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Tin's Modlet Tweaks


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Added new Dynamic Player system.

Changed name and updated the Hunting modlet.


Regarding the Terrain gen: It will at times throw Object references, but will still complete. This is a result of the system trying to find rwg Bridge tiles, because of the extra water bodies I added, and is trying to place those tiles that they didn't add. You can also close the DM by hitting close, when the object references pop up, but just sit back and let it go. It doesn't stop it from completing, and being able to play the map ;) and it's 17.4 compatible.


2019-07-27T11:05:22 6.523 INF Block IDs withOUT mapping

2019-07-27T11:05:22 6.523 INF BlockIDs linear

2019-07-27T11:05:23 7.292 INF Item IDs withOUT mapping

2019-07-27T11:05:23 7.292 INF ItemIDs linear

HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.585 INF Generating county 'Old Funovo Valley' using world seed '-349358991'. World size (16384x16384)

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.588 INF Started thread RWG

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.591 ERR Exception in thread RWG:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.595 INF Exited thread RWG

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.643 INF WorldGenerator:Exporting Generated Data

2019-07-27T11:05:27 11.644 INF WorldGenerator:Exporting Generated Data: Writing Terrain to Heightmap

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object



And it dies at that point, world does not get generated. I tried a couple of different seeds, always the same thing. Is there anything special to getting this to work other than copying rwgmixer.xml over?

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Hmm, I wonder if it has something to do with you generating a 16k world.. I tried 16k and it worked fine for me. let me try you seed, and see if I get the same thing..


I notice that your rwgmixer.xml is only 17K, where the vanilla is about 48K. Yours replaces the vanilla, right? Also FWIW I'm running this on a linux dedicated server.

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This is a modlet version so if you place the unzipped modlet into the 7DTD/mods folder and start a new save then it works fine, if you have overwitten the rwgmixer.xml in the data folder then it will not work and you will need to restore the original file.


Edit : Noticed the linux server post so ammended reply



Hope this helps

Ragsy !!

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This is a modlet version so if you place the unzipped modlet into the 7DTD/mods folder and start a new save then it works fine, if you have overwitten the rwgmixer.xml in the data folder then it will not work and you will need to restore the original file.


Edit : Noticed the linux server post so ammended reply



Hope this helps

Ragsy !!


Huh...I had no idea that was what you did with them....ok, now it's generating a world.


I noticed the zip file had a Tins_TerrainGen_Modlet directory and in it was another Tins_TerrainGen_Modlet directory, and under that the mod files. Is this double layer of Tins_TerrainGen_Modlet directory intentional?

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So I'm using both Terain Gen V2 and Alternat Street Layouts modlets. Running on a Linux dedicated server. Generatating a 16K world. It seems to be working, this time no errors, which is very good. Current version seems to have fixed the errors I was getting. I'll let it run a bit and see what kind of a world we get.

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Cool. Hopefully you get something to your liking. I mean I like it, minus the limitations I need to work around.

Hopefully when a18 drops, I can really take the handcuffs off, and don't need to work around any limitations anymore.

-Or their "new stuff" is just so good, I don't want to change it up much :D


It generated with no errors. Only took about 30 minutes to generate. I'll run through it a bit and let you know what I think.


Here is a prediction of the future: A18.0 (or A18.1, which ever they call the first release) will have some fantastic RWG potential, but due to the time constraints necessitated by getting everything else done and working and out the door, they won't actually have time to tweak the generation process to produce the awesome worlds that it is capable of. At which point we all sit back and wait for A18.3/4/5, or just wait for you to step up and do your magic :-).


A18.3 or A18.4 will finally have some amazing RWG output. The potential is there, but using the tools to make really good RWG maps is a very time consuming process, time the TFP probably won't invest before they push the first A18 release. I can't imagine how many hours you have invested in your projects, the Dying Lands, your modlets, etc. As a software developer, I can appreciate the time commitment this kind of stuff takes.

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Well, today I learned to RTFM when doing this because I forgot to unzip your modlets LOL. I'm running around the world thinking, this really looks like vanilla RWG. Boring cities, boring terrains, nothing out of the ordinary. Except no roads. No roads. I thought they fixed that? Nope, roads dead end at the edge of the city. That was what led me to look at log file and sure enough, no mods loaded.


OK, wiped world, unzipped your files, start again...

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Hello Tin,


I little while ago (Actually almost exactly one month ago) I posted in the Discord looking for info on how the Terrain Generator worked, I was looking to add bigger lakes, and Guppycur suggest to check you out, so far, looking through your Mod it looks like it would do what I was actually trying to do.


I am going to try to compare everything as best as I can to understand how the Terrain Generator works, but I am having a lot of trouble with it, a lot of it is trial and error and guess work.


So my question is, would it be possible for you to comment your Mod with simple descriptions on stuff? If you have the time that is, to help us out?


Something like this:

<!-- This module controls how.... -->
<module name="wtrPos_Fr0" type="FastRidgedMultifractal" seed_additive="110">
  <property name="frequency" value="0.0039"/> <!-- Quick Simple Info -->
  <property name="persistence" value="0.9"/> <!-- Quick Simple Info -->
  <property name="octavecount" value="1"/> <!-- Quick Simple Info -->


Just by looking at it, frequency to me seems how often it occurs, and persistence is the range it has (like how far it will extend for that module, octavecount, this I have not any clue, and I don't even know what the module name is (like what is is actually doing), it is not as simple as knowing block names for stuff, and if it is, I have no clue where to start.


I don't need anything over explained, I am pretty sure I can figure it out with quick short explanations.


But, either way, I hope your mod helps me get a little further than what I have been able to do myself.

I have a pretty good grasp on editing most of the xmls (most are pretty straight forward), this really has been my one big hurdle, this part of the RWG.


And Many Thanks for your work on this,


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