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Snukfin's Server Side vehicleS


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I found that that once you started enabling up down left right with a flying vehicle it became OP. The difficulty that comes with maneuvering the gyrocopter helps mitigate the advantages it offers.

Wasn't meant to rain on your parade; I like the use of the fans but I am not a fan of VTOL. 

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If you pick up the army truck it vanishes and if you place it you get this:

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.
If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "Entities/Cars/Army Truck_256087/Physics/Box1/tempPrefab_armyTruckPrefab/armyTruck", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "army_truck_collider"


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On 10/16/2020 at 9:00 AM, h0tr0d said:

If you pick up the army truck it vanishes and if you place it you get this:

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.
If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "Entities/Cars/Army Truck_256087/Physics/Box1/tempPrefab_armyTruckPrefab/armyTruck", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "army_truck_collider"


Yes, that's a biggie h0tr0d. The changes added to make this mod stable for A19 were simply the renaming of assets to their best current form and this appears to be something way beyond that and inherent to the Truck Model itself. Possibly one for the coders or devs to look at and edit unless the option is already built into the game as a 'cvar' type setting.


After attempting to place the Army Truck it was clear there were some collision issues as it was not easy to do. I didn't give it too much thought as this Army Truck was a functional decoration and served no other purpose. It doesn't seem to be rigged for any more than that.


You could spot the exact red error warning and this helps identify the issue. I expect the prefab itself probably requires the model being imported back into the Unity Editor to be changed. Other discussions suggest some modders have created an external script to run in the background to force the change in real time.


This issue seems to go way way back to 2015 with the release of Unity 5. I don't know how the Army Truck was used way back then but those unsupported collision properties remain. Moving forward on this will probably require collaboration with scripters or asking the devs if they would kindly update the model settings for the current unity build.


Edit for Discussion links: (An old and very recent posting - Seems to be a continual issue)



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On 10/9/2020 at 1:03 AM, arramus said:

I believe Snufkin is really busy at the moment with some stuff away from the game and can't dedicate the time on these projects but...


Here is a tentative update to restore compatibility for A19.




I tested this on a dedicated server and received the following load out messages.


This is a good thing. It wasn't always like this.



The updates so far are as follows:


Issue 1

The dedicated server produces this warning:

2020-10-09T15:20:45 111.077 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' failed
2020-10-09T15:20:45 111.077 EXC No item/block/material with name 'meleeThrownSpearSteelParts' existing
Exception: No item/block/material with name 'meleeThrownSpearSteelParts' existing
  at RecipesFromXml+<LoadRecipies>d__1.MoveNext () [0x00499] in <9f04a0ee08f84f3794a7468a839f2bb0>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <9f04a0ee08f84f3794a7468a839f2bb0>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: <9f04a0ee08f84f3794a7468a839f2bb0> Line: 0)

As the 'meleeThrownSpearSteelParts' no longer exists, it is commented out and replaced with 'meleeToolAllSteelParts' in

recipe name="HellBeast"


<!--ingredient name="meleeThrownSpearSteelParts" count="10"/--> to
<ingredient name="meleeToolAllSteelParts" count="10"/>

Issue 2

As with Issue 1 and with the same resolution.

Issue 3

As with Issue 1 and commented out and changed to:

<ingredient name="gunBotRoboticsParts" count="40"/>

Issue 4
Xui warning about inventory for "CustonVehicles"

2020-10-09T15:20:55 121.098 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "CustonVehicles" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowVehicleStorage']/grid[@name='inventory']/@rows"
2020-10-09T15:20:55 121.098 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "CustonVehicles" did not apply: <set xpath="/windows/window[@name='windowVehicleStorage']/grid[@name='inventory']/@cols"


Commented it all out.



There are probably other things to tweak but this gets it to being dedicated server stable and all the best if you can take it further or test it on your dedicated server.


Just a few pikkies.


The jet pack bugged a little at first spawn.



And then stabilised on next attempt. I shall watch the particles for issues as they can cause issues and we saw in some other mods.









I need a parachute instructor. I wonder if it has been implemented.



The recipes are taking well.


This the most updated version? just going to try it on a new play through. 

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@Dre Yes, that is the most updated version for A19. The Truck is unstable as it has a collision which is no longer supported by the Unity Engine since 2015........

A request in the 'bug' area has been posted about that though.


However, as an 'official' tester for the Snufkin Zombies, I shall send you the version that is not ready for public release until Snufkin gives the OK that includes the Whirligig as well. If you've already installed the other one, it's no problem to just replace it with the new one I'll send as it simply adds that new Whirligig set of assets on top of the existing files so any spawned vehicles will be safe and not cause any conflict.

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1 hour ago, arramus said:

@Dre Yes, that is the most updated version for A19. The Truck is unstable as it has a collision which is no longer supported by the Unity Engine since 2015........

A request in the 'bug' area has been posted about that though.


