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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. So some more details if you like


    • Spoiler
      • The lootgroup it is in has 15 items in it, so 1 out of 15 chance to pick.
      • All traders will have a minimum of 6, maximum of 10
      • Each trader will pick unique items, so no repeats (note, as ST stated, some have random quantity)



    However, not sure which beverage cooler you are talking about.  The small portable ones are available from the trader.  However, if you are talking the one that is exactly one block high from previous Alphas, that one is not available from traders.  It is one of the new blocks that once you empty out the loot, it just becomes an non-interactive block


    Attached picture - the block on the left you cannot buy from the trader, the 3 blocks from the right you can



  2. 32 minutes ago, Darelius said:

    Hello, everyone.

    After many years i want to start modding this awesome game, but i didnt get it so far.


    My "goal":

    Craftable Solar Cells Level 1-6 at Electrician Skill 51, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

    Game Version: Latest Experimental (actial 1.1 (b4)


    This is my "code"


    	<insertafter xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingElectrician']/display_entry[@icon='carBattery']">
    		<display_entry icon="solarCell" name_key="electricianT3" has_quality="true" unlock_level="51,60,70,80,90,100" >
    			<unlock_entry item="solarCell" unlock_tier="1" />
    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingElectrician']/effect_group">
    		<passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="51,100" value="1" tags="solarCell"/>
          <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="51,60,70,80,90,100" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tags="solarCell" />



    	<append xpath="/recipes">
          <recipe name="solarCell" count="1" area="workbench" material_based="false"  tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting" craft_time="600">
             <ingredient name="resourceScrapLead" count="180"/>
             <ingredient name="resourceAcid" count="1"/>
             <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="10"/>
             <ingredient name="resourceLegendaryParts" count="0"/>
                   <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="2,6" operation="perc_add" value="1,5" tags="resourceScrapLead,resourceAcid,resourceScrapPolymers"/>
                   <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="6" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="resourceLegendaryParts"/>


    i can craft Solar Cell levvel 1 at start in the workbench.

    But at level 100 Elexctrician "level 11" solar cells with cost of level 1.

    When "reducing" lebvel, level 1-6 is normal and i cant go "up" again over level 6..

    But how i can make it neccesary to have electrician level 51 and only craft level 6 at the end?





    Note that the tier line has the operation base_add.  This means for items that have quality, when you unlock the ability to craft them, they start at level 1.  So when you have 6 in your values, you are stating that there is a QL of 7 (1+6) in the game (vanilla there are only 6 quality levels).


    What the tier crafting line should show is this:


    <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="60,70,80,90,100" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="solarCell" />


    Note, I removed the 51 level since you unlock it at 51 with QL 1 automatically.  Then I adjusted it so that it has +5 added to QL at 100.  So with this code you should see:

    • 51 - Quality Level 1
    • 60 - Quality Level 2
    • 70 - Quality Level 3
    • 80 - Quality Level 4
    • 90 - Quality Level 5
    • 100 - Quality Level 6
  3. 20 hours ago, kuktar said:

    HOTBAR/TOOLBELT not remembering where my items should be.


    not sure how to explain this but all of a sudden when i place down a robotic turret then go to pick it back up it does not go to the toolbelt were it last was.... It has been working fine for days since i started my 1.0 playthrough but all of a sudden today it decides to be tarded. please help! thank you in advance. 


    Did you perhaps at some point gathered a lot of items from a chest and it inserted a different item in that spot?  I have had that happened before when I selected take all and I currently didn't have a specific item in my hotbar slot.

  4. On 9/10/2024 at 5:04 AM, Abnormal Zombie said:


    • Show damage numbers on attacks, including damage from DoT. Three settings in options: ["On", "On with DoT", "Off"]
      • WHY: Satisfaction and knowledge. It is so hard to know how much damage is actually dealt, especially with skill modifiers or armoured enemies. Plus, numbers are cool.


    They don't show the HP of zombies either, so I don't think this is something they want to do.  Having numbers flash up make this more into a Borderlands type of game which personally I wouldn't bat an eye if they never added this feature to the game.


    • Quote


      • Allow the Treasure Hunter Mod and each Attribute Boosting Mod to be used with each-other.
        • WHY: I have never chosen to boost an attribute over the Treasure Hunter Mod (more experience). Bonus attribute bonuses is a nifty bonus, if you got the mod space.



