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This game is at last fun for my friends and I.


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Starting over, and searching for books was so boring.

Crafting 1000s of stone stuff for skills up so boring.

Same for clothing.



I love this new system, I love digging zombies. I love how loot feels great, and searching houses is fun. I love love love this version.




However, this is a big one...This game runs so badly that It hurts.



I got a 3,200 dollar computer. Like, top of the line stuff. I9-9900k overclock to 5.0ghz. Rtx 2080 ti gaming oc 11g. And G.Skill Trident Z DDR4-3000 32GB. My monitor is a Acer Predator (2560x1440) NVIDIA G-SYNC 144Hz




I am not giving this info to brag, but I am giving it to show what I have and how badly this game has become for me to play. I am getting freeze up, and 40fps in some buildings, outside it goes up to 50.




Please, I am begging you. I know that it is alpha, i know more features are to come..but could you please please please optimize just a little?

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Starting over, and searching for books was so boring.

Crafting 1000s of stone stuff for skills up so boring.

Same for clothing.



Correct. Which is why everyone in the forums made suggestions how to fix it, while still keeping the "learning by doing" approach (you know... like skyrim) if it was balanced right, it would have been FAR superior to whatever they will be able to do with leveling and perkpoints.



*edit* and yes... performance is aweful.

What helped me was reducing tree quality to medium. gave me nearly 10 fps

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Correct. Which is why everyone in the forums made suggestions how to fix it, while still keeping the "learning by doing" approach (you know... like skyrim) if it was balanced right, it would have been FAR superior to whatever they will be able to do with leveling and perkpoints.



*edit* and yes... performance is aweful.

What helped me was reducing tree quality to medium. gave me nearly 10 fps


Either way, I still enjoy this system. I like going out to kill zombies for skills. Before it was boring, and we just group up zombies and kite them away.


I just want the game to run better.

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Doing nothing but killing zombies to learn how to do stuff is also pretty boring.


Madmole wants specilizations but there's a few perks that are literally so mandatory everyone has to have them. I don't want to build so heavy into STR, but I have to for packmule.


Maybe, but that depends on taste. Making zombies matter more really makes me happy, as the number one problem I had was that zombies was not worth messing with unless we have too.

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Maybe, but that depends on taste. Making zombies matter more really makes me happy, as the number one problem I had was that zombies was not worth messing with unless we have too.


This is what, in my humble opinion, is wrong with A17.


Zombies shouldn't be something you go hunting.


In prior Alpha's Zombies were a "Loot Delivery Service". A17 fixed that, by removing loot from all but a small percentage of zombie kills.


However, A17 still leaves them as an "XP Delivery Service". This is a probably inevitable consequence of actually having XP.


Zombies, being the games primary threat, ought to be something you should actively avoid, wherever possible. They shouldn't be something people are looking forward to.


Zombies should have zero loot, and be worth zero XP. Want loot? Go exploring. Want "XP"? Go use your tools, weapons, armors, and through that use, learn (eventually) how to make better tools, weapons, armors.


Anyway, don't get me wrong, I'm glad you (and your friends) are enjoying A17. :-)


I just think an "XP free" progression system would be better than what we now have.

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Maybe, but that depends on taste. Making zombies matter more really makes me happy, as the number one problem I had was that zombies was not worth messing with unless we have too.


fun fact:

A17 was meant to REDUCE interactivity/intent to kill zombies.

Thats why they removed most of the loot. Zombies should be a threat and not "a walking piniata that comes to you"

(to me that shows that even if players find something fun in A17, it is more unintended rather than intended :D)


And I'm happy for you if you have fun ;) I truely am.

Even though I feel that most players like you will find this new system boring and limiting after the first few weeks of fun ;)

I don't hope that this will be the case... but all the systems imply so.


- - - Updated - - -


Zombies shouldn't be something you go hunting.


I actually disagree, but I like that you see how they undermined their own descicion so badly, that it actually got worse :D

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Turning off reflections also helps performance.



This helped, and turning trees down helped.



I now get 90fps outside, and 70ish inside.





I also notice, I am not sure why but torches seems to be a light source that tanks my fps a little, it is not too bad, but it drops down to 50s near them.




Also I can understand the point about the zombies. I always enjoyed killing zombies, and never really cared about loot.

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Starting over, and searching for books was so boring.

Crafting 1000s of stone stuff for skills up so boring.

Same for clothing.



I love this new system, I love digging zombies. I love how loot feels great, and searching houses is fun. I love love love this version.




However, this is a big one...This game runs so badly that It hurts.



I got a 3,200 dollar computer. Like, top of the line stuff. I9-9900k overclock to 5.0ghz. Rtx 2080 ti gaming oc 11g. And G.Skill Trident Z DDR4-3000 32GB. My monitor is a Acer Predator (2560x1440) NVIDIA G-SYNC 144Hz




I am not giving this info to brag, but I am giving it to show what I have and how badly this game has become for me to play. I am getting freeze up, and 40fps in some buildings, outside it goes up to 50.




Please, I am begging you. I know that it is alpha, i know more features are to come..but could you please please please optimize just a little?


That's really odd. Mine runs just as good as your with a FAR lesser system.


!7 - 860 at 2.8 gghtz


16 gig ram - slow ram even at 667

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