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Random Crashes in A19

Mr Smith 9000

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I'm a long time fan of the game, and I've been eager for A19 to drop, but lately I can't even play. I'll get crashes while playing, could be 20 mins in, could be an hour. Sometimes it's just the game, and sometimes it crashes the entire computer. I don't get crashes on any other games, and my rig should be able to handle whatever gets thrown at it. i9-9900k processor, 16GB RAM, with Geforce RTX 2080. I followed a bunch of online advice, from disabling the anti-cheat to turning off motion blur. GPU drivers are up to date as well. Hoping someone more knowledgeable on here might be able to help

crash.dmp error.log output_log__2020-08-02__12-14-00.txt

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ok so now its the same ole crap i have to say and people dont want to see it but here it is.


2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.776 INF [MODS] Start loading
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.780 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ZZZZ-RNG Free Crafting-491-1-0-1571568622
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.803 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: RNG free crafting (1.0)
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.803 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ZZZZ-Tier 6 Crafting-492-1-0-1571569227
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.803 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: T6 crafting (1.0)
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.803 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
2020-08-02T12:14:04 2.803 INF [MODS] Loading done


1. disable ALL mods
2. verify files thru steam
3. safety sake reboot compy
4. start game again only without mods and with completely new world and seed
5. please report back with new output log

we have to verify game is 100% vanilla without issues as much as possible and if problems persist from mods, then the mod creators need to be contacted.


good luck

QA Tester-unholyjoe

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9 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

You should nuke everything. Perform the cleanup that is in the red banner at the top of the page. Then delete your client folder and download it clean. Verifying the files won't remove mod data you had installed previously.

Which is also a fault of the game actually. Deleting the mod folder should be part of the clean-up tool in the launcher


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So I removed everything, re-download the game and the files verified. Was going fine, played about 1.5 hours and then BSOD. Now I never get those on anything else I play. I rebooted and verified files again. 4 had to be redone. Not sure what those 4 are but they keep reappearing, maybe everytime I crash they get corrupted? Unfortunately when it crashes that hard, it doesn't have time to make a crash dump in the game folder. My event viewer just says unexpected shutdown. Thought maybe the game was overheating my processor but it's consistently around 53 C with water cooling while playing. Put 7D2D in my anti-virus exceptions, ran as administrator, and switched to GLCore rather than direct x (since I heard all those things could cause issues). Also try and log out every hour to save my progress. Will check back in with anything else. Thanks so far everyone

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@Mr Smith 9000When windows crashes it creates it's own .dmp file in the folder Windows/Minidump. You can view that file

with an app like Nirsoft's BlueScreenView. That may give you a clue as to why you get the BSOD.


Both your CPU and GPU are on the power hungry side, so my guess is it's your power supply or it's cabling.

Check that the power cables to your motherboard (the extra 4 or 8 pin ones) are connected and seated.  If these

are loose or not connected, the machine will run, but will not have enough power for the CPU during heavy use.


Same with your GPU, check that it's dedicated power (probably dual 6 pin) is connected and seated properly.


If all the wiring is good, then I would suspect the Power Supply itself is at fault. Your setup should have at least

a good 650 Watt supply.


Oh, also, are you overclocking either the CPU or GPU?


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On 8/3/2020 at 4:26 PM, Beelzybub said:

@Mr Smith 9000When windows crashes it creates it's own .dmp file in the folder Windows/Minidump. You can view that file

with an app like Nirsoft's BlueScreenView. That may give you a clue as to why you get the BSOD.


Both your CPU and GPU are on the power hungry side, so my guess is it's your power supply or it's cabling.

Check that the power cables to your motherboard (the extra 4 or 8 pin ones) are connected and seated.  If these

are loose or not connected, the machine will run, but will not have enough power for the CPU during heavy use.


Same with your GPU, check that it's dedicated power (probably dual 6 pin) is connected and seated properly.


If all the wiring is good, then I would suspect the Power Supply itself is at fault. Your setup should have at least

a good 650 Watt supply.


Oh, also, are you overclocking either the CPU or GPU?


1000w power supply, everything seems connected properly, nothing overclocked. It seems like if I verify the files and it fixes those 4 every time I play, it's less likely to crash. 

Is it normal to try and open the windows dump file with the program you listed and get a permission issue that I can't open?

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10 hours ago, Mr Smith 9000 said:

Is it normal to try and open the windows dump file with the program you listed and get a permission issue that I can't open?

I think you have to be logged on as an admin to run it. Or at least, you have to run the program as admin. (right click and select)

10 hours ago, Mr Smith 9000 said:

it fixes those 4 every time I play

What anti-virus are you using? Have you excluded the game folder from the AV?


As for your BSOD, If it's not the power supply, it could be a flaky memory stick,

or a driver issue. Win 10 has a built in memory test you can run. Your mini dump

will show what driver's might be at fault.

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Hey guys, I figured out the R loot all problem but now I am getting a crash within a few minutes of the game as well, just like how the poster described. I get a nvlddmkm.sys system failure as well. I don't think it is my computer because it only is happening in B177 so far when playing 7 days to die, usually the game just crashed but once it crashed the whole computer. I have a 1070 EXTREME card and drivers are up to date. Perhaps they got corrupted? I also checked all windows updates too.

On 8/5/2020 at 2:27 PM, Beelzybub said:

I think you have to be logged on as an admin to run it. Or at least, you have to run the program as admin. (right click and select)

What anti-virus are you using? Have you excluded the game folder from the AV?


As for your BSOD, If it's not the power supply, it could be a flaky memory stick,

or a driver issue. Win 10 has a built in memory test you can run. Your mini dump

will show what driver's might be at fault.

I don't think it is hardware, it is happening to me too...

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On 8/5/2020 at 2:27 PM, Beelzybub said:


What anti-virus are you using? Have you excluded the game folder from the AV?


Norton 360, and apparently you have to put the folder in 2 different whitelists in its settings. I googled it after what you said, so thank you. Once I put those settings in, those 4 files that were always being restored/verified stopped being corrupted.


Fingers crossed everyone. but I've played 2 days now with no crashes including 2 blood moons. 


Only problem I have now is I can't level up certain skills, like grease monkey. The top corner says 1/3 learned, but there are 5 stages to buy. I can't buy the 2nd one which is frustrating since I'd like a motorcycle. Also doesn't let me level up daring adventurer or engineering. Maybe the skills that were consolidated? I'll have to get screenshots, I just shutdown the game to see if a reboot will work.

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