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Welcome to Hell mod alpha 17.2


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The version of the mod is alpha 17.2 A big shoutout to the 7d2d modding community for all their hard work keeping the modding community alive

I've added Alot of things that the 7 days to die community has come out with the list is to long to name it all

I would Not suggest staying at the trader long make your visits quick zombies CAN break into the traders and kill you, Don't worry too much about the zombies i haven't made them where you can't out run them as i did in 16.4 I have Made The normal weapons A bit more rare due to Vanilla having too many weapons drop in boxes , Dedicated servers do not need any special DLL to put this mod up on their server as there's no SDX involved If you would be interested in using my mod on a server here's the link https://gitlab.com/army.bratt44/alpha-17.2-welcome-to-hell-version-3.0 To contact me via email you can contact me : [email protected]

Here's a few Previews of my mod that i posted on twitter Kind of a teaser type thing https://twitter.com/armybratt44/status/1103335625619582977









Enjoy and see you in the Apocalypse!

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  • 3 weeks later...

​Can someone help to find out where the Issues is from (Modlet, Script) ?


ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[XUiController].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_CategoryList.SetCategoryEntry (Int32 index, System.String categoryName, System.String spriteName, System.String displayName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_CategoryList.SetupCategoriesByWorkstation (System.String workstation) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_SkillWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GUIWindowManager.Open (.GUIWindow _w, Boolean _bModal, Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GUIWindowManager.Open (System.String _windowName, Boolean _bModal, Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_WindowSelector.OpenSelectedWindow () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_WindowSelector.HandleOnPress (.XUiController _sender, System.EventArgs _e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.OnPressed (.OnPressEventArgs _e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Pressed (Int32 mouseButton) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiView.OnClick (UnityEngine.GameObject _go) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIEventListener.OnClick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

UnityEngine.GameObject:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)

UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)

UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)








ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[XUiController].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_CategoryList.SetCategoryEntry (Int32 index, System.String categoryName, System.String spriteName, System.String displayName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_CategoryList.SetupCategoriesBasedOnItems (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 items, Boolean hasSecretStash) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_TraderWindow.GetItemStackData (System.String _name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_TraderWindow.RefreshTraderItems () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_TraderWindow.OnOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_TraderWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiWindowGroup.OnOpen () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GUIWindowManager.Open (.GUIWindow _w, Boolean _bModal, Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GUIWindowManager.Open (System.String _windowName, Boolean _bModal, Boolean _bIsNotEscClosable, Boolean _bCloseAllOpenWindows) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.traderOpened (.TileEntityTrader _te, .LocalPlayerUI _playerUI) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.TELockServer (Int32 _clrIdx, Vector3i _blockPos, Int32 _lootEntityId, Int32 _entityIdThatOpenedIt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at EntityNPC.StartTrading (.EntityPlayer _player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DialogActionTrader.PerformAction (.EntityPlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Dialog.SelectResponse (.DialogResponse response, .EntityPlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_DialogResponseList.OnPressResponse (.XUiController _sender, .OnPressEventArgs _e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.OnPressed (.OnPressEventArgs _e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Pressed (Int32 mouseButton) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiView.OnClick (UnityEngine.GameObject _go) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UIEventListener.OnClick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

UnityEngine.GameObject:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)

UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)

UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)





(Filename: Line: -1)


Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer

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Ran into the same thing. I tried adding more than 8 Attributes which caused it. Apparently you may not be able to have more than 8. It seems to be hardcoded.


Just another example of all this power Pimps have given us modders.


Hi Jax i thing you are right.


Ok, reduce the bug with the skills, but the errorl with the Trader has occurred.

Can't find the issues.


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Hi Jax i thing you are right.


Ok, reduce the bug with the skills, but the errorl with the Trader has occurred.

Can't find the issues.



I tried adding tier 7 quests to custom POI's that were built by a friend and I but I don't think i did it right I will look into the issue and find the sorcer of the problem and fix it

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I might of done something wrong I'm thinking it was the wandering traders or one of the other modlets that was added But they have been removed from the mod since they were even causing me issues as I didn't learn until yesterday the wandering traders and bandets require SDX .. that's the power of learning something new every day... Last night Had a Player(streamer) remove the Sorcery updated version from my mod because he thought he installed the wrong mod LOL

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Guys i know what the issue was it was something to do with the storage modlet that has been removed , And Soon i will be uploading a set of Custom built POI's made by a good friend of mine but you may have to adjust the blocks according to your mod as I have added a few things into the game that vanilla doesn't have ( Raising garage doors& Jail doors )

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Ran into the same thing. I tried adding more than 8 Attributes which caused it. Apparently you may not be able to have more than 8. It seems to be hardcoded.


