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Everything posted by bachgaman

  1. Expected response. Live your imagination, apply mods, apply manual editing of xml files, blah blah blah. I have already answered similar above. What if in Pac-Man the game didn't end after 3 lives, but continued for as long as you like? And to someone asking "Why can't you lose in this game? Why does it exist?" people like you answer "Well, you can decide for yourself when you lost. For example, after 3 deaths. Or after 1. Or after 10,000. Or as soon as you started this game." This is hypocrisy. I can just as well say that this game does not need a flying AI robot because you can imagine that you have one. Just imagine that it is. Why do you really need it? Imagine, imagine the new HD textures and twitch integration as if it exists. It's as easy as coming up with a reason to create a new world after accidental death. How about playing in a group? Should I fantasize that I have resurrected an ally? Or maybe the game is not needed at all? After all, you can lie in bed and imagine how you play 7DTD
  2. Survival without punishment for death and even without the possibility of turning it on is like Pac-man, in which you do not lose points and levels after losing all lives. Do you think Pac-Man would have been so popular in its day if its difficulty lay on the player's conscience? Well, it seems, he died 3 times, go to the main menu, start over. Or not. You can die as many times as you want and play endlessly. Very interesting. Survival is when your main goal is not to die, not when you die to replenish food and water supplies, or to avoid looking for antibiotics. Survival is a struggle for life, not an exploitation of endless free resurrection. L4D2 is more survival than 7D2D because you can die and lose. And you have to complete level from start again. 7D2D is not survival because you only gain by dying, not lose. If you have a definition of survival that contradicts what I wrote above, then I will be glad to see it.
  3. Survival in a game where there is no punishment for death, but there is a reward? Survival in a game where you don't get the penalty of hunger and thirst? Survival in a game where a pipe bomb, which is made for the cost of 1 hit of a pickaxe, is able to stop any enemy? Survival in a game where you are given 600 bullets a day from day one? What are you talking about? Sorry, but even Muck is a more survival game, while 7 days to die tries to please everyone and the result is a mess from which you can only make content by resorting to modding and manual file editing. If you think the vanilla version of the game is survival, then I have bad news for you. This game is great, but it's not about survival. And the developers are clearly moving in the wrong direction. They indulge everything except the survival aspect and everyone who comes into it for the sake of survival will be disappointed (except those who would have to survive even in the Sims)
  4. The branch of the intellect is already too strong, so I don’t understand what to think about here. Barter and Adventurer are totally overpowered broken perks. Electric fence and darts are able to stop any wave with almost no help from you. Well, everything is clear with transport. Intelligence clearly requires a nerf, but they also adding a flying high-tech AI robot, which will surely be OP too. haha
  5. This is all very cool, but most users will not understand this until it appears in the announcement. It is customary to eat what they give. So good luck with the xml files and mods
  6. That is, they simply increase the radius of vision and this is called an update, amazing Yeah it's tough Obviously I'm talking about playing at the limit of possibilities, when the game is difficult and requires concentration and the most effective decisions, what's the point of writing about easy walks in a creative mode? I have nothing against it, but this is a completely different game. I'm glad for you that you are able to see interest in this, I see interest only in overcoming difficulties
  7. Funny, but the most important actions are not in the game settings, such as deleting the merchant and disabling recipes from perks. If I could achieve this without resorting to mods and manual editing of the POI list, then I would not create this thread. The problem of the trader is not only in the early game, but also in the late one, because he literally chains you to the nearest 5th tier building and you go crazy visiting it over and over again and you can't help but do it because it has incredibly higher efficiency than any other activity. By the way, I didn't really understand these changes in the A20, because there are already feral zombies. Those fast @%$#s with burning eyes. What are they going to do with them?
