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Slasher-like Zombie - Concept Art + Concept


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Original idea by @Adam the Waster (here's a drawing buddy)


"Slasher: This Mid tier zombie is a Terror for people who use armor. AKA everyone, these zombies hands have been dulled down to the point where their hands are sharp blades!, they can go through armor! they have No bottom jaw so they can't bite! but they will try to cut you too Parts! they move at a ok speed and make loud breathing sounds!, there blades can cut through armor and armor durability! but not much agents blocks!


  • high AP damage, Armor and armor Durability!
  • low Block damage!
  • Able to cause deep cuts!
  • kinda sneaky!"





So I asked Adam if I could make concept art for some of his ideas, so we can have a visual interpretation of a possible zombie, and he agreed. I took most of what he said into consideration and decided to turn this zombo into life (without trying to make him like the Butcher from Dead Island).




The Slasher, unlike what some might think, is not a fast nor frenetic zombie, although he deals high damage and is a bit resistant to damage, he is slow and lazy, mostly attacking what comes close to him first, unless it's blood moon.


Backstory: He is a sad zombie despite everything. Before the infection, he never got around people because of severe depression and previous occurrences that left him mentally scarred and unable to become someone happy. He didn't care for hygiene or himself, he let his nails grow, always used the same tracksuit pants and slippers and roamed his home like an empty husk, sitting on his desk all day, taking meds and doing paperwork. Unfortunately for him, the zombies got him when he was recovering from a stomach operation he had done a few weeks earlier. He didn't even put up a fight. As time went, his finger nails started growing and merging into 2 big and sharp bones that could pierce weak metal and cut through skin like a knife.




HP: 300HP

Damage: 60 (ignores 50% of armor)

Attack Delay: 1s

Ailments: Deep Lacerations, Bleeding

Speed: Slow


Spawns in: Houses and bloodmoons

Behavior: Rather short aggro range, roams the house or is sleeping (sleeper spawn), sneaks up on the player when he can




Once again, feel free to leave your feedback!





slasher zombie_final.jpg

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1 hour ago, Black Hat said:

Sometimes I wonder...

Are the Pimps reading these suggestions?

Im sure some of the devs will take a peek here and there.  However, I know Madmole has said several times they have so many ideas in their backlog they are probably all set for their next game with them...lol

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5 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Im sure some of the devs will take a peek here and there.  However, I know Madmole has said several times they have so many ideas in their backlog they are probably all set for their next game with them...lol

when ever there next game will be!



Ill probably 40 by the time they make 7 weeks to die or whatever it will be called


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