    I do all the time (use an attribute mod over treasure hunting.  It's a balance issue really, being able to stack mods like this tip the balance towards OP.


    • Quote


      • Make zombies slower and NOT faster when they stumble from an attack. Could include a "falling forward" animation which can damage the player, but puts the zombie on the ground.
        • WHY: It doesn't make sense for zombies to gain momentum after being shot with arrows or hit in the head.



    I am fine with the mechanic as is, because we also have slowing buffs available to the player that counteracts speed and speed bursts.  Also this means you can't just simply bash and backpedal to your heart's delight.  It adds a bit of trouble if you are not paying attention and account for the potential stumble attack.


    I don't play on the console so I won't comment on those - since it doesn't affect me either way, not fair to do so.

  5. 2 hours ago, Abnormal Zombie said:

    According to the wiki, each skill point invested increased odds by 200% for related items. Tier 0 is 100%, Tier 1 is 300%, 500%, 700%, 900%, then finally 1100% at tier 5. So in your example, and if the wiki is correct, it would actually be adding two marbles to the bag, not one. This would make a difference of 11 marbles for one magazine compared to 1 of other varieties, if any.


    Percentages is not really a good measure of probability in this game.  At the baseline, each magazine starts at 1 in terms of probability.  To determine the probability of finding said magazine, you add all of the probability in the loot group together and divide it by that magazine's total probability.  So at baseline, you would have 1/23 probability of finding that specific magazine - 4.23%


    Then lets say I perk into knives once.  Now my knives change is 3 and my total is 25 so 3/25 becomes a 12% chance of finding the magazine and a 4% of finding the others.


    Next I spend perk points into agility more to get knives to the next level (level 3 agility).  Now my total changes again but differently.  Knives is now 5 but armor is now 3.  My total is 29 (23 base + 4 more for knives and 2 more for armor).  So knives I have around 17% chance of finding the knife magazine, a 10% chance of finding an armor magazine, and a 3.4% chance one of the other magazines. 


    However, you are not going to keep seeing this significant boost as you continue to go upwards - next you perk up Knives again so now knives are 7 but armor is 5 (2 additional levels in agility).  Your total is now 33 (23 base plus 6 more for knives and 4 more for armor).  Knives you are 7/34 (20%) and armor is 14.7%.  The other magazines are at 2.9%.


    Skipping the next perk and just maxing it out - knives is now at 11 and armor is also at 11.  Your total is 43 (23 base + 10 for armor + 10 for knives).  So knives is 11/43 is 25.5% and armor is 25.5%.  The other magazines are at 2.3 %


    If you simply just maxed out one perk, that perk will end up affecting the pulls by a lot to two magazines (since armor is tied to the attributes).  However, say you distribute your points like I do when I play.  Before I even start distributing points into attributes for an agility build, I put a point into the base perks that I want to help me with my game - so miner 69r, master chef, living off the land, bows, knives, handguns, advanced engineering, and lockpicking.  In this case, my odds are now distributive over 7 crafting magazines.


    And these only apply to loot groups that pull from all the magazines.  If you were to loot a working stiffs crate, then the odds of getting either of the armor or knife magazines is 0% with the bonuses.


    Destroyed crafting stations have a great chance of pulling a forged ahead book, regardless of your perk choices, while cabinets have a great chance of pulling cooking magazines.

  6. FYI a screenshot of a small bit of the interaction is not definite proof one was wrong as it doesn’t show what happened to that point.  It is also only one side of the story told by one of the main participants.  As Meganoth mentioned, coming into a forum public trashing a moderator won’t help your cause.  Reach out to cc privately who will likely advocate a neutral response on what should happen next based on getting information from both sides.


    As someone who was unfairly banned a long time ago from a game server, I contacted the main admin to explain my case in a polite, respectful way while never throwing insults at the person who banned me - just explained my side of the story and why I thought the admin made a mistake.  I also have been on the other side where admins were blamed for banning people just because they enforced the rules.

  7. Your log shows the more skill points per level loading, so you will still get more points per level.


    Also that stacks mod is saying it is version 1.0 but it hasn’t been updated in ages.  It is looking for things like empty jars (removed in Alpha 21) and grain alcohol was removed Alpha 20.  I be leery of any mod claiming to be updated but actually are not.

  8. 36 minutes ago, zztong said:


    My understanding is current purchases cover all the way through Gold. After Gold, who knows. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.

