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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 6 hours ago, Roland said:

    They're working on a pop-up message that will remind you periodically to remove any empty cups or mugs you might have on your desk near your monitor because they don't want empty containers in the game or near the game.

    @%$#, I had to clean my iPad after spitting milk on it

  2. You can mod in new repair kit items with those parts so that you have to use that specific kit for that item (say a Pistol Repair Kit for hand guns and the SMG), but it would just repair by a set amount.  You would have to do a lot of c# coding to get it to scale based off of Quality level.


    Resource kits currently have a repair amount of 32000 which is why it only takes one kit to repair everything.  You can adjust that value for kits to adjust how much it repairs (so increase the number of kits to fully repair vs light repairs).  Never tried that before so don't know it works or not.


    12 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    There are some players who mod the game to make it impossible to repair, but I think requiring additional parts is a nice middle ground.


    Probably talking about me there.  Personally I would like repairs requiring the workbench and taking time / resources to do (rather than a fairly instant repair in the field), but removing the ability to repair right now is the path of least resistance for my mod until I figure out / learn how to add that option (if I ever decide to try that is).

  3. 8 hours ago, Euzio said:

    Hi there, 

    If lets say I want to create a mod which overwrites the items.xml base file with the following. 

    For example, for the Claw Hammer, in order to repair it, besides the repair kit, I wish to add in an additional say forged iron. When I do the mod, do I simply do the following:

    <append xpath="/items/<item name="meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer">
            <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit, resourceForgedIron"/>

    Or would I need to copy the entire Claw Hammer item name and its properties and amend from there?

    Also, if i'm trying to introduce more than 1 resource required to repair an item, would the above line work? 



    Some feedback (some critical but not going to be insulting):


    You got some fundamental issues with your coding above, so you need to learn a bit more about the basics so you can get the coding correct


    • Pathing
      • when you do the pathing so the program knows where to apply the new code, it needs to be in this format  xpath="/node/node/node/node" 
      • So using your example above, it should be


    • Using the right command
      • Based on what you stated, you want to add another resource to RepairTools.  However, based on your command, you are adding another property line of RepairTools instead of replacing the existing one.
      • In this case, you would be better to use set or setattritibute.
      • <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">resourceRepairKit,resourceForgedIron</set>


      • This is telling the program to go to this location and change the variable value to the values you have between the > and </

    Will this work?  I don't think so but you can try.  I believe it was tried before, but never gotten to work (adding more items).  This is why you have to have a repair kit which is composed of multiple items.  This is also why on the items that only require basic resources (T0), they only use one resource to repair.


    Now blocks use more items to repair, but they are structured differently (example below is from auto turrets)


        <property class="RepairItems">
            <property name="resourceForgedIron" value="12"/>
            <property name="resourceMechanicalParts" value="2"/>
            <property name="resourceElectricParts" value="2"/>


    Notice that the repair property is a class.  You could try to setup the item to use the class itself, but I don't think that works with items.  Never tried it before myself.  In addition, since it is tied to the class, you will need another repair tool to repair your repair tool (assuming that class would work with items in the first place).  This is tied to the repair action from repair tools:


        <property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->
            <property name="Class" value="Repair"/>
            <property name="Delay" value=".64"/> <!-- Repair actions still need the delay amount -->
            <property name="Repair_amount" value="400"/>
            <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-2"/>
            <property name="Sound_start" value="repair_block"/>
            <property name="Allowed_upgrade_items" value="resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,ironDoorBlockVariantHelper,ironDoorDoubleBlockVariantHelper,vaultDoor01,vaultDoor01Double,ironHatchBlockVariantHelper,vaultHatch01,cellarDoorDoubleIron,cellarDoorDoubleSteel,shuttersIronBlockVariantHelper,shuttersSteelBlockVariantHelper,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceCloth,resourceScrapPolymers,resourceNail"/>
            <property name="UsePowerAttackAnimation" value="false"/>


    There is a mod out there (not sure when it was last updated) where the mod creator make different types of repair kits for different equipment.


  4. 19 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    After reading the last 10 comments or so, I'm happy it's The Fun Pimps developing the game, and not you guys.

    You wouldn't be able to tell fun from a boring if your life depended on it... :heh:


    Unless you were just bantering.


    Do you think I was just bantering?  😏


    Something about having to make choices and plan ahead, each day of survival, just appeals to me.

