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Heavy stuttering after some time playing


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Hey guys !


So basically after a while, my game gets messy in that I have regular freezes, 0.5 - 1 sec, every 10 seconds or so. It doesn't always happen, I've played 2 hours today just staying at my base and visiting 3 traders, and I had absolutely no issues. There's also nothing specific triggering it that I can think of : weather, indoor/outdoors, number of zombies on screen, number of lights... sometimes everything is butter smooth and suddenly the stuttering / freezing begins.


Anyone had the problem and found a solution ? Nothing short of restarting the game seems to fix the issue, and while that's something that can be done sometimes, I obviously can't while doing a Tier 5 quest.


My computer is pretty decent and I play on a dedi :

Ryzen 5 1600, AMD Radeon 5700 XT, 16 gb of Ram


Any tips welcome !

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Unfortunately nothing in that regard.



And i'm running the game on a 500Go SSD, as a matter of fact I don't even have a HDD.


Is there a way to track what's going on when it starts stuttering ? I'll monitor my rig's temperatures next time it happens.

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Almost forgot, power profiles.  Effing power profiles. Especially with AMD. Damn thorn in my backside, because the chipset wants to switch the profile on me when I'm in the middle of effing gaming.


1. Make sure you have the correct chipset drivers installed. Get it from AMD or the motherboard manufacturer. AMD would be best though.

2. Set the profile to Maximum performance. Do this in the video driver options as well.


That just might fix it.  I can't believe I forgot about that, I've run into it SO many times recently with Intel 7th to 9th gen and AMD 2nd and 3rd gen.

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Does this happen after you bought a new PC? Or after changing some hardware? Or after you started a new game? After an OS update? After changing some display options?


Is it still there if you change video options to low? I would especially test if it ever happens with occlussion off (which can only be changed by exiting the game). Can you say for sure that it doesn't happen if you play locally?


Since you staying in one place did not trigger the stutter, maybe you should test if moving around is a reliable way to trigger it and staying in your base all the time is not.


Is it only you that sees the stuttering or other players on the dedi too? I assume only you, but making sure.


Did you check the windows log for warnings or errors? The log viewer can be started with "eventvwr". Do you have other programs running simultaneous to 7D2D?


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Just had it again. Doing some stuff around the base, never flew real far this time, mostly crafting and terraforming around me. Nothing to do with the server, friends didn't have issues. No zombies around. Kicked in after nothing in particular, it might have something to do with in game time (basically when it's 8pm in game or so), i'll keep an eye on that.


Restarting the game fixed it instantly, I checked and the GPU/CPU usages were high but not at 100%, so nothing anormal there. Fans were quiet, so it's not an overheating issue.


I recently upgraded my graphics from an RX480, all the latest drivers are on. Flashed my bios some time ago. I'll check the profiles for maximum performance before I play next time, along with any change in the eventvwr at the time it starts happening.

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12 hours ago, beHypE said:

I checked and the GPU/CPU usages were high but not at 100%, so nothing anormal there. Fans were quiet, so it's not an overheating issue.

And did you check your RAM usage? 16GB are enough for 7d2d if there is nothing else heavy running. E.g. having a Firefox running with some plugins and 50 tabs open may be already to much. Also any AV software running?


According to your screenshot the pagefile is system managed. But you cut the dialog where it shows how big it current pagefile is. You can disable the pagefile and try it again, it should then result in an "out of memory" CRASH instead of stuttering. Or use some other tools that show RAM and virtual memory usage like Hwinfo64 or MSI Afterburner.


I had a similar issue with virtual memory a while ago. However that was a problem caused by windows. It somehow didn't fully use my ram but put everything into virtual memory until it's limit where reached. Happily a simple reboot of the whole system fixed it.

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Just somethings to try (won't hurt either way).

Try manually setting your pagefile to 1 - 1.5x the amount (based on your on board ram amount) for both the min and max. If you also have external HD's do the same for them.

Another thing you can also do is manually hit the windows, update and see if it is doing incremental updates for a big update package.

I've had a few machines in our household, have weird issue with stuttering in games, or other intensive programs, if windows is doing incremental updates. So if it is, just do a force update to get it over with. 

Also may check if your cpu is throttling some cores, which can also cause stuttering issues. 

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Honestly, that sounds like my system during normal gameplay and I have decent specs. Sometimes, it is looking at the water with high settings. Although technically, I should be able to play with most things on Ultra, I usually have to back my Texture settings to half and my frame rates stabilize. I also go back and forth with the water settings if I am based next to a large lake. Sometimes the stutter will affect my system after a few hours. Sometimes, it happens when I first log into the map. I haven't ever considered it being a system thing. The game is just downright demanding and not tuned to current hardware yet. It requires an absolute beast of a system to play with settings cranked up. 

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