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Alternative to Wedge tip trick for Alpha 19


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26 minutes ago, Matt 1977 said:

If they can walk up the slope im fine with that. Tip walls are a bit on the nose. But if the z's can walk across the top of the tip and not slide im crying out "male cows excrement" as they were all circus performers. And now they stumble out of cupboards but can walk a wire .....

haha good question.  Honestly never really used the wedge tips as a tightrope as that strategy was always too cheesy for my taste.

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My .02 cents on the Wedge Tip exploit is that I kinda like that it exists, for early game. For Walls at least.


Personal best case would be if during the first ~14 days zeds wouldn't be able to climb vertical wedges until there were a few and then a kind of 'group anger' was triggered and then some would either learn how to sprint up the wedge wall or be able to hit it.


As game stage progressed zeds would all be able to either climb or hit the wedges.


Though almost certainly too expensive cpu/Ai wise to implement, it could offer a short term base option that could encourage players to build their own horde base instead of just remodeling a poi.


But this is coming from someone who always built their own bases in earlier alphas (when cobblestone was enough during first week or two) and tends to run with higher difficulty. ..and for some reason just hasn't been able to bring myself to lower zed block damage.. (sigh)

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4 hours ago, canadianbluebeer said:

@blugold1  Looks like you have to shoot things.  That's my point. I can sit in the door and just afk for the entire night if I want to. That's with 64 zeds.  on insane.


(ok, vultures I may have to shoot, only because they are annoying and won't come into range. (need a different roof access for the cage)



I shoot out of boredom.  It’s more fun that way.   If I had bigger hordes, I’d just make it wider.  

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On 6/20/2020 at 5:01 PM, blugold1 said:

I use only 8 dart traps and it shreds everything in vanilla.

Can confirm. The Tunnel of Terror™ will AFK 20 irradiated soldiers or 10 demolishers at the same time, with two of the jumps still intact. And that's using flagstone for the structure and wood bars as the roof of the tunnel - only steel blocks were the posts they jump over (which half of them will attack instead of jumping). We don't have the tripwire posts yet so I tried it with a motion sensor at the entrance. Worked perfectly.


With an active defense as shown in your video, it ought to be nearly invulnerable. Until they make darts trigger demolishers anyway... 😲

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