  8. Since, obviously, nothing of the proposed will never appear in the game, I reasoned that since I do not like the fact that the game forces me to repeatedly grind the same sad quests (because the trader's rewards are too high and it takes very little time to complete quests located close to the base) i have to simple delete the trader. So, 1. I removed all traders from the POI list 2. Installed the Undead Legacy mod (since it, among other things, removed the free opening of all important recipes in the game just for levels, here you can die of hunger and here there is at least some kind of death penalty. I think UL is best big mod btw) 3. Reduced the loot to 50%, disabled loot respawn, set the difficulty level Warrior (there is even no need for the Insane difficulty level at nightmare speed, without 600 rounds (for three people) for each completed tier 1 quest, it becomes quite difficult to play) And voila, the game became really fun and interesting. We've been surviving for 40 days now, looking for food, moving around a huge 12kmap, looking for a claw hammer to create a workbench (lol), all the time trying to figure out how to defend ourselves against the bloody moon based on what we have, do what we want instead of a stupid grind of quests, we have the option not to push the int attribute for the sake of the imbe perks associated with the trader (Barter and Adventurer). We save ammo, and this is my first time hunting with bow in this game and so on. In general, the game has become unrealistically cool. I advise everyone to delete the trader and play with real pleasure as true enjoyer.
  9. I believe that any explosive weapon in the game should be very much weakened, it should either do much more damage to blocks (not 5), or do much weaker damage to zeds, or should become very expensive. The best thing is it all at once. The presence of super strong and cheap pipe bombs breaks the game completely
  10. Has anyone watched the stream on September 8th? Did they share something interesting or just discuss twitch integration, sickening HD models and console controls?
  11. Do you think the upcoming update is worth 1.5 years of expectations, or will it be disappointing?
  12. Second patch for useless (only for me, I believe mostly all players use this thing) twitch integration looks like devs mockery 😁 2 months for localization
  13. You reminded me of one thing when my friends and I first played 7DTD we had a base in the form of a building with a fence around which there was a moat. And on one of the first nights, the zombies broke a tree that grew by the fence and it fell on the roof of our house. At that moment, I was simultaneously shocked and delighted with the genius of the game, thinking that the zombies deliberately knocked down a tree in order to use it to climb onto our roof. Unfortunately, after a few seconds the tree disappeared into thin air, and I got a little upset
  14. Yes, but you will never meet a football player or cheerleader.
  15. but in life you do not meet clowns on the street, in life you only meet Festering Corpse Departed Woman and Infected Mother
  16. Logic elements AND and OR are the basis of electrical circuits, these are common, very common things called "relays". By the way, there is a relay in the game, but this is not a relay in its function. Sorry, but in fact, this device is much simpler and much more common than a drone and is often made on exclusively analog components.
  17. It seems to me, or did you not so long ago advocate for a self-made flying intelligent robot? 😂
  18. the developers play with spears and brass knuckles, not with shotguns, so I guess not
  19. You are partly right, I would have preferred the old fat man in the Hawaiian shirt, but in the elaborate HD version instead of the new disgusting freak. But I disagree that this game is not in the horror category. There's just a difference between fear and disgust
  20. Please show me where I wrote about level design? I didn't ask for more points of interest
  21. I agree that completing high-level quests is very dull because of if you have a base, then regardless of the size of the map, you are forced to do the same quests over and over again. As a rule, of these several, 1-2 are chosen that are most convenient for grinding, and in the end you repeat the same POI until you get bored. As a result, the game gets boring very quickly. Here is my solution to this problem, but they are not very interested in it, they are interested in making a flying robot, lol. As if it would be much more fun to grind the same factory with him.
  22. The idea is to make the players survive in a survival game, but if all players lose all progress due to the rash actions of one player, then it is not likely to be fun. Considering that you need to spend 7 hours of real time to survive until the first bloody moon. And the goal of the game is have fun, not to create an esports team of bug exploiters. People should have the right to make a mistake in order to die in a bloody moon, roll back a day and say "okay, we did not cope, this is a challenge, we will do it differently" instead of "yes, we don't give a damn at all, we will die 50 times and still we will pass it through, it does not change anything" The meaning of the idea is that difficulties appear in the game instead of pseudo-difficulties. Yes, and I can also install the mod, change the game files, and so on. etc etc Why never? Think of single player games where you die and load at the last save
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