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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 1 hour ago, saoron666 said:

    don't let your fans down! me an my gf uninstalled the game from our pc.. waiting for some new concept or update..but seems the steam train is at a long lasting station and not moving lol

    This fan says differently.  Keep it up TFP, really have enjoyed the ride that is 7D2D.


    Most played game ever according to my Steam hours.  From my perspective, you are doing something right  😉


  2. 4 hours ago, TheBus4K said:


    I find it very sad that I can only play this game 1-2 times (maybe three, although I get bored before) each year (or even a year and a half depending on the Alpha) before getting bored just because updates take so long.

    What are you going to do when it is finished?  Play twice and move on?  Sounds like the issue is you, not how long since the last major update of a game in development.

  3. On 4/6/2021 at 2:19 AM, Darklegend222 said:


    Read the first part of the first sentence again. It's easy to get caught up in a POI you forget it's also a quest. There should be a more visible marker for idiots, and for people who don't want to watch a number whilst running away to regain stamina.

    You do realize that every time you start a quest, a magical, invisible gnome comes to the location and cleans up the landscaping around the POI.  You already have a visible marker in place to tell you where you should stay if you don't want to fail the quest.  Inside the nice cleaned up area that the gnome took care of before you went inside, you are good.  Step outside that area and be prepared to fail your quest.

  4. 15 hours ago, Deverezieaux said:

    It's coming together much faster than I thought. I'd welcome suggestions for things to include on some of the floors, keeping in mind the government theme.

    Court room with supporting rooms (clerks, etc)

    Licensing offices (inspectors, etc)

    City utility offices, etc

    Public meeting spaces

    Voting clerk Offices, etc

    Mayor's office with supporting staff


    Not sure if you already thought of these


  5. On 4/6/2021 at 5:52 PM, Almond Milk said:

    Hi all, I'm new to modding and I've been working on trying to make a mod that expands the turret system to involve new types. I don't want to do anything that may break the EULA when I'm working on the mod, however.


    The licensing agreement in the EULA says I will agree not to: "Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, prepare derivative works based on or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part;"


    I would breach the EULA if I were to use a program like Asset Studio to get the models and textures for the Auto Turrets and other firearms, right? Using the models to try to create a new turret model would also breach the EULA to my understanding. Would any XML I do count as modification of the software? (I wouldn't assume so since its the backbone of a lot of mods I've seen)


    Am I right in what I understand? Do the models and icons count as part of the software? I really don't want to do something I'm not supposed to. I'm not too experienced in modeling, but would it be better to try to make my own or should I just keep the regular models? Thank you for any help and I'm sorry if the question seems stupid.



    Roland might be best to answer your question as he has talked about this is the past.  I flagged him so hopefully he sees this topic (if he hasn't already seen it).

  6. 4 hours ago, Aldranon said:


    Wow, where'd you get your "Information" is interesting, but wrong, at least with ammo in FO4.


    No weight.

    He didn’t say they had weight, he said that if they did have weight, the system couldn’t handle it sice it would treat each bullet (and bottle cap) as one unit and would affect performance

  7. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I think you should scrap the brass before smelting it if you are tempted to sit and watch a timer for five minutes. Either put ten candlesticks in and go do something else and come back or scrap everything and take the penalty so you don’t have to babysit. 

    I scrap everything for inventory space and so I can load it all in to the forge at once and I have plenty of brass. There is way more brass and ammo to be found in A19 than ever before. 


    Yeah I just recently started making ammo in the chemistry table (to refill my SMG turrets), but I haven't significantly gone through the brass shells in my storage to make a dent (I have 10s of thousands of shells).  Buying from the traders and loot seems to keep my stock for the most part.


    I do not scrap out any brass in the field (to not lose that 25%) but that was a habit I got from earlier Alpha's which I question if it is even necessary anymore.

  8. 5 hours ago, fallenbox said:


    Its just theyr way to do things which almost every one tend to agree that suck, removing depth from the game and calling it "optimizations" as been a trend since the @%$#ty a17 patch, worst thing is that sometimes nothing is re-added after "improving" the thing, only cutting out elements of gameplay that people appreciate.

    "confusing to upgrade your base with the insane current block upgrade path" yeah i imagine what of an overload of mental struggle it goes on with such high numbers  of blocks upgrades, hopefully modders are gonna be able to fix what devs itself screw up.

