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Night time needs to be expanded... Both mechanically and content


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Theres nothing to do at night.

-Sure, you can fight some stronger zeds, maybe get a lil extra exp but there is actually no reason to be out at night currently except perhaps the book that lets you have 0 encumberance at night.


Basing some ideas of that and a few other games ive played...


Night time needs some new content as far as zeds. -Id suggest a couple unique night time zombies that only come out at night and drop harvestable(?) resources that can only be aquired this way.

These resources could be something like a chance at a fergettin lixir, Special items that increase stats for a full 24 hr (In game), bonus xp consumables (Its hard AF to level late game sometimes) higher chances of finding weapons, ect.

Could also drop resources to unique weapons/gear that you can later craft once youve killed enough big bois.


Give us something to do at night that isnt punch rocks or stand idly by thumbing our keesters. (1 horde/night just isnt enough :p)



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On 4/25/2020 at 4:06 AM, Pichii said:

Theres nothing to do at night.

-Sure, you can fight some stronger zeds, maybe get a lil extra exp but there is actually no reason to be out at night currently except perhaps the book that lets you have 0 encumberance at night.

Basically there is no need to stop whatever you are doing just because it is night.

Even if Zs run at night, you can still outrun them. In the beginning of a game, use the night to gather wood, stone, plantfiber, mine iron, harvest trash bags. Usually the free wild is almost empty.

Once you found a firearm and some ammunition you can also loot buildings at night. Sleepers are not high level yet and when sneaking through even a pistol oneshoots the sleeping sleepers.

Later in game most sleepers are at least ferrals anyway, so they do run anyway. At least at this point, there is no reason left to loot POIs only during day.


So finally i'd say: I don't need anything special to do at night. What i want is, make night scary and dangerous again (increase z spawn, make some wandering hordes every night, increase animal spawn or whatever). Night should be like that, currently it's not a real threat. Basically just like day but without light. :D

Then there would be a need to have tasks for the night. Usually then it is crafting ammo/food/cook, scrapping, sorting loot or mine (in a secured mine).


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3 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Basically there is no need to stop whatever you are doing just because it is night.

Even if Zs run at night, you can still outrun them. In the beginning of a game, use the night to gather wood, stone, plantfiber, mine iron, harvest trash bags. Usually the free wild is almost empty.

Once you found a firearm and some ammunition you can also loot buildings at night. Sleepers are not high level yet and when sneaking through even a pistol oneshoots the sleeping sleepers.

Later in game most sleepers are at least ferrals anyway, so they do run anyway. At least at this point, there is no reason left to loot POIs only during day.


So finally i'd say: I don't need anything special to do at night. What i want is, make night scary and dangerous again (increase z spawn, make some wandering hordes every night, increase animal spawn or whatever). Night should be like that, currently it's not a real threat. Basically just like day but without light. :D

Then there would be a need to have tasks for the night. Usually then it is crafting ammo/food/cook, scrapping, sorting loot or mine (in a secured mine).


That 100% depends on where you are in the game and how fortunate youve gotten with drops sir.
I dont want the 'same ol' at night tho, regardless... Thats what Blood Moon is FOR- to make it so its exactly NOT the same ol, same ol.

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3 minutes ago, Pichii said:

That 100% depends on where you are in the game and how fortunate youve gotten with drops sir.
I dont want the 'same ol' at night tho, regardless... Thats what Blood Moon is FOR- to make it so its exactly NOT the same ol, same ol.

Does not depend on drops, i had lots of play-throughs and i did not always find stuff as soon as would have liked it, but there was also no single game i had such bad drops that i couldn't do anything. That is what makes the game interesting, make the best out of what you have found, not regretting what you haven't found yet. If you spawn in the wasteland, your first task is to leave the biome... if necessary by walking through the night.

Bloodmoon is something different, not the "normal" difference between day and night. What i intend to have is a regular night, but with higher difficulty. A difficulty raise that makes you think about staying in your base while the base itself is safe (in exactly opposite to the bloodmoon). Atm there is quite no reason to stay in your base during a regular night right now. So no need for specific night-tasks, because you can still do what you usually do during day. That's what you asked for, right?

However some night-specific changes would be nice anyway. As i already mentioned, e.g. increased animal spawns during night. Makes night a little bit more dangerous, but also makes hunting for meat during night more efficient than during day. On the other hand, i usually get so much meat from occasionally encounters of animals, that i don't go out especially for hunting anyways.

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You can change the values of settings in the game options and in the game files. Roland has a sticky about this.



I changed some settings myself. Now all my wandering hordes have 25-30 zeds, day and night. Overall random roaming zed counts are now higher over the whole map but they're more numerous during night. You cant really be at peace more than 2-3 minutes, real time. And make your zeds running at night. This is good enough to spice things up a lot more.

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On 4/25/2020 at 4:06 AM, Pichii said:

Theres nothing to do at night.

While I agree with the subject (and possibly intent) of this thread, the statement above is simply NOT true. ANY of our daytime activities can also be performed at night. It is just far more dangerous and possibly foolish (risk vs reward), especially at low gamestage and without the right gear.


