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Is the new Stable or Exp the most up-to-date version?


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It went live without another tiny patch on exp.

That should be answer in itself.


If it adds anything more, its some additional bug fixes.

Balance changes are same.


While I appreciate the reply, I do not believe the fact it went live without another Exp update is an answer in itself.


You yourself state there could be bug fixes, thus this is the crux of the question, was anything changed from the latest Exp build to the newest Stable build.

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That is two different questions you answered yes to. That is like me asking it is Monday or Tuesday and you saying Yes.


I guess let me ask it this way: Does the new Stable build add, change, or modify anything that is not already in the latest Exp build?


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A17.1 stable == A17.1 b7 experimental > anything else.


You mean 18 not 17 right?


Also, the latest Exp build is b6, I just check, HENCE THE QUESTION.

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That is two different questions you answered yes to. That is like me asking it is Monday or Tuesday and you saying Yes.


I guess let me ask it this way: Does the new Stable build add, change, or modify anything that is not already in the latest Exp build?


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You mean 18 not 17 right?


Also, the latest Exp build is b6, I just check, HENCE THE QUESTION.


Yes with A17->18, my mistake.


b7 > b6. Look at the numbers, they tell you exactly what is newer because they are orderded. I'm sure if experimental is still at version b6 though it will be b7 in a very short time (the delay is most likely on steams side). Because work continues and only experimental will get new stuff inserted


Experimental is the train moving, stable is a picture taken of it at a specific time, frozen there for eternity. Am I getting too flowery in my speech? :fat:

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You can stay on experimental or go to stable and be playing the most current. As soon as the devs push the next build slated for 18.2 to experimental you’ll be ahead. If you want to get the next round of changes as soon as they’re pushed, then remain on experimental. Until then you’ll be playing the same version as stable.

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