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Removing random spawned mines

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Hello fellow survivors!


I'm spinning up a new server to play with my wife, and wanted to see if anyone, perhaps mod developers or the game devs would be kind enough to provide some input for me. Long story short, I spent 3 years in Iraq and as an indirect result I completely avoid playing in the wasteland biome due to the mines and their adverse psychological effects for me. I 100% understand and am okay with achievements being disabled if needed, it would just be nice to actually be able to disable the random spawned mines so that we could check those areas out. I do LOVE this game (currently sitting at about 450 played hours) and would like to also extend a shout out to Fun Pimps for being fantastic creators. 


Some googling found that maybe modifying an xml to remove the item from the spawn list would help, but experience has demonstrated that going "off the book" and modifying non-standard files is often not a good a idea since it can lead to server crashes if the item is referenced, or other processes that expect the entry to be there replace it during updates leading to an admin burden. Having a serverconfig.xml option would be great for others who suffer from similar issues. Thanks for your time, and I'd appreciate any relevant thoughts!





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Search for mines in the Biomes XML and delete them or set the spawn chance to 0


The lines you want to delete are


                <decoration type="block" blockname="mineCandyTin" prob="0.00015"/>
                <decoration type="block" blockname="mineHubcap" prob="0.0001"/>
                <decoration type="block" blockname="hubcapNoMine" prob="0.0011"/></decorations>

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5 minutes ago, Perramas said:

Search for mines in the Biomes XML and delete them or set the spawn chance to 0


The lines you want to delete are


                <decoration type="block" blockname="mineCandyTin" prob="0.00015"/>
                <decoration type="block" blockname="mineHubcap" prob="0.0001"/>
                <decoration type="block" blockname="hubcapNoMine" prob="0.0011"/></decorations>

I definitely like thought of changing the spawn probability more than removing the entry altogether. I will give this a try and report back. Thank you!

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You could also do a find/replace to change the mines to some other block. If you want to know where they were, use "plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest" instead of the mine names. If you want it to blend in, use "cinderBlocks01" (or 02 or 03). If you want it to blend in and give something back to you, use "cntBirdnest".


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There are also some pois with mines in them (ex: a house with one in the attic). Is it possible to remove those? I know the crack a book HQ also has some in the downstairs area. Are the mines tied to a POI, or can you replace them in the say a trash pile or random other trash item?

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9 minutes ago, myrkana said:

There are also some pois with mines in them (ex: a house with one in the attic). Is it possible to remove those?

That is buried in the POI I think, but maybe something could be done in blocks.xml to make all of the mines purely decorative? They have class="Mine" on them, which possibly sets up their explosive nature. That is my best guess, since there is no really obvious thing like when_stepped_on="explode" parameter on them.

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The safest way would be in blocks.xml  to leave the block names in place and only replace the "inside" of their block info with something like a small rock - but leave out the pickup function so that the name does not pop up.

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1 minute ago, JCrook1028 said:

Go to creative/spawn in the book that makes you immune to walking over mines. problem solved.

that's a pretty awesome idea. the only problem with it i see is that zombies can still set off the mines. so if his issue is with the sound of the explosion, it might not work for him.

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10 minutes ago, myrkana said:

thats not the only issue, the sound and view of them going off can  set peoples ptsd off

OP stated he wanted to play with his wife. She can read the same book. Even if you remove the mines from the xml's, to avoid seeing them. there is still the fake hubcap mine texture that looks identical that you will be seeing. The fake is even more common so you would still see that a lot.

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40 minutes ago, katarynna said:

that's a pretty awesome idea. the only problem with it i see is that zombies can still set off the mines. so if his issue is with the sound of the explosion, it might not work for him.


40 minutes ago, myrkana said:

thats not the only issue, the sound and view of them going off can  set peoples ptsd off

Basically that. I'm largely okay with unexpected deaths. The premise of mines even is pretty realistic and not something that I'm hating on. I just kinda want to avoid the IRL stress, flashbacks. Thanks for the outside the box thought @JCrook1028!

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For what it's worth, I tested commenting out this line:


<!-- <property name="Class" value="Mine"/> -->


for both of these blocks (in blocks.xml):


<block name="mineCandyTin">

<block name="rScrapIronPlateMine">


and the result was that mines no longer explode, nor do they make the "click" when you walk on them. They are still visible, though, so if you want to remove them completely Gazz's suggestion would work.


Attached is a modlet, 'NoExplodingMines' which will do this for you. Just unzip it into your /Mods folder.


Here are screenshots of my Arlene Guinea Pig walking across the mines towards me. (It still did not end well for her.)






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