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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 2 hours ago, Duckers said:

    Same poor performance on my 5900x 12 core. Game barely uses more than 2-4 cores at max, and whenever there's a blood moon with 15+ zombies, framerate tanks from around 60-70 fps (cpu utilization limit) down to unplayable 15 fps with sub 50% gpu usage on my 2080.

    Considering the game is 8 years old by now since it "released", it's performance is still dog@%$#e on the cpu part of things.

    Can’t help you if you don’t provide more information.  You also may want to start a separate thread since your issue may be something different.


    I got a 2080 and not seeing that extreme of a fps drop.  I usually hold steady around 50 - 60 fps.


    Also, game hasn’t been release yet and the devs are doing a lot of optimization now; but you probably didn’t know that since you just joined and probably not following the devs posts.

  2. 2 hours ago, thornnnn said:

    quite  few hours in.. and there is no desert biome..   so no vehicals  once i shred all the cars.  come on devs.. what kind of **** is this.   at least let us make gas from alcohol.  You finally gave me something to HATE about 7d2d.  With a PASSION!

    you need to code in that every start is within view of a desert.. cus the game is broken without a desert.. and we can just quit and reroll if no desert.  every other biome we cn do without.. but not the desert.

    why don’t you tell me your map seed and mape size?  I will rwg it and see if there is no desert.  I bet there is one.  The only time I have seen maps with no desert biomes were NitroGen ones where desert biomes were intentionally removed.

  3. 1 hour ago, thornnnn said:

    quite  few hours in.. and there is no desert biome..   so no vehicals  once i shred all the cars.  come on devs.. what kind of **** is this.   at least let us make gas from alcohol.  You finally gave me something to HATE about 7d2d.  With a PASSION!

    you need to code in that every start is within view of a desert.. cus the game is broken without a desert.. and we can just quit and reroll if no desert.  every other biome we cn do without.. but not the desert.


    FYI - my last playthrough I got to Day 125 without mining in the desert for shale, even though I knew where it was.  

  4. 34 minutes ago, saoron666 said:

    would the motion sensor work and detect me in the car ? or i would have to come out of the car ?

    cause the idea is to open it and continue driving in and close back the door or bridge ...

    The only thing of concern is where the garage is.  I had motion sensors on both the inside and out, but since the garage area was where I also had all my crafting benches and forges, I found it frustrating to have the garage doors keep opening and closing as I was working or unloading loot from my vehicle at night.  I went with a pressure plate on the inside so I could have complete control over the doors (I would walk around the vehicle and step on the plate before getting in).  If your garage is separate from your night activities, then the 2 motion detectors recommended by @katarynna works great.

  5. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    11 months later....


    Why did you necro this thread? You like the undead that much? How many pages back did you scroll to find something to respond to....?


    The OP is probably a pro by now anyway...lol

    I was just amazed it wasn’t a spammer that necro the thread😄

  6. 4 hours ago, Kattla said:


    I did a test of electric fences early in A19. 1 fence (1 active, 2 inactive on each side), 3 demolishers. They look a bit angry, after beeing shocked for hours. All the damage dealt to them was with the electric fence. No damage done to the blocks. Perfect stunlock in the test. Not fully perfect on horde nights, but still quite good. Not sure if this still works though.


    It works but I had something like 7-9 electric fences in a row and I could easily repair them in my base.  The only thing I had trouble were the wrights when I got up to higher days (90+).

  7. 2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    I think this can already be done by wiring a pressure plate to the door, so that when you drive over it with your vehicle the door triggers/opens.

    Never tried it myself though, but I'm pretty sure the devs even showcased that during a vid/stream.

    Nope, vehicles right now don't activate the trigger plates.

  8. 10 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Because other players are using? Because my friends join me and do it and other things breaking game? Because I go to YouTube and see that many players use any mechanic vulnerabilities to cope with difficulties? And I'm talking not only about LCB, but also about many other bad broken mechanics that I mentioned earlier in this and other threads
    And because when I play this game, I have to keep in mind dozens of broken mechanics/tips/tricks that I don't want to use just because they're too strong, too unnatural and simplify the game too much. I don't like it

    Okay to expand on this....how does other people doing this affect you?  I know it is an exploit, but I don't follow how they (or even YouTubers) doing it affects your gameplay.  I am not saying that TFP shouldn't fix exploits that break the gaming experience for everyone, but if it is something some people do that only affects their gameplay, why put forth the effort?


    I see a lot of YouTubers building bases that make the zombies think they have a path and just end up in an endless loop where they fall down, get back up again, and repeat.  I find that exploits the game, but it doesn't affect my gameplay.  If that is how they want to play the game, great for them.  It doesn't affect me even though I think it is cheesy.

  9. 20 hours ago, VegetarianZombie said:

    God do I hate stupid posts like these. I am sure I will get in trouble for saying that but why do people always have to act like they are trying to be smart and make stupid smug smarmy posts like this and ignore the entire discussion of the topic that is about making something about the game better.

    I have no issues with balance changes (like the upcoming ones in A20 for the traders and the addition of pipe weapons).  I also believe I never said anything negative about the original topic of this discussion.  What I was referring to was the fact that you wanted TFP to completely remove the quests from the game because you hated them.


    Your post implied that you are being "forced" to take and finish quests when you don't have to do any such thing.  The only thing you cannot find by looting or crafting yourself are some high end items (solar banks and solar cells comes to mind right now).  Does the trader make things easier?  Yes they do.  Are we forced to use them?  No we aren't.


