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Improvements for the dedicated server


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After the last update rev. 273 (8_10_13_1) (2016-05-11) i get errors in my consol. like this.


2016-05-16 13:09:54 say "[a5df92]Type /news to guess what. NEWS!!"

2016-05-16 13:09:54 313092.206 INF Executing command 'say "[a5df92]Type /news to guess what. NEWS!!"' by Telnet from

2016-05-16 13:09:54 313092.206 ERR [MODS] Error while executing ChatMessage on mod "Coppis command additions"

2016-05-16 13:09:54 MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player.get_MaxChatLength'.

2016-05-16 13:09:54 313092.207 INF Chat: 'Server': Type /news to guess what. NEWS!!


And if i remove folder "CoppisAdditions" no errors comes. But ofcause the Coppis commands are gone :/


Hope you have time to look in to it, and if you need more info. please ask for it.


Best regards



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Hello Alloc,


I just overwrited with the updated and rebooted the 7d2d. This time I have stop the server, downloaded the alloc fixes again. delete what i had in Mods folder and installed the newest version.


Reboot the computer and trying to see if all works. All up and running.. and it works. So always remember to delete the old files first i guess.


BTW!.. thanks for the fast reply.. :congratulatory:


Best regards



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... So always remember to delete the old files first i guess. ....

I rather assume you're running Windows and tried to replace the mod while the server was still running ;)

Windows doesn't allow write access to files that are currently "in use". Stopping + overwriting should work fine normally :)

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I would like to get some explanation about how getplayersonline works, especially the level value, because it doesn't give back any clear number. Long time ago when I used to get player informations I already got the correct level value, but not now.


So the URL is: by http://SERVERIP:PORT+2/api/getplayersonline


Few for examples:

1. Player who is level 1 has "level":2.14105224609375

2. Player who is level 10 has "level":4.41086483001709

3. Player who is level 2 has "level":3.51833271980286

4. Player who is level 2 has "level":2.94113373756409


I don't see any system in the values, so how can I get back the correct number of level?



Edited by rocco (see edit history)
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Without seeing any more of the log I'd suspect it happened when a player was kicked right on login. If so that's harmless.


It crashed our server; well caused it to hang. I figured it was due to too many people logging in/out at the same time.


Yet it was the last entry in the log before we "hung"


Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- well hung

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It crashed our server; well caused it to hang. I figured it was due to too many people logging in/out at the same time.


Yet it was the last entry in the log before we "hung"

Unlikely to be caused by the mod here. More likely within the game itself. At this point the mod simply says it has a null-ref where there should be none and is done, passing control back to the game.

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First of all: I recommend adding a second post in such situations over editing the existing one. While the forum will combine those anyway subscribers will get a notification for that addition unlike with a normal edit. In this case I only noticed your questions because of Wyze's post ;)



I want to ask someting, can we get the ping also for players informations?

Wonder why I didn't have ping in there yet anyway ... Will be in the next release. The player info APIs will probably get bigger updates anyway though when I start with the player list web module.



How is about the public server informations? It could be really nice if we can get those via Alloc's API.

You mean GamePrefs like with GG? Or the info that's available on the server browser (basically part of GamePrefs + some game status like current players + time)?

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1, You are right.

2, Thanks.

3, Server informations, like server name, map name, game settings which available on the server browser, etc. (actually the player informations and time are available now, both can be reached by commands).

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Having trouble getting the master list of items. Here is an example of what I've tried:


li *

2016-05-21T12:28:07 72355.380 INF Executing command 'li *' by Telnet from

Listed 0 matching items.


listitems *

2016-05-21T12:28:21 72369.286 INF Executing command 'listitems *' by Telnet from

Listed 0 matching items.



2016-05-21T12:28:24 72372.367 INF Executing command 'listitems' by Telnet from

Usage: listitems <searchString>


listitems "*"

2016-05-21T12:30:28 72496.660 INF Executing command 'listitems "*"' by Telnet from

Listed 0 matching items.


