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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. On 10/28/2023 at 1:03 AM, bdubyah said:

    Haha. Sorry I have a job and a life that take up a lot of my time. I don't get paid to just sit here and monitor this thread. The screen turning black is normal. Learn to read and finish the quest you start with to continue.


    They did wait a full 4 hours before giving up.  That's something, I guess?   /s

  2. 5 hours ago, Camiracundus said:

    You were absolutely right about it being a typo. I scoured the code again and noticed the tiniest of tiny typos - a q had snuck into an item name, so instead of "Damascus Knife" it read "Damqascus Knife" - and because I had the text size so small, it didn't pop out easily. I corrected it, double-checked there were no others, and fired up the game - and now it runs perfectly.


    Thank you for the help!



    easy problem solving on my part so far  😆

  3. 47 minutes ago, Izayo said:

    also I can't remember my Unity account password. I have set-up everything again :(


    Password vaults.  Best invention ever.  Now I can have an unique password for every account I have, make it difficult and random, and only have to remember one password to be able to unlock all of them.

  4. You can also try using a trip wire if you want more precision, but needs to be position carefully so it doesn't get destroyed easily.  I had a horde base where I used one (camera started the dart traps too early).  I eventually lost it to an exploding cop, but my backup was to directly connect it to power when that happened.

  5. 18 hours ago, Feycat said:

    We're also having about 50% of the ferals are clearly jogging and not walking, even though I've also manually set everything to walk in the settings.


    I forgot to mention, it seemed to fix the issue with them running.  At least, when I spawned in both the feral cop and radiated cop, neither of them sprinted at me after I engaged them.


    Damage reduction if not hit in the head seemed to work fine also.


    Let me know if you see any issues,  I also spawn in the radiated vulture to make sure no issues and didn't see any.  At least with the limited time I was checking out the changes.

  6. On 10/19/2023 at 3:40 PM, Arez said:

    Thank you! 

    This has got to be the most helpful community and dev company I've ever engaged with. People like you and @Jugginator are awesome. 


    Try this, this seemed to fix the issue with the cop spawning and generating null errors.  Replace the existing file in the 0-RomeroModCore folder




    Let me know if that works

    6 hours ago, Feycat said:


    Hi Khaine we're having the same issue, just as another data point! When zombies spawn (wandering hordes or sleeper volume) I get null reference popups. We weren't having them in the early game so it makes sense if it's the cop.


    We're also having about 50% of the ferals are clearly jogging and not walking, even though I've also manually set everything to walk in the settings.


    FYI, I am not Khaine  LOL

  7. 5 hours ago, RahanneLore said:


    I'm interesting by yours differents mods but for one of them, No Crafting, i have some questions :

    i don't know if all vanilla items can be loot or if some of them can be only obtained by craft. So for these supposed "only-crafting" items, does it means you made it possible for us to recover them by looting ?

    Thx for your work.



    You should probably post in the mod thread or tag @khzmusik directly

  8. On 10/18/2023 at 12:11 AM, Arez said:

    Khaine said he couldn't reproduce the cop null and that was his last post on the subject. 


    I was going to download the mod last night and see if I can reproduce the issue but didn't have time (my boys got new Ipads so of course, they wanted them to be setup).  I will try to do it tonight.  If I don't have any issues with it, I will provide details on how I got it setup.  If I do have issues, I will provide you a workaround for now.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Gyropilot said:

    Why didn't any of those lines work?


    Pathing is incorrect.


    For example, your first line should be 


    <set xpath="/spawning/biome/spawn/@respawndelay">999</set>


    the @respawndelay at the end tells the code which values in the spawning/biome/spawn nodes to change.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Onyxgem said:

    I downloaded a new install again, and now downloaded the newest B27 file and copied my 7D2D folder and moved the mod to the copied folder.


    I opened the program again and still having the same dang issue...


    Any ideas on fixing this?


    Copy your recent logfile into pastebin and post the link here.  That will help people to troubleshoot your issue.

  11. On 10/7/2023 at 3:21 PM, Riamus said:

    I really can't see how you can enjoy going to day 34 or higher without a bike and without looting more than one POI a day.  There just isn't anything worth doing early game to take up your time.  Unless you're at really short days, maybe (30min or something).


    For some of us, the struggle can be just as entertaining.  In A20, I had several playthroughs where I had not found a workbench schematic by Day 35 so it limited what I could craft.  With trader rewards turn off, it meant not getting bike or any vehicle for quite some time.


    And it really hits home when you spawned next to a small town that can be cleared out very quickly and the next one over is going to be a hike to get there.  Makes you choose how you approach the situation.  What you are going to take with you, are you going to shelter in a POI on the way there since you might get to the next town late in the day...


    things like that.

  12. 18 hours ago, RStarphoenix said:

    As an experienced player, if you don't want the starter quest, you can simply delete it as soon as your game starts - it has always been an option as long as I've played it. No mods required.. It also removes your ability to see the first trader as a bonus.

    The thing is, he wants the free 4 skill points at the start of the game, he just doesn't want to do the minimum effort in obtaining those free points.


    Try this, it replaces the first quest with a new one that all you have to do is punch one grass and you earn 4 perk points and it points you to the nearest trader.

        <remove xpath="//quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']"/>
        <insertBefore xpath="//quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival2']">    
            <quest id="quest_BasicSurvival1">
                <property name="group_name_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival"/>
                <property name="name_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1"/>
                <property name="subtitle_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1_subtitle"/>
                <property name="description_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1_description"/>
                <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_map_bed"/>
                <property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
                <property name="difficulty" value="veryeasy"/>
                <property name="offer_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival_offer"/>
                <property name="shareable" value="false"/>
                <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="1" phase="1"/>
                <reward type="SkillPoints" value="4"/>
                <reward type="Quest" id="quest_whiteRiverCitizen1"/>


  13. On 10/10/2023 at 7:31 PM, Cranberry Monster said:

    Not sure if the mod's been updated for A21, but the basics should still apply. Basically, you'll want to first check out windows.xml in the XUi subfolder. This is where you add your new materials to the accepted forge materials


    It's that easy?  I was trying to figure out how to add the new materials to the forge and never done that portion before, glad someone was able to help the OP.  I never thought to look inside the XUi subfolders.  I was looking in all the xml files in the main config folder seeing how they add material types to forges

  14. On 10/10/2023 at 11:21 AM, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Sorry about my recent aproach. I am kinda frustrated from porting my project to UE5. Cheers! (and have fun with 7dtd ofc :D)


    No worries, we all have bad days which is why I didn't try to escalate it further, but instead kept my replies light hearted

  15. 22 hours ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Well guy is obviously trying to fix a problem and you are joking around, having nothing of value to add. Being in his situation, I would not consider that funny at all.


    No worries, you were not my target audience.  Riamus was and he found it funny.  Getting someone to chuckle or laugh is always valuable, especially in today's climate.  And laughter doesn't stop the problem from being fixed or not looked at.  Loosen up and enjoy life, and let others have fun.

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