    I personally like having the option of one playthrough using all the traders I can find, another playthrough only using a specific trader the entire game, even playing not taking trader quests or even using the traders at all.  Having those various options to play this game makes it interesting and challenging at times.  Taking away options limits the enjoyment for others, just to satisfy others by removing a game mechanic that is not being forced on the players.


    TFP are working on balance issues with the traders and pipe weapons.  Even if those changes don't make the game the way you want to play it (for example, adjusting the loot tables to find better gear early on), TFP has setup the game where even novice modders (sp?) can adjust things for their enjoyment.


    Also, remember that something you think is negative or better for a game can be the opposite for another person.  I personally like choices, and sandbox games like this allow me to make those choices.  I also don't have any issues with the stone age in this game.  I take it as a challenge.  So I don't have any firearms for my first BM horde except for some blunderbusses; I just take stock of what I do have and planned accordingly.  You want to loot and want to find better loot earlier than I do.  That's great, and the easiest way to do that is to adjust the loot tables file so that the better loot shows up earlier.  If TFP goes a different route and makes the base game where the better loot shows up earlier, then I would adjust the loot tables on my computer so they show up later.

  10. 15 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Im agree that's why I'm writing about it. The game pushes us to use the shortcomings boringly and I ask to fix it. Besides, it's not hard.

    I don't use it by the way, but I know a lot of people abuse

    I disagree.  I never used that cheesy tactic and don't feel the game is pushing me to do so.   I tend to keep wooden spikes on my toolbelt to redirect / block wandering hordes when I am out in the open.  Some people may feel that is cheesy, but it is the way I play at times.  


    Don't like making the recipe more expensive.  I sometimes have to use several blocks (if I move locations or change where I want to place it) before I even think about going for buried treasures and haven't found any gold yet.


    My opinion - It's cheesy but I don't think TFP need to fix an issue that really doesn't affect others.  If TFP want to, more power to them; but not on my list of items I want them to work on before going Gold  😁

  11. 11 minutes ago, kojiwafu said:

    I am using the dedicated server one and installed it using streamcmd with anonymous login.

    Sorry just had to ask.  Sometimes people state things like they are not using any mods then paste their logfiles which shows they are indeed using modes.



    ST has a good pinned topic at top and one of the areas she talks about is setting up and running a dedicated server.  Not sure if you read up on that yet or not.  If you have, then ST will be around soon to assist.

  12. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    i didn't know it when i was writing these post . But i can't agree : automatic pistol , semi-auto like garand , 3 or 5 round burst  assult rifle or granda launcher like M79 could change a lot. Melee weapons like katana ( a lot of  better machete) or crowbar (better bat) could be rly nice 

    Those will be from the mod community.  They might even bring in other calibers too  😉


    TFP already have a lot on their plate to bring this game to Gold so introducing new models / items in the game doesn't add value at this time; especially when we have seen a strong mod community for a game in Alpha.

  13. 5 hours ago, Kosiam said:

    Congratulations on being a super player! Most of us can not reliably head shot *moving* and sometimes *jerking* targets and inevitably boom, base f'd. Your method does sound fun but when more than half the time at least 1 demo goes boom and then you have to either die or log does not equal fun. You imply I should consider you and your desires, but my friends and my desires do not make sense at all.

    Actually, I really don't care how you play the game.  If you want to mod out the demos, go ahead and do it.  If you want to reduce their bomb damage to where they are just simply a walking firecracker, go ahead and do it.  More power to you.


    What I didn't care for was your demand that TFP nerf the Demolishers because you are unable to handle them.


    When the demolishers first came out, I struggled against them.  But I kept playing...kept learning what tactics worked against them and what didn't.  I still get the occasional demo explosion, but with knowledge came the ability to survive horde nights.


    BTW - electric fences make it very easy to headshot zombies.

  14. Is this a dedicated server or one that you are running from your computer while you are playing the game?   If it is the latter, I don't think it would show up until you are setup fully on your computer (started, in the game).  I could be wrong as I don't play MP but this seems to be the standard when using a dedicated server vs starting one up on your computer while playing.

  15. On 4/24/2021 at 3:00 PM, VegetarianZombie said:

    I honestly hope they remove the entire quest thing from traders completely and just leave them as actual traders. I have quit so many games I have started for a few alphas now (so I am talking this has been going on for years) after getting burnt out at all the endless driving back and forth between traders and poi for the quests over and over and over and over and over. This game doesn't have that great of a driving system and wasn't initially built for it so it works horribly as a heavy-driving amount game. This is not at all GTA5 to put it very kindly, I don't want to spend that much time driving.


    I want to spend most of my time looting, exploring, and killing zombies. You know things like that. Not driving back and forth between multiple traders and poi again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again (have I demonstrated how annoying this is yet?) since traders have the best of everything, especially loot with the now absolutely gutted non-trader loot system.

    You can do this, nobody is forcing you to use the traders.  Using or ignorng traders is player choice.

  16. 7 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Its impossible to complete a poi on 1 hour days with zombies set to sprint before nighttime, assuming you start at 4 and end at 21:00. Since there is just not enough time to thoroughly scan EVERY wall and break down every single door.

    That is not true.  I am doing 1 hour days and able to clear out the zombies before nightfall in T5 POIs.  The tactic I employ is that I just clear out the zombies.  I do literally zero looting until afterwards.  Then I use the night to loot everything and start stashing away the loot in chests I have left at the stairwells or at the doors.  Once I loot everything, I then carry everything back to the 4X4, starting from the top and making my way downwards (stopping at chests to finish filling stacks).  The only POI I could not clear and loot in one day (24 hours) are the skyscrapers, but I plan for those going into 2 days.

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