Just another example of all this power Pimps have given us modders.


You can. I had 25. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

No I've just used the mod launcher to install this mod. Didn't change anything. It says that SDX is required so it downloads that and then I get the missing dependencies error.


There are some other issues with this mod.

2019-04-15T16:49:50 551.522 WRN Block 'Music_Box_Off[T]' over downgrade limit
2019-04-15T16:49:50 551.522 WRN Block 'Music_Box_Town[T]' over downgrade limit
2019-04-15T16:49:50 551.522 WRN Block 'Music_Box_Upbeat[T]' over downgrade limit
2019-04-15T16:49:50 551.522 WRN Block 'Cobblestone_Full[T]' over downgrade limit
2019-04-15T16:49:50 551.522 WRN Block 'Bee_Box[T]' over downgrade limit
2019-04-15T16:49:51 552.205 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "HDHQGuns" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='weaponsShotgun+ammo']/item[@name='ammoShotgunShell']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:51 552.205 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "HDHQGuns" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='weaponsMP5+ammo']/item[@name='ammo9mmBullet']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:51 552.205 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "HDHQGuns" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='weaponsAK47+ammo']/item[@name='ammo762mmBulletFMJ']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:51 552.206 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "HDHQGuns" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='weaponsHuntingRifle+ammo']/item[@name='ammo762mmBulletFMJ']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:51 552.206 WRN XML patch for "loot.xml" from mod "HDHQGuns" did not apply: <insertAfter xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='weaponsSniperRifle+ammo']/item[@name='ammo762mmBulletFMJ']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.340 WRN XML patch for "traders.xml" from mod "BORDERLANDZ Changes for Manux CustomVehicles" did not apply: <insertBefore xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='vehicleParts']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.340 WRN XML patch for "traders.xml" from mod "BORDERLANDZ Changes for Manux CustomVehicles" did not apply: <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='vehicleParts']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.346 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.346 EXC Duplicate lootlist entry with id 6
Exception: Duplicate lootlist entry with id 6
 at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderInfo (System.Xml.XmlElement e) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at TradersFromXml.ParseNode (System.Xml.XmlNode root) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at TradersFromXml.LoadTraderInfo (.XmlFile xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData.LoadTraders (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
 at WorldStaticData+<loadSingleXml>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

(Filename:  Line: -1)

2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.493 WRN XML patch for "XUi/styles.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_Tweaks" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_Tweaks'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\styles.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.592 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_CompassCenterHighlight" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_CompassCenterHighlight'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.593 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_CompassStats" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_CompassStats'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.595 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_MenuStats" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_MenuStats'][@version='1.0.4'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.596 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_MenuTime" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_MenuTime'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.597 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_PlayerStats" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_PlayerStats'][@version='1.0.7'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.598 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_SkillP1_SkillPointsTopLeft" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_SkillP1_SkillPointsTopLeft'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.599 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ToolbeltSlotNumbers" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ToolbeltSlotNumbers'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.600 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP1_ZombieKills" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP1_ZombieKills'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.601 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP2_ZombieKillsDeaths" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP2_ZombieKillsDeaths'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.602 WRN XML patch for "XUi/windows.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP3_ZombieKillsDeathsPlayerKills" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP3_ZombieKillsDeathsPlayerKills'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\windows.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.631 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_MenuStats" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_MenuStats'][@version='1.0.4'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.631 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_MenuTime" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_MenuTime'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.632 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_PlayerStats" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_PlayerStats'][@version='1.0.7'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.633 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_SkillP1_SkillPointsTopLeft" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_SkillP1_SkillPointsTopLeft'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.633 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ToolbeltSlotNumbers" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ToolbeltSlotNumbers'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.633 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP1_ZombieKills" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP1_ZombieKills'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.634 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP2_ZombieKillsDeaths" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP2_ZombieKillsDeaths'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.634 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP3_ZombieKillsDeathsPlayerKills" did not apply: <remove xpath="/Successfully_Loaded[@modname='RELXIX_UI_ZDP3_ZombieKillsDeathsPlayerKills'][@version='1.0.3'][@filename='\Config\XUi\xui.xml']" 
2019-04-15T16:49:56 557.635 WRN XML patch for "XUi/xui.xml" from mod "RELXIX_UI_ZDP3_ZombieKillsDeathsPlayerKills" did not apply: <remove xpath="/xui/ruleset[@name='default']/window_group[@name='toolbelt']/window[@name='window_RELXIXUI_ZKIcoChng']" 


And there's an issue with the textures (some objects). Not sure what it is but they don't look like they should.

Edit: apparently the above can be fixed by turning off texture streaming

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