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Everything posted by Ricowan

  1. The pimps have nerfed UI modding all to hell. It's no longer possible to add XP and other info to the UI with XML right now.
  2. The pimps have nerfed the hell out of UI modding. I posted a thread in the Pimp Dreams asking for UI modlet support be added back into the game, you can comment there or add your own Pimp Dreams thread.
  3. 6k map, seed is "IceColdPepsi", no advanced terrain generation changes.
  4. Bravo Fun Pimps, bravo! Spawned into a new game, turned around, and this:
  5. I've finally uploaded my modlets to GitHub and updated the upload links. Hopefully this fixes all the link issues! Added modlet to change the open/close times for all traders.
  6. TFP has removed our options... each time we get a new Alpha, we lose more and more ability to add information to the UI. A20 removed our ability to use any of the Info screen data in the UI itself, A19 had the ability to use some of it, A18 had much more. This is why I have posted here, requesting that TFP add it back. That's what "again" means.
  7. It's a multiblock. Press R and choose a different shape, the writable shape is now default (as it should be, in my opinion), but the other shapes are still there.
  8. I think all that's needed for this is to remove the entity lines from each entitygroup in entitygroups.xml where the entity name is "animalZombieDog" or "animalDireWolf" (assuming you meant the dire wolf and not the normal one). If you're still having trouble with your own edits, I can take a swing at creating a modlet tomorrow.
  9. Regarding trader quests... I very rarely even do one per day as it is, and I've played that way since traders were introduced. So, if you think they're overpowered, don't do as many? I do think they can affect early game way too much, for what it's worth. In my current play through, I guess I got really really lucky. I spawned in a little over 100 meters from trader Hugh. He had the forge schematic in one of the loot containers (I can't remember which) so I had a working forge on day 2. The seed was "Malachite" on an 8k map, but I also adjusted other aspects of world gen in the advanced generation options so I don't know how to reproduce this map. The map name is "New Afaya Valley" but I don't know if that changes based on the Advanced settings. I spent day 1 doing the starting quests and one quest from Hugh. That got me a ton of cobblestone and I gathered a bunch of wood on the way back, so I spent all of day 2 and half of day 3 building a base and raiding nearby POIs. I didn't see any need to go back to the trader until the end of day 3, and went back on day 4 because of the inventory change. For me, the game is the most fun just raiding random buildings and building up a defense against zombies. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ EDIT: I meant to say, trader Hugh is the most broken right now. There are two munition chests, tons of other good loot containers, etc. I'd say he has three or four times more loot than almost every other trader. The new Rekt trader POI has more than it used to, but not as much as Hugh.
  10. Hmm, maybe they didn't give Jen the dislike voice acting. Sorry. You added the code correctly, it just doesn't work as expected.
  11. Add this line to the npc.xml file in my mod: <setattribute xpath="/npc/npc_info[@trader_id='2']" name="stance">Dislike</setattribute>
  12. LOL I'm sure it can be done, just change her stance from "Like" to "Dislike". You can even change each trader's dialog somewhat, Jen has her own voice: voice_set="trader_jen". Take a look at npc.xml for their configuration.
  13. Please add the following as vars to the ToolbeltWindow controller, so we can, if we choose, add them to our UI through simple modlets: Current Level Current XP XP needed to Level XP remaining to Level Available Skill Points Current Hunger Value Max Hunger Value Current Thirst Value Max Thirst Value Zombie Kills PvP Kills Deaths Game Stage Loot Stage Armor Rating Mobility Pretty please?
  14. Friendly Trader Rekt This is a very simple modlet that changes Trader Rekt's stance from Dislike to Like. The result is that Rekt uses friendly dialog instead of being an @%$#, nothing else changes. This modlet works on existing saves, no need to start new. You can change the stance from "Like" to "Neutral" if you'd rather not have him be friendly. Trader Hugh is neutral, for reference. Download: FriendlyRekt.zip at GitHub Traders Dawn to Dusk Another simple modlet that changes the open and close times of all traders to dusk and dawn, since Trader Jen claims that's when they're open. This modlet works on existing saves, no need to start new. Download: TradersDuskDawn.zip at GitHub
  15. The thing is, TFP has actual data from the game. They know exactly how many players are doing X vs. Y. You only have a handful of angry people posting here, which is NOT representative of the player base by a long shot. I don't know if the data that's collected is driving TFP's game design decisions or not, I'm just pointing out that they do actually know a lot more about how people are playing their game than we do.
  16. This is the best alpha so far, great work! I'm on my first play through still, on the morning of day 7. I've found a cooking pot, two grills, and the bacon and eggs recipe twice. I've found at least four acid, sold them all to the trader. I play self-enforced hardcore, so no deaths yet. I've been infected twice, but I have plenty of honey. Lots of food, but eggs are too rare IMHO. I have two stacks of meat waiting to be turned into bacon and eggs. Wolves and a bear. I'm playing mostly strength with some other trees scattered in. Melee all the way, I don't have any kind of long-range weapon, only found a level 2 pipe shotgun on day 5, which works fine for most things. I sell off *everything* I won't use immediately so I can afford some of the rarer items from the trader. I bought a forge on day 6. Still LOTS of pois I haven't explored yet within a km of my home. Looting everything in site, doing about one trader quest per day, I don't seem to have any issues. Random is random though, I might just be lucky with this map. I have a good horde base set up so we'll see if this playthrough will continue past day 7. I didn't know about the reward pack after 10 quests so I might do more of those now. My only complaint is that the trader I spawned next to on day 1 is Rekt, and I can't forking stand that guy!!!
  17. Come on people, this is a forum for a zombie survival game. Why are you feeding TROLLS?
  18. I know you meant "play *video* games" here... The thing I find ironic is that many of the people who make fun of the people who like to watch other people play video games on Twitch or YouTube, are the same people who sit on their asses in front of a TV watching football, soccer, basketball, and/or baseball for hours at a time. I mean hell, there are actually people who watch *bowling* on TV. Everyone is different. Celebrate that fact, don't hate on it. (this last bit is NOT directed at Roland)
  19. This is something you, and anyone else, can do via the config files. The name of the LCB is "keystoneBlock". Edit the recipe in recipes.xml or make a modlet to do it. Either way, it's something we players can "fix" ourselves, without wasting FunPimp developer time.
  20. Um, there's no difference between editing the XML config files and clicking an option in the UI settings... other than a tiny bit of convenience. A modlet is just an automated way to edit the XML configuration, so you don't have to do your changes again after a Steam update.
  21. That's not how bullets work though. The diameter of the bullet has to match the barrel, otherwise it just blows air or jams in the barrel.
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