    Honesty, I been liking the path they have gone since Alpha 15.  Are there things I wished they done differently?  Sure, but it is their game and their company, so they are making the game they want to.  If I don’t enjoy it, I don’t play it.  Pretty simple really, no need to complain about the changes.


    Also, show some respect to the devs.  They are working hard to get this game to gold based on the roadmap provided to them.  Not saying bugs don’t happen, but they are working hard to fix things and improve things, even if it is not the path you desire.

  9. Glad I limited my budget to the previous generation graphics cards and didn't even try to get the 3000 series.  My new system has a 2080 TI card in it and doing very good right now (everything set to max on my games).


    Co-worker of mine was able to get the 3080 card through Best Buy...though he got it through a Special deal which required him to first purchase an UPS.

  10. 2 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    You forget that as you level up your character you become an almost unstoppable Terminator-esque action hero at some point. Watch Glock9's Maxed Out series and come back to me when you're done.

    Did(I subscribed to his channel).  He also maxed out at the very beginning by leveling himself up through the console commands.  That is an artificial advancement which is different than playing so long you earned enough XP to max out everything.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Darthjake said:

    I agree it's not the best system, but imo, it's better then Conan or Valheim.

    Haven't played either of those games (yet).  Is it similar to Fallout or The Infected where items have weight and you have a weight limit?  The Infected goes a bit further and has a size restriction also tied to your backpack.

  12. On 4/3/2021 at 10:42 AM, Mike06 said:

    12) Loot Progression and Gamestaging Improvements = ? the "Game stage" thing TFP copies from other crap games is -100 as it sucks big time. It is really boring that the game difficulty and enemies automatically scale up when player progresses. That negates ALL the character advancements. The game play is treading water. The advancement is more interesting when difficulty scales up by player choices. Like harder areas areas: large cities, radiated zones, larger buildings that are not survivable for low level and poorly equipped characters. That gives the player real sense on accomplishment and advancement to develop and improve the character to be able to access those areas. Not artificially level lock them and allow characters to try going there at anytime only to themselves learn to avoid them until better equipped.  

    I am confused.  Are you saying that the game shouldn't get harder as you survive in the game?  So if I just hunt animals and search bird nests all the time for a straight month (and basically not loot any POIs but survive by finding food), the game should never advance in difficulty because I have not advanced my character?  With the game stage tied to days survived and your level, it is basically constantly challenging you to improve your character as the AI manager is going to throw tougher enemies at you.


    It's this micromanagement of your character that makes the choices you make more meaningful and can lead to issues if you choose poorly.  Do you spend that perk point into a support skill to help with surviving or more into a combat related perk for attacking / defense against the zombies?


    Also, have you tried surviving in the wasteland biome with harder difficulty settings as a new player?  That is a current example of the game scaling up the difficulty based on the player's choice.

  13. On 4/3/2021 at 10:42 AM, Mike06 said:

    9) Pipe Weapons for Primitive Tier = +1 (although a bit ripping off Rust, but before they surpasses 7d2d, they stole a lot from 7d2d) 

    Just wanted to point out that pipe weapons existed before Rust (Fallout 4 released with pipe weapons).  Improvised firearms were not invented by Rust - Fallout 3 had the Rock-It Launcher (later changed to Junk Jet).

  14. 4 hours ago, Gazz said:

    It's similar to people saying "not gonna lie". That implies that they lie by default when they don't say this.

    “No disrespect” basically means thry are about to disrespect you


    or my favorite “not to offend you” right before they say the most offensive thing

  15. 41 minutes ago, Roland said:

    In either case, the only person forcing anyone to do anything is that person restricting themselves. Which is fine. Play how you want. But if the way you are playing isn't satisfying then consider making a different choice.

    My next playthrough is going to be broad instead of specializing, knives as melee, only can use items I can craft myself (ammo, canned food, health items exception), can't sell Traders anything except raw materials and items I craft myself.  Food spoils in 3 days and refrigerated in 7 days (not sure yet how I am going to micromanage that).


    This is why I love playing this game so much.  Each playthrough I can change the rules and get a completely different experience.