    You are correct.  Current game owners will get all future developments with the exception of any future DLCs.

  9. No log file so we can't assist you.  There are possible many reasons why a mod is not working properly, but anything we state to look at is just a shot in the dark.


    The skills mod would stop working if you did remove the mod and started a new game.  If you are still seeing 3 points per level, then you probably have another version of the mod where it is pulling the code changes from.

  10. On 9/5/2024 at 1:05 PM, warmer said:

    Sweet, sounds great!


    I got the code written up and verified this morning that everything is loading without any errors.  I just want to compare what I wrote with your code to make sure I got everything and then it should be ready for release.

  11. 3 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    Aren't you missing the item group allbooksscaled .


    Wouldn't this remove the other line as well or am I miss reading it

    Oh I see just replace the item group with the booksscaled  in each remove 


    That is simply removing the lootgroup with any books.   If they want to keep the perk books but remove magazines, then they would need to remove modify it some more to remove magazines but not perk books.  So when the bags are dropped, group 2 in each of the bags (which has the books / magazines) does not exist anymore.


    <!-- *** Zpack_Reg -->
    <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg01">
        <item group="groupScrapUncommon" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item name="resourceCobblestones" count="10,50" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item name="resourceGlue" count="1,2" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="groupMedicalUncommon" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="groupDrinksUncommon" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="groupFoodUncommon" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item name="resourceDuctTape" count="1,2" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item name="resourceMechanicalParts" count="1,2" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/>
        <item name="resourceAcid" count="1" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg02">
        <item group="booksAllScaled" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/>
        <item group="groupChallengeRewardSkillMagazinesAll" loot_prob_template="high"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg03">
        <item group="groupArmorParts" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item group="groupCraftingRare" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item group="groupArmorPartsChests" loot_prob_template="low"/>
        <item group="groupArmorScaled" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/>
        <item group="groupToolsTiered" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg04">
        <item group="groupRareToolsTiered" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="groupWeaponsAllScaled" loot_prob_template="high"/>
        <item group="groupModAllScaled" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item name="casinoCoin" count="200,400" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item name="oldCash" count="200,400" loot_prob_template="med"/>
        <item group="groupMedicalRare" loot_prob_template="medHigh"/>
        <item group="groupTreasureMaps" loot_prob_template="low"/>
        <item name="modArmorNightVision" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/>
        <item name="modArmorHelmetLight" loot_prob_template="veryLow"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupZpackReg" count="all">
        <item group="groupAmmoLarge" count="1"/>
        <item group="groupZpackReg01" count="1"/>
        <item group="groupZpackReg02" count="1"/>
        <item group="groupZpackReg03" loot_prob_template="med" force_prob="true"/>
        <item group="groupZpackReg04" loot_prob_template="low" force_prob="true"/>


    8 hours ago, Jlane409 said:

    these lines, with the items i am looking to remove inserted, would stop them from dropping?


    This should remove any books or magazines from zombie loot bags if I wrote it up correctly.

  12. <remove xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupZpackReg']/item[@group='groupZpackReg02']"/>
    <remove xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupZpackStrong']/item[@group='groupZpackStrong02']"/>
    <remove xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupZpackBoss']/item[@group='groupZpackBoss02']"/>


  13. 17 hours ago, zztong said:

    I have 1 with the mods, except for the purification filter which seems to be more expensive than it is worth.


    The filter was the last mod I got for both of my dew collectors, just as a quality of like improvement (Don't have to boil 12 waters every day anymore) once I had a lot of extra dukes and didn't need to spend those on other items.

  14. 9 minutes ago, keenkrozzy said:

    Hi, I'm pretty new to 7dtd, and I'm not very familiar with what mods are out there. I've been spending some time browsing 7daystodiemods, nexusmods, and here, but there is a lot to go through!


    My group rented a server 3 weeks ago and have been playing vanilla and having fun. But we are at a point now where we seem too strong and we are a bit disappointed that there is nothing much do to past tier-6 quests. I know it's a sandbox game, and the devs are working on more quest and story stuff for the future. I also know that we can turn up the difficulty, but we don't want "bullet sponges". We also tried turning up the bloodmoon zombie amount per player, but it made the FPS unplayable for most of us even on lowest settings.


