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can we change the HAMMER TURRET (totally worthless) to a NAIL TURRET ?


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In my 3-player game, we're playing with a bridge horde base and we've surrounded our standing pillar with 3 of those hammer turrets out front where the zombies leave the path to start over. Sometimes they go the other way to start hitting our pillar. It's frigging HILARIOUS to see them get boinked away, and by the time they get up they've usually remember to path back to the bridge. It saves a TON of danger and repairs. 

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I maxed out the skill so I can have 2 hammer turrets at once.  I place them both at about a 45 degree angle facing my door up close, so they will both point at the door and then turn away along the sides where there are spikes.  On my day 28 horde not one zombie was able to touch my door.  The turrets would keep knocking them back into spikes or just until they died.  They seem OP if anything.  Even though I have a vault door, I could have survived with a wood door because of them.  And we are talking ferals, irradiated, etc, and they did their job very well.

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Omigod.  I set one of these up at the entrance to my horde night fighting fortification...    Zombies run up, "Rarrrgh"  go to hit me, get shoved sideways.  Made me laugh so much.


Going to put next horde night fighting area on top of Higutchi tower and use Robo sledges to punt them off a ledge.  Will be hilarious.

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