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CCTVs - V1 Vanilla version


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To decrease fps drop per camera, I need to reduce how much each camera renders at once. Think of a camera as a player. The player can reduce his rendering distance in video settings and us to be able to reduce field of view as well. Currently rendering distance is 100 and FOV is 80. Next release I thought I would reduce draw distance to 60 and FOV to 60. I could increase pan degrees if needed to compensate for reduced fov but will need input on that.

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Think of each camera is a player. Some amount of cpu driving the server component is getting extra load. But yea I was surprised at how much it hit. Perhaps with custom code you could isolate the impact more but I'm using the humble switch class to do all this. I'm sure its angry about the extra workload. Also, the game is built on rendering layers, like terrain layer etc. It is possible to turn off some layers to reduce load but it can have strange appearances if you turn off the wrong layers.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Version 1.3 pushed. Small cameras render out to 50 blocks and large cameras render out to 100 blocks. Increased panning arc and reduced FOV to 30. Removed HDR rendering and removed AntiAliasing on the cams.


Testing on moderate and powerful rigs indicate you will get a small improvement in your FPS now rather than a major decrease. Go figure. Let me know how your testing goes. As this version is a worst case baseline version, we can improve things if we want some small FPS hit per cam.

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Version 1.41 pushed. Increased the screen resolution with apparently a tiny FPS impact. 512x256 native resolution per camera screen now, up from 256x256 scaled . Distance and close up detail is improved. Angled camera down 10 degrees to reduce sky rendering. Changed material properties to reduce fog effect and glare. Still has a little biome overlay that I can't completely defeat but it is improved.


Version 1.31 which has lower resolution is still available on Nexus if you can't handle the tiny FPS hit. This older version does not have the above enhancements. If folks really can't use 1.41, let me know and I can revisit that version.


VSync should be off or you may get a greater FPS hit.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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So let me get this straight, these cameras are vanilla and don't require everyone on the server to download/install it?


It is vanilla but if hosted on a dedicated server, then it needs a client install as well. Any modlet that is more than pure xml needs a client load.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello I'm having a small problem I'm using Alpha 17.4 (b4) and i installed the CCTV modlet using a test game i got the 0-3 tv and camera to work then tried the 4-7 tv and camera and the tv doesn't work, and now neither work i noticed a error when placing a camera in console its yellow text that says Animator.GotoState: State could not be found Invalid Layer Index '-1' wondering if anyone knew how to fix it or if there's CCTV for 17.4? Thank you in advance for any help

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That warning message wont effect anything and is an artifact of using the electric switch code to drive the CCTVs. What "doesnt work"? If the cameras are too far from the screens they wont work. If the screens and cameras are not initially connected to a wire (next you can disconnect but they need a wire attached at least once) they wont work.

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  • 2 months later...
Let me know if this mod is still usable in A18. Camera panning seemed to stop so if I port this to A18 I may need to remove panning and increase fov. If the modlet is still worth having I will push an A18 version.


it does work and cameras pan just fine. the only problem is the dark overlay.

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