  5. Yeah I remembered A16, where you just had to move away from the damaged wall to get them to start attacking fresh walls.  While not predictable, you could easily exploit the zombie AI / spawning if you built your base big enough.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I can see it now... TFP listens to the feedback and in A22:


    No murky water or other drinks in loot or at traders or in vending machines.  No change to how you can drink water from lakes and rivers currently and still no way to carry it away so that you have no choice but to have a dozen dew collectors per person even if you aren't doing much crafting.


    Batteries and engines cannot be found in loot and must be crafted or bought to simulate the reality of them no longer being good after years of sitting around.


    All lights everywhere are out as there is no one running the electric grid.


    Practically all loot is gone besides scraps as it's already picked clean long ago.


    Won't that realistic immersion be so much fun! :D


    40 minutes ago, Krougal said:

    Don't forget that fossil fuels will go bad in a couple years too.

    Ever tried to use some old gas in your lawn mower?


    That's spooky.  That's almost what I modded


    • Gas is bad and has to be filtered (at a lost) for any you find while looting
    • Drinks and food has been removed from loot tables (just murky water, seeds, and canned goods)
    • Engines are replaced with engine parts in loot tables, and requires additional components to craft a new one
    • Batteries are dead in loot (just a source of lead)

    The only things I didn't do was to remove all power lights from the game in the world unless crafted by player (not sure if I want to go that route yet) and still kept items in loot so you can still find armors, weapons, and tools (though you can't fix them so they only last so long).


    And yes, I been having a blast playing this way  😏


    But this is definitely not wide spread fun for everyone  🤷‍♂️😄

  7. 12 hours ago, Adenharry5 said:

    When making an overhaul mod, is it better or more common to make individual modlets separately or combine them all into one? Are there any pros or cons to one over the other, or is it simply personal preference? Thanks. :)


    Individual modlets mean you can add and remove parts of it that the player wants to


    Cons - Sometimes it can be difficult to do it in parts, especially if you adding new items.


    While it might be nice to separate them for flexibility, the logistics of doing that can be tedious

  8. In my 3000+ hours, I never once compared a Q4 with a Q4 item to see which one has the better stats.  Once I got the Q4 item, I kept it until I got a higher Q item or the next tier (especially now with A21 having a clear distinction between tiers and quality)

  9. So an update since I last posted one.


    I got the minibike unlocked around Day 14 (second horde night).  I am currently on Day 25 and have unlocked the following:

    • Steel Tools (Q3)
    • Nailgun (Q1)
    • SMG (Q4)
    • Machete (Q4)
    • Compound Bow (Q3)
    • Military Armor (Q1)
    • Chemistry Station

    I am not very far on the other weapon groups (mostly just got into T1 for them) which is expected since I am leaning into the Agility build.  Close to unlocking motorcycle crafting (though I didn't check recently how close I am since I got the minibike, not been too big of a concern).  Way behind on electricity and traps, but I believe that is because I haven't hit areas that might have Mo Power crates as much as other spots.  Started to do that now since I am advancing in the horde night difficulties and would like to start adding electric traps to the mix.

  10. 1 hour ago, Krougal said:

    Thank you sir. I'll give it a whirl when I get a chance. Work has been crazy this week, so I just haven't had time or energy to play.


    No worries, this was just something I was able to do during a break at work and then verify that I didn't make any coding mistakes before I packaged it up for you.  Enjoy.

  11. Note, turret ammo will start showing up at the beginning of the game.  If you want to delay it, you will need to add the following:




    If you add this, turret ammo won't start showing up until loot stage 42 (and will show up all game after that).


    You will want to add that to lines 27, 31, and 35 and 27 should look like this as an example


    <item group="groupTurretAmmoSmall" loot_prob_template="ProbT1Cap"/>



  12. 6 hours ago, Distinct Soul said:

    Ok, so thanks to all you two's help, there are no longer any problems with the loot.xml; but I apologise, because it turns out, the original error was actually being caused by my spawning.xml. I had assumed it was the loot.xml as it was the most recent one I had edited, and I haven't modified the spawning.xml in a while.

    Here's the error again so you don't have to scroll back up:

    EXC ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

    Parameter name: Name cannot be null

    EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


    After some thorough testing, I have found that the error occurs when I change the respawndelay to less than one, more specifically, the error started appearing after changing the value of night time zombies in the pine forest that have the notags: "commercial,industrial,downtown" to less than 1. Of course, this makes no sense, because there are already values with a respawndelay of less than 1. I actually was first testing this on a21.0; but updated specifically to see if that fixed it; but still get the same error.