However, as an 'official' tester for the Snufkin Zombies, I shall send you the version that is not ready for public release until Snufkin gives the OK that includes the Whirligig as well. If you've already installed the other one, it's no problem to just replace it with the new one I'll send as it simply adds that new Whirligig set of assets on top of the existing files so any spawned vehicles will be safe and not cause any conflict.

Oh nice. I ran the other version for an hr or so tonight (without other players yet). No issues apart from an error with the truck (as you said) but could still place it (was a little finicky for placing) and use it just fine. I'll update it asap and run it tomorrow (just 3-4 of us now on this play through so doing client side server rather then the dedicated) 

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Hey, it seems to work fine and that is with Darkness falls mod running (with Snukfins weapons also, snukfin zombies had too many conflicts for me to sus out). I had to delete the loot.xml file as I was getting a conflict on 950 & 951 loot container numbers and wasn't sure what numbers would work (conflict with darkness mod), I'll look at the base root loot folders and fix it on another day.

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@Dre I just tested out the Darkness falls mod and it's a menagerie of characters in there. I couldn't help but go into CM and see what's on offer. I can really see the appeal. I always wondered about preassigned loot numbers and if they could be provided on the next available slot basis or if they had some deeper purpose.


I'm just looking at the loot container settings in Darkness Falls and it suggests 950 & 951 are taken by ZombieCheerleader demon and ZombieSoldier demon respectively. Looks like a 952 potential conflict as well with zombie utility demon. I was wondering if they could be changed and tagged on the end as 1024 and 1025, etc but there is a message that <!-- the max cap for lootcontainer id is 1023 --> at the very bottom of the loot.xml


Deleting may well let them fall back on their parent setting which is at least functional.

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56 minutes ago, arramus said:

@Dre I just tested out the Darkness falls mod and it's a menagerie of characters in there. I couldn't help but go into CM and see what's on offer. I can really see the appeal. I always wondered about preassigned loot numbers and if they could be provided on the next available slot basis or if they had some deeper purpose.


I'm just looking at the loot container settings in Darkness Falls and it suggests 950 & 951 are taken by ZombieCheerleader demon and ZombieSoldier demon respectively. Looks like a 952 potential conflict as well with zombie utility demon. I was wondering if they could be changed and tagged on the end as 1024 and 1025, etc but there is a message that <!-- the max cap for lootcontainer id is 1023 --> at the very bottom of the loot.xml


Deleting may well let them fall back on their parent setting which is at least functional.

Hey thanks arramus for looking into it. Wife would have killed me if I did any more "mod fildding" tonight (her favorite game currently), spent half the day yesterday trying mods to figure out what would work with DarknessFalls (reminds me of my last skyrim mod playthrough). I'll try out some higher loot numbers on another day. It works fine with no loot.xml for now as an easy work around.  Using the army truck right now (seems fine really apart from 1 mesh error, errors that don't result in a crash are ok :) ). 

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@oakraven kindly shared a replacement mesh fix for the Army Truck to offer a stable collision. Here is a link for an updated version of Snufkin's Server Side Vehicles for A19 - Stable.




The mesh change is as follows:


From (Commented out):

<!--property name="Meshfile" value="#Entities/Vehicles?Truck/armyTruckPrefab.prefab"/-->



<property name="Meshfile" value="#Entities/Vehicles?jeep_Prefab.prefab"/>


This restores Snufkin's Server Side Vehicles to as close to the original as possible with any changes to reflect updates and server stability. I could run this mod for over 2 weeks now on a dedicated server alongside Snufkin's Custom Zombies and a few other quality of life mods. The server has been stable without any critical console warnings.

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15 hours ago, arramus said:

This restores Snufkin's Server Side Vehicles to as close to the original as possible with any changes to reflect updates and server stability. I could run this mod for over 2 weeks now on a dedicated server alongside Snufkin's Custom Zombies and a few other quality of life mods. The server has been stable without any critical console warnings.

Our experience has been the same. We've been running this for almost 10 days now and unless the players have experienced issues they haven't reported, it's been very stable on our end. I haven't tinkered with it at all so I can't add much from an admin perspective, but it seems quite stable.

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  • 5 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, klausetc said:

Liking the look of this, and its EXACTLY what I feel like my players need. 

Now as for installation: Do I unzip the archive, then upload the contents into the Mods folder on the server, restart, and go?

Yes. Although the version here might have been updated more recently (not sure): Snufkin's Community Pack Server Side Vehicles - Mods - 7 Days to Die

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3 hours ago, klausetc said:

I accidently snipped it out, but this is in /7daysserver/Mods/Snufkin_CommunityPack_ServerSideVehicles_A19_Stable_2020Nov2/ directory.


Is this the correct location?



Here is a link to the updated version which contains some additional vehicles in addition to Snufkin's Base Vehicles.




Since the Nov 2nd release, there have been some additions and stability fixes and the above version offers a better experience.

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