  16. 17 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    bad thing about this is... i had made a video showing you all this an d damn forgot to add it. well at least you found the issue. :)


    late but here it is if you want to see it.


      Hide contents


    That was more than I was going to do.  I was just going to go into my current playthrough, jump off a tall building, and cycle through the various God modes to determine which one did what.  Glad I came back to the forum before I did that  😉


  17. 3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    at least with big mama she has a Patch of skin rotted off. but the striper/Party girl looks like she just had a Hard night with Snowdog

    Based on what I read in this forum, it is probably more likely she looks like that after running away from SnowDog.

  18. 12 hours ago, katarynna said:

    Some days I log in and it is a looter shooter, spamming every poi up and down the street with reckless abandon and a bunch of chests in the middle of the street to dump crap in to be sorted/moved later.

    Thank God I am not the only one that does that.  I looted the town I am in and working on the town next to me.  Though I have gone from loot chests (those I used mostly when I am using the bikes) to the 4X4.

    5 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    You know, I've spent a lot of time in loot.xml over the years, and this thread makes me think... even if we accept the premise of leveled loot, maybe they should abandon sorting all the loot into tiered groups.  Maybe they should go back to simple loot lists, but put a gamestage number/modifier directly on each item.  Then you could just have a loot list of all the armor, and add it to all the containers where it makes sense to find armor, and the game would look at the individual item to see whether you're 'ready' for it at your gamestage.  It may not affect the end result that players see, but it would make the files easier to read and maintain, and you could go beyond tiers if you wanted.  For instance, you could start finding chest armor a little bit before you start finding helmets, without waiting for this big rollover where all sorts of loot changes all at once.

    I must be weird, but I have no issues with the current loot strategy - I will also admit I won't have any issues if TFP makes changes down the road to it.


    With the current iteration, it makes things simpler for me when I am playing.  For the first 1-2 weeks of playing, I am just concentrating on survival - food, water, collecting basic materials, prepping my location for the first BM, setting up my base.  So I never really go into the more interesting POIs - I stick mostly to houses and the T1s.  By the time I am ready to start advancing my situation, my game stage is high enough that I am going to find better loot in the higher tier POIs.

  19. On 3/30/2021 at 10:51 AM, Adam the Waster said:

     Some melee weapons are Very weak like Knives

    One my most entertaining games was going knives as my primary (I spec'd into it too).  It makes you have to re-evaluate how you attack zombies melee, especially if you got a group of them.  If I had videos of the gameplay, you would see me using whatever objects I had around me to isolate them and keep the situation under control - even use the hole from Buried Supplies quests.  They are not very weak, they just have to be used differently - though I do wish they had a book set like Unarmed or Clubs or Spears or even Batons.

    On 3/30/2021 at 10:51 AM, Adam the Waster said:

    once you get a auto shotgun Nothing is Scary and if you put slugs in it and get the shotgun perk, nothing stands in your way.

    pssssss......let me tell you a secret, nobody forces you to use the Auto shotgun  😉


    I am using it in my current playthrough, but I been thinking of just stopping at Pump Shotgun in the my next playthrough.


    I also been tending to use my SMG, the Desert Vulture, Sniper Rifle, and the M60 (last 2 only for BM nights) than the Auto Shotgun I have on my tool belt.

  20. 20 hours ago, Neko1992 said:

    i can change items and use. i cant use my bike(mini, normal,) if i use it, it spawn on a other place where i was arrive before. then i cant take it back.

    -are you able to interact with other objects in the area? yes and no. sometimes i can talk with the trader then not. but i can use the forge or chemie table, but then not my chest or something.

    -have you switch items in your hands to see if you can now loot? yes didn't work

    I have seen the same thing when you start getting long in the game.  My current playthrough I am at 118 days and every now and then I can't interact with objects when I have certain things in my hand.  I saw in your playthrough log files you are past day 200.  I wonder if some data is getting corrupted like Jugginator mentioned above that is causing the issue as you keep playing long into a saved game / map - I don't have any mods on my computer (never installed) so I have seen some wackiness with longer playthroughs - my recent one is during the last two bloodmoons, a radiated Steve spawned underneath my base and dug his way upwards.  No mining underneath and the previous BM I filled in all the open spaces I could with reinforced concrete.  Didn't stop him from spawning in again.  Going to see what happens in the next BM.

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