    Really need to see your entire game log to see what is happening at the beginning when it starts to load things into the game

  13. 4 hours ago, Distinct Soul said:

    Ok, so thanks to all you two's help, there are no longer any problems with the loot.xml; but I apologise, because it turns out, the original error was actually being caused by my spawning.xml. I had assumed it was the loot.xml as it was the most recent one I had edited, and I haven't modified the spawning.xml in a while.

    Here's the error again so you don't have to scroll back up:

    EXC ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.

    Parameter name: Name cannot be null

    EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


    After some thorough testing, I have found that the error occurs when I change the respawndelay to less than one, more specifically, the error started appearing after changing the value of night time zombies in the pine forest that have the notags: "commercial,industrial,downtown" to less than 1. Of course, this makes no sense, because there are already values with a respawndelay of less than 1. I actually was first testing this on a21.0; but updated specifically to see if that fixed it; but still get the same error.


    That should give you a different error message about being outside the range.  Null means it doesn't have a value there or the value is corrupted and not recognizable.  I will check later as I can't access the log files via my work laptop, but if it is tied to your spawning file, then the game is looking for a value for a variable and finding the correct one (or nothing at all)

  14. 3 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I believe this is the issue. A lot of players still don't do the missions that traders offer. I honestly only use them when I need something, like filters early on.


    Experiences are going to be different.  Right now, I am playing mostly vanilla (like 98%) and only doing one mission a day.  Later on, I will start playing more with my mod and won't get rewards from the traders, just dukes.  So those playthroughs will be different than this one.

  15. 3 hours ago, Riamus said:

    About the arrows, it was my understanding from other posts (I don't use bows) that you needed glue and feathers to make arrows other than the stone arrows.  If that isn't the case, then I'm not sure why I've seen people saying they needed a lot of glue because they use bows.  If you thought I meant you yourself were using arrows, I didn't mean that.  I was just stating that someone who did would have more trouble and that what I was saying would not apply to such a person in the same way as they'd need more water than I would.


    To put it nicely, we can tell that you don't use bows  😉


    • Stone arrows require rock, wood, and feathers
    • Iron arrows require iron heads, wood, and feathers
    • Steel arrows require steel heads and plastic
    • Flaming arrows require steel heads, plastics, gunpowder, cloth, and animal fat
    • Exploding arrows require steel heads, plastics, gunpowder, and duct tape


    So the water production is for glue to make into duct tape.  And the reason they need so much is they are mass producing exploding arrows so they can spam them on horde night.

    14 minutes ago, zztong said:

    So I guess it's no wonder why we kick around the water debate so much. We have wildly different preferences that completely skew what is optimal.


    And that is why they (TFP) can't please everyone.  So the best they can do is set a goal or objective and make the game towards that objective.  If that doesn't work for the others, then mods come into play.

  16. At one point, I modded A20 and changed the recipe for boiling water to include cloth and coal (as an additional step to filter the water while boiling it).  Along with removing drinks from loot (including boiled water), I had to work harder to get drinkable water just from looting (traders stock was also adjusted not to refresh as often so you can't just keep buying drinks from them).  I might bring it back to A21.  It doesn't make water scarce, but it did force me to work harder and plan ahead more.

  17. So I recently started a new playthrough and really haven't seen a scarcity of drinks or water really.  SP only, slightly mod just to give more magazines from the specialty brand crates in POIs


    I did use the free 2 waters from the start on Day 1 and ended up buying a red tea and yucca juice from the trader's vending machine since I hadn't found a cooking pot yet (he did have some for sale, but I could buy two drinks for less than a cooking pot and figured I would find one on Day 2 (did in fact find it).


    Since then, I got 2 dew collectors up and running (choose two filters as my T1 completion reward rather than the bike).  From looting, I have gathered a lot of drinks and murky water so once I have a comfortable supply of drinks at the moment, I been using the murky water I find for either cooking certain recipes or glue production.


    I have also been crafting most of my gear so I have needed a lot of glue and duct tape (currently on Day 12).


    I got lucky and found the Mineral water book around Day 3 or 4, so I was able to make mineral water fairly quickly in this playthrough.


    Nothing I have seen so far is game breaking.


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