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Long term goals?


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I'm just curious as to what the long term goals are of this game? I've been playing since A9 and I'm really hoping to see the game heavily optimised before its fully released.

Frame rates are quite bad even on high end rigs playing on minimum settings 1080p.
Is there a development road map that we can take a look at?

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Number one long term goal: Add bandits, then polish, then release the game as 1.0.

Optional but planned minor goals: multiple vehicle damage types, legendary weapons, ...


High end rigs have no problem playing the game at high settings with 1080p. If you see something different you either have no high end rig, have encountered a driver issue or some bug or you use one of the degrees of freedom the game offers too far. Examples of the last type are allowing too many zombies in the game at the same time or planting hundreds of trees in a small area.

There will be further optimization of the game but the devs are expecting diminishing gains further on as a lot of optimization has already happened.


There is a series of video q&a's happening in the next few weeks, that would be another opportunity to ask questions to the devs directly: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/19287-alpha-19-developer-stream-series-1/

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2 hours ago, Boidster said:

I want to be the All-Being, Master of Time, Space, and Dimension. Then, I want to go to Europe.

You should read the book The Lord of All Things by Andreas Eschbach.  The English translation does it justice as far as I'm concerned.

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