outside of your base but you can simply put the landclaim in a hole in the ground there and put a concrete block or a hatch above it so it is ignored by zombies


Damn, NinjaClaw was faster 😉


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You're not the only one. I did what others said and placed my land claim block further away, but thought it had to connect to the base for some reason and made a frame work line of blocks to it so it all connected 😆


I do wish the traders had a customized land claim area that was only the size of their outpost though. It's annoying when their land claim area overlaps parts of a POI stopping you from salvaging in those spots. But I guess someone would find some exploit if you could build nearly touching the trader outpost.

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3 hours ago, katarynna said:

You can also decrease the size of the landclaimed area in multiplayer options. This makes the trader's claimed area smaller too, and i was able to place my landclaim block inside my base and stay there.

Thank you, and every one who was nice enough to comment and share.
I did try to place the LCB outside the base but the locations allowed didn't include any part of my base.

But changing the LCB AOE is a great Idea! Think this might help make the situation salvageable.

IMHO, If nothing change, this info should at least be mentioned/added as a Tutorial tip in the start screen.
Don`t you think? ;)

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22 hours ago, sinkler said:

Thank you, and every one who was nice enough to comment and share.
I did try to place the LCB outside the base but the locations allowed didn't include any part of my base.

But changing the LCB AOE is a great Idea! Think this might help make the situation salvageable.

IMHO, If nothing change, this info should at least be mentioned/added as a Tutorial tip in the start screen.
Don`t you think? ;)

Well, it isn't neccessary that the allowed locations do not include your base (in SP at least), it is just neccessary that the protection includes your base. That block has thousands of hitpoints for anyone else but you, even zombies AFAIK. You can set it up anwhere outside.


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