Would polishing and fine-tuning the stealth and heat systems drastically improve perceived threat, immersion and therefore gameplay? Absolutely. These core systems also need to be completely finished BEFORE adding content which relies heavily on them.


Would adding additional night-based entities (Bolters ala Dying Light) and rare drops improve variety, keep players hooked and improve replay-ability? Sure, if implemented correctly. Balancing predictability vs challenge and ensuring events are not easily exploitable.


I am all for enhanced immersion, customization options and loot/event diversity. IMHO players put too much pressure on the blood moon horde, when there could and should be all sorts of challenging dynamic events, including nighttime ones. Probably because, prior to the quest/mission system, that was all we had. MMOs such as Rift, Warhammer and Guild Wars 2 all have many many dynamic events, but each also has their individual pitfalls and shortcomings. TFP have already taken the time to do dynamic events right, let's just hope they also have the right people focused on their particular areas of expertise...

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On 5/8/2020 at 12:02 AM, Cernwn said:

While I agree with the subject (and possibly intent) of this thread, the statement above is simply NOT true. ANY of our daytime activities can also be performed at night. It is just far more dangerous and possibly foolish (risk vs reward), especially at low gamestage and without the right gear.


Would polishing and fine-tuning the stealth and heat systems drastically improve perceived threat, immersion and therefore gameplay? Absolutely. These core systems also need to be completely finished BEFORE adding content which relies heavily on them.


Would adding additional night-based entities (Bolters ala Dying Light) and rare drops improve variety, keep players hooked and improve replay-ability? Sure, if implemented correctly. Balancing predictability vs challenge and ensuring events are not easily exploitable.


I am all for enhanced immersion, customization options and loot/event diversity. IMHO players put too much pressure on the blood moon horde, when there could and should be all sorts of challenging dynamic events, including nighttime ones. Probably because, prior to the quest/mission system, that was all we had. MMOs such as Rift, Warhammer and Guild Wars 2 all have many many dynamic events, but each also has their individual pitfalls and shortcomings. TFP have already taken the time to do dynamic events right, let's just hope they also have the right people focused on their particular areas of expertise...

I think you fully misunderstand but I apreciate your insult.

I dont want night time to be an apex of 'you can finally do what you do in the AM at night without risking death'
Night time apex shouldnt be just doing the same thing you do during the day.(But you have to wait to do so till you are geared)
 Thats boring.

(Do note, I simply said there is "NOTHING TO DO" you didnt counter that at all, just insulted me due to your own ignorance and ASSumed you knew when you didnt.)
If you think digging in a game all day is fun, more power to you. I do not, hence the post.

Everyone else, thank you very much for the mod suggestions and im definately gona give some of these a try!

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I like the idea of adding special zombies that only come out at night, and that can indeed be expanded/encouraged by having them drop something that can only be achieved this way.


Perhaps some kind of special infected zombie, that drops stem cells, or the like

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12 hours ago, Pichii said:

I think you fully misunderstand but I apreciate your insult.

@Pichii Could be wrong, but based on the sentence above, I think we are miscommunicating because English is not your primary language. Hyperbole/exaggeration = dishonesty in most parts of the world. This is truth. But some things are just lost in translation. Perhaps you simply chose the wrong words and mis-spoke, and I jumped to conclusions. Perhaps we just have radically different value systems.


I apologize for my overly blunt and emotionally insensitive assumptions, based on such. Hope you recognize that I agreed with almost everything in your suggestion, with caveats, and bear you no ill will. Your ideas have merit, and are valuable, regardless of whether I agree with them, or not. Peace be upon you, and all that...

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On 5/14/2020 at 3:59 PM, Cernwn said:

@Pichii Could be wrong, but based on the sentence above, I think we are miscommunicating because English is not your primary language. Hyperbole/exaggeration = dishonesty in most parts of the world. This is truth. But some things are just lost in translation. Perhaps you simply chose the wrong words and mis-spoke, and I jumped to conclusions. Perhaps we just have radically different value systems.


I apologize for my overly blunt and emotionally insensitive assumptions, based on such. Hope you recognize that I agreed with almost everything in your suggestion, with caveats, and bear you no ill will. Your ideas have merit, and are valuable, regardless of whether I agree with them, or not. Peace be upon you, and all that...

Please, continue to tell me how you know more about my opinion on a subject than I do. Im all ears. *rolls eyes*
You are free to have your opinion as am I.
Dont be a douche and go explaining my own opinion to me.... Like da fuq. YOURE rude.

Feel free to think im wrong all you like. Disagree that you enjoy punching rocks all you like.

In my opinion, there is nothing to do at night and I want more content in the darkness.
To me, night time shouldnt be about doing what you do in the day time.

I want giant boss mobs to come fight me.
I want new zeds that only come out a night so I have a reason to hunt in the dark.
I want to do more than just survive in this game. I want there to be an actual end game with things to do.


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