Not sure if it is a bug or I'm just missing something? Thanks for the mod BTW, crazy helpful!

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li * gives me:

Listed 1588 matching items.


my version:

Game version: Alpha 14.6 (b26) Compatibility Version: Alpha 14.6
Mod Allocs command extensions: 8
Mod Allocs server fixes: 11
Mod Allocs MapRendering and Webinterface: 13
Mod Coppis command additions: 1
Mod Server Tools: 3.2

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That's weird, I'm on the latest 8_11_14_1... no idea what would be wrong. It wouldn't be a permissions issue (I don't think?) as I'm running these commands on the telnet connection.


Doing a match works, just not listing all for me.


listitems wrench
2016-05-21T13:34:38 76346.575 INF Executing command 'listitems wrench' by Telnet from
Listed 2 matching items.

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It seems that the '*' glob isn't being expanded. It's doing a literal search for the asterisk character, hence no matches. I don't know what would cause this, I suppose it could be client side (the telnet console is quoting the asterisk) or server side (the receiving machine is not expanding the asterisk). I'd test the local machine with a terminal/cmd and see if file globbing is working: (ls /*) or windows equivalent (DIR C:\*)?

I didn't know there was a later webinterface version, will look into it.

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It seems that the '*' glob isn't being expanded. It's doing a literal search for the asterisk character, hence no matches. I don't know what would cause this, I suppose it could be client side (the telnet console is quoting the asterisk) or server side (the receiving machine is not expanding the asterisk). I'd test the local machine with a terminal/cmd and see if file globbing is working: (ls /*) or windows equivalent (DIR C:\*)?

I didn't know there was a later webinterface version, will look into it.



Yeah, wildcards are working just fine. I tried your suggestion (Windows) to test and I can do a directory wildcard search just fine.


So... still not sure. But thank you for helping!

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PS: Actually running "version" doesn't necessarily give the correct information either, as the XML might have been replaced whereas the DLL might not if it was opened during the update. In this specific case running "help showinventory" might be the better one as it will either contain "[tag]" at the end of the command line (new one) or not (old mod).

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PS: Actually running "version" doesn't necessarily give the correct information either, as the XML might have been replaced whereas the DLL might not if it was opened during the update. In this specific case running "help showinventory" might be the better one as it will either contain "[tag]" at the end of the command line (new one) or not (old mod).


That was it Alloc! Thank you for the help! I have no idea why the files didn't overwrite correctly (as I made sure the server was shutdown), but... I can accept I did something wrong. ;) It works as expected now. Thanks again @zigstum and @Alloc!

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One bug and one request.


Bug: The command tooglechatcommandhide is misspelled and should be togglechatcommandhide.


Request: When a player that is muted attempts to chat, please list the entire string as it would have been, but with a prefix that it was muted. Right now, there is no player name associated with the chat text, and I could use that information. =)


Thanks again!

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Thanks, missed that one when importing Coppi's stuff :)


When a player that is muted attempts to chat, please list the entire string as it would have been, but with a prefix that it was muted. Right now, there is no player name associated with the chat text, and I could use that information.

Not sure what you mean. Currently there is no output whatsoever on chat from a muted player. You mean add a line to the log? Can you give an example of what you mean? :)

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Thanks, missed that one when importing Coppi's stuff :)



Not sure what you mean. Currently there is no output whatsoever on chat from a muted player. You mean add a line to the log? Can you give an example of what you mean? :)


Sure, as an example I typed the command "!hello" and this is displayed in the console:


2016-05-21 16:44:01 1793.410 INF GameMessage handled by mod: !hello


It's good that it isn't in the chat as it shouldn't be, but I'd like to be able to tell WHO sent that message like any other chat message that is displayed in the console. So something like:


2016-05-21 16:44:01 1793.410 INF GameMessage handled by mod [MUTED]: 'Trekkan': !hello


That way I could parse out who sent it via telnet, etc.


Thanks much!

Edited by Trekkan (see edit history)
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