    If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear it! Otherwise I will continue to poke around and look at mods when I have time. And if your only feedback is "if you don't like X then just don't do that" then just stop reading and move along. You and I have a fundamental disagreement about game theory and how player options and choices affect enjoyment. No hard feelings and I hope you have a nice day.


    I will make a few recommendations:



    Harder end game missions.
    Progress: I have looked at some custom POI's thinking that they might show up as trader quests, but it I'm not sure how to tell if they are going to be more of a challenge or not.


    Khaine has a headshot only mod, which will make clearing out zombies overall more of a challenge.  Not specific to missions, but will definitely affect them






    Game ending mission. Something to work towards for closure so we can restart or move to another game feeling accomplished.

    Progress: None yet. Currently I am just saying that the "survive 10 bloodmoons" achievement is my goal. We currently have bloodmoons disabled and manually trigger it on Sunday nights, but may start doing it more often as our current playthrough is becoming too easy and starting to get stale already.



    Not a mod, but you can change the frequency of when the bloodmoon occurs and make it variable (so it doesn't start every 5 days).




    Perk system changes. I'm not certain, but I think the perks are the main reason the game has become too easy.

    Progress: Looked at a couple overhauls, but not sure yet.



    Not sure if this was one you looked at, but Black Wolf has done some tweaking to the Perk system.  Also describes in details the changes that were made so you know what you are getting into with this mod





    Progression system changes. We all find it strange that we get bottled into finding certain types of magazines. For example: Myself and the others that cook find cooking magazines everywhere. We were hoping there was more emphasis on player-trading or saving rare magazines/books that other players need. But currently, the fastest way is to just go looting for yourself and buy from NPC-traders.

    Progress: I seen some settings related to this poking around in the XML files, might look into this more.



    Not exactly sure what you are looking for here?  Are you wanting to remove the bonus chance of finding specific magazines?  If so, I have a modlet that I can release that does this (been testing it recently)




    More enemies (both zombies and hostile NPCs).

    Progress: Need to search around more.



    Khaine has a nice wandering horde mod that changes the frequency and size of them.  I found that it makes clearing POIs or working in your base during non-BM times a lot more chaotic / interesting




    Other additions. I would love to see more stuff to add to the game like vehicles, tools, crafting stations, etc. But it takes a lot of research because in my experience from other games, most of these mods just make the game way too easy, silly, or break immersion. A classic example would be like a mod that adds a bunch of new weapons, but they are all available to craft right away for cheap and the mod also includes something unrelated like "ammo now stacks up to 9999".


    Izayo has a nice weapons mod that adds new weapons to all the classes (and constantly updating the mod).  The new weapons are craftable, but they follow the same progression / loot / trader system as vanilla weapons so you won't be able to craft a T3/T4 weapon on Day 1.



  15. 15 hours ago, warmer said:

    Superduper hells yes. How do I update it? I am still tweaking it to perfection.


    I will make comments in the files on what each section does so it will be easy to update as you make changes.  Once I get the modlet done and post a link to it, you can download it and then modify it as you make changes.

  16. I just tested it.  Did 300% experience and completed the Tourist challenge.  When I went to the trader and turned in the challenge (after redeeming it in the challenges window), my character went from Level 9 to Level 11.


    Experience is only rewarded when you turn in the challenge to the trader, not when you redeem it in the challenges window (experience gain is tied to the rewards portion of these quests)


    To add further, this is an example of how loot drops are setup for the red bags concerning weapons:


    Loot group that contains weapons


      <lootgroup name="groupZpackBoss04">
        <item group="groupRareToolsTiered" loot_prob_template="high" />
        <item group="booksRareOnlyScaled" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item group="groupWeaponsAllScaledNoStone" loot_prob_template="high" />
        <item name="casinoCoin" count="600,800" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item name="oldCash" count="600,800" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item group="groupMedicalRare" loot_prob_template="medHigh" />
        <item group="groupTreasureMaps" loot_prob_template="low" />
        <item name="modArmorNightVision" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />
        <item group="groupModAllScaled" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item group="vehiclePartsTiered" loot_prob_template="med" />
        <item name="modArmorHelmetLight" loot_prob_template="veryLow" />


    That group only has a 50% chance (med) to pull in a red bag (it is not guaranteed every time).  Both weapons and tools are high probability (0.75) but based on the total probability scores for that group, you only have a 15% chance of pulling from the weapons subgroup (0.75/4.93).



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