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More decorations/painting options for endgame content


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Ok so maybe I'm alone here, but I feel the painting got nerfed in A17 with far less options. Also i notice you cant craft some decorations anymore. example a15 and a16 i could craft refrigerators - not anymore.


dont get me wrong. i have 3000 zombie kills currently on my friends server. usually on a playthrough the first hundred levels i'm focusing on practical matters such as building a base that can survive the horde and looting and levelling up. eventually i get to a point where base is self sufficient with my farms up and forges going and cement mixer mixing. at that point i want to make the base look pretty lol.


I was thinking that painting/decorations could also incentivize players to do endgame content. for example, you could have crafting recipes for decorations/painting in tier IV and V POIs. a lot of people say its not worth it to do POIs anymore. i think adding unique decorations and trophies you can loot from POIs (and unavailable via trader) would make it more lucrative. like perhaps theres a rare pinball machine, or a rare arcade machine. you could have more selection variety of paintings. perhaps unique weapon and armor skins (rarer dyes) and then also be able to craft weapon/armor display stands like in skyrim


am i the only one that wants this?

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I am all for added décor once they have the base Game fleshed out. More colors in the paint alone would be a nice start.


I am one of those players who builds a bedroom, a lounge and a "War Room" with table, chairs and chalkboard for planning sessions. Does it serve any purpose? Other than killing some time, no, but that is really why I play a video game, to kill some time.

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No you're not alone in wanting this and I also have no clue why they actually removed creative decorating options. Madmole is an artist. Wth was he thinking taking away our pretties!


I get the impression that the alpha 17 was released in a hurry and therefore half of it is missing. Roland wrote yesterday that there are about 300 mods in development. I hope there are some for something other than weapons. I'm annoyed that weapons have moved so much into the foreground.

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I'd love to get more clean textures and textures that use another scaling method. The current scaling leads to odd-looking patterns which make it even harder to create a pretty base:





I guess it could be related to the new texture streaming technique or to another technical changes introduced in A17. Hopefully, the fun pimps intend to fix that at some point. The lack of clean-looking textures might be an optimization issue, I dunno but afaik we have 255 texture slots for the brush and ~173 of those slots are in use atm. So there's still room for more stuff.

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Yes, i think so too. They don´t insert new Textures, they are transforming the good looking Textures with every new Version in an bad looking Version. I can´t work at moment on my Prefabs cause in every new Version is a big changing Texture ^^. I will hope they let us some of the better Textures and insert new ones, but the finished Version will show if it is interesting to build new Prefabs. Up to now i must change my old Manor three times. Now when they changed the Burned Texture it is looking again as rubbish. Now i will wait and hope if they let us the Textures as they are, or change the rest of them into ugly. Then i must cancel the Manor.

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ah yes i too noticed that some of the paint such as oak wainscoting look really weird when applied across multiple blocks. i've noticed that with stainless steel as well


also disappointing is that in a17, the concrete colors have a texture that make it like an old dilapidated fallout base - in a16 they really looked like a fresh coat of paint.

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The top and bottom Refrigerator and the dresser are missing from the creative menu. They have dressers in the game, but we cant add new ones into the game anymore. I dont understand why they did that.


I think it was Roland who said that the fridges will return.

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Base customization is very important especially in late game. People should have the freedom to customize their base and express their individuality. You can mod decorations into the game by editing the recipe.xml but I think they should be in the game by default. It really is a quick process (take less than a minture or two) so I don't see why this hasn't been done yet.

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