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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 43 minutes ago, Boidster said:

    I noticed lately on my server that if I go into God mode I'm not auto-healing or losing status effects (broken bones etc.). I can fly, but also zombies can kill me. I didn't recall that being the case before, but I very rarely use God mode on the server so maybe it's always been this way. NBD, I just load up on medkits food and water. My ID has the max permission level in the server config (it's on a local machine, not hosted).

    I think it depends on which God mode you are using.  I saw the same thing but saw different results if I used "Q" to enter and exit God mode and through ESC and selected the option.  Not sure why that is the case though.


    I don't recall the last Alpha version that I did go into and out of God mode, maybe 19.2?

  2. 48 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:



    You have missed the point entirely. I can survive the first 7 days perfectly fine. The first 7 days is the "primitive age" so i would expect "primitive" items to be buffed.

    Why do you  need the buff if you already can survive?  🤔

    6 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    *Sigh* Me.

    What do you get at the 4,000 hour milestone?

    52 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    this is still a Survival SCAVENGING game.

    I thought it was a survival horror crafting game

  3. 3 hours ago, Jonks said:

    Just made this account for this, and honestly all of you defending this incredibly OP enemy is laughable. It shouldn’t be able to outrun you, it definitely shouldn’t be able to tank starter weapons, and it definitely shouldn’t kill in 3 bites. So yes, fix this enemy.

    I find it funny you created an account just to necro a thread.....


    Turn on God mode, since you think you should be able to take down a mountain lion with just a club and stone arrows while getting attacked multiple times and survive

  4. Have you tried starting up a new map and seeing if the problem persists?


    When you can't interact with the object, are you able to interact with other objects in the area?


    Do you get the prompt to loot?


    If you can't loot the object, have you switch items in your hands to see if you can now loot?

  5. When I play, 90% of the time I find my bloodmoon/home base(s) in the starting city I come across.....


    Unless Rekt is the trader, then I start looking for the next city to settle in.


    Not sure why, but I just can't stand living in the same city as Rekt  😉


  6. 2 hours ago, Kosiam said:

    Until these OP mobs are nerfed I am out. Once again, TFP take something fun and make it complete BS.

    Without Demolitions, I can just sit in my base and hold my M60 while I pull on the trigger mowing down waves of zombies while my turrets just annihilate the Z's.


    Or I can have to constantly adjust my tactics during the Bloodmoon horde:  Throwing the kill switch on my turrets when I see / hear the D's show up, switch to sniper rifle and start shooting their heads with AP ammo; then switching back on defenses when they are not appearing.


    Wonder which one makes for a more interesting defense play.......

  7. 4 hours ago, Sal said:

    And this could've been done in a much better way starting with putting more thought into it instead of a terrible, lazy design.

    A better, non toxic response would just be to say that you don't like it and then move on.


    But hey, if you can do better, nobody is stopping you from starting up your own PC gaming software company, developing and putting out an unique game, and then creating merchandise for that game.

  8. 45 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Agility says "Welcome to the club"


    I never had an issue with time clearing POIs with either the agility build or intelligence build.  By the time I am doing the higher level POIs (T4 or T5), I should have spec'd out enough in either tree with decent gear.  Then again, the longest time for me in the POIs is the looting / salvaging the POI after I clear it out.

    12 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    That is the point of the conversation, yes. If you are making a build focused on one attribute (like most people do when not playing to day nine thousand) the other attributes can all stand on their own besides int.

    If your choice is just to concentrate on one attribute, that is your decision.  It doesn't mean that TFP have to balance the game for your decisions.   I think a lot of this argument is based on Min/Maxing.  Just because you don't perk out specific weapons doesn't make them totally useless.  If you are concentrating an intelligence build, you can deploy two turrets at once with significant specs boosts that non-intelligent tree people can do.  Throw in the point that Roland has made, you can effectively field up to three range weapons while everyone else is limited to one (throw in the fact that the junk turrets only require scrap iron to make the ammo).  In addition, it's not like you can't use weapons if you haven't put any perks into them.  I am still using pistols and SMGs at Day 95 and I have yet to sink a single point in Gunslinger.  They are far from being useless.


    Also, Day 95 is nowhere near Day 9000.  When you go that route, that weakens your argument because you are artificially making up weaknesses / obstacles to support your argument.  

  9. 14 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    I mean, this just loops back to the issue of "Intellect doesn't have an endgame weapon" then where it's the only perk line that isn't balanced to stand on it's own as a fleshed out build.

    I don't think this is an accurate statement.  I am currently at Day 95.  I spec'd into Intelligence and maxed it out.  I also have Strength almost maxed out and have spec'd into Perception.


    I use various weapons during each BM (pistols, smgs, shotguns, assault rifles, M-60, sniper rifles) and able to hold off the BM horde (2nd to highest difficulty - I believe it is called survivability?).  When I am looting POIs, I just use shotguns, pistols, assault rifle, and turrets.  I have yet to die to the zombies.


    Just because you max out intelligence doesn't mean you can't up other attributes to improve that class of weapons.  What you are saying is almost like you are only spec'ing one attribute and that is all.  When you get further along, you have the perk points to spend on other attributes and perks.

  10. 6 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    So basically, despite the fact this is where balance was not focused, the four other attributes could hold their own solo, to varying degrees (depending on the type of weapon), but the Intellect built would have the most trouble in this regard. M60 vs horde? Easy. Shotgun vs horde? No problem. Sniper + explosives vs horde? Doable. Pistols + SMG against horde? A cakewalk. Turrets vs horde? Obscenely difficult.


    Not complaining, just making an observation. :)

    What horde are you talking about?  Bloodmoon or a wandering horde?  Junk turrets are just to assist, not to be able to do all the work (right now I am at Day 95 so I only use the sledge turrets lower than my catwalk so not to trigger demolishers).


    I recently tried the auto turret with the shell ammo, shotgun choke, drum magazine, cripple mod, and 3 round burst (I swapped out the full auto mod to see how the burst mod works with the turrets).  While working at night on the outside of my base, I got jumped by a screamer that got off her scream.  I ended up laying down the junk turret as they were running my way and it took care of them as I was moving around shooting them 44 cal.  I didn't feel that it wasn't contributing as I had to deal with a couple of radiated and the rest were ferals.


    However, I use it the same way I use my shotgun turrets.  I set them (and the junk shottie) up so that they are close range firing; not giving them the option of firing at long ranges.  Sometimes the key is how you use them, not just the fact that you are using them.

  11. 4 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    With all the weapon tweaking, has there been any testing and balancing on the Shotgun pellets for the Junk Turret? They really need some love IMO as there's basically no reason to spend so many resources crafting them over just crafting normal shotgun shells. The shotgun ammo has really bad return on investment because a high level Junk Turret fires REALLY fast and will blow the entire stock of shotgun ammo ridiculously quickly, and each shell does pathetic damage compared to a quality 1 unperked shotgun even when maxed out on the Junk Turret skills


    It's a cool concept for sure, and since the work is already done implementing it, some number tweaks to make it a bit more appealing would be great!

    Curious, have you ever done the shotgun pellets with the shotgun choke mode to see if it improves it?  I have only done normal shells for the turret so far.

  12. 20 hours ago, Roland said:


    That's because there is no WD-40 in the game. Your stealth level could be 50,000 but without WD-40 those hinges will wake the dead.


    My Grandpa always used to say:


    If it moves and it shouldn't -- Duct Tape

    If it doesn't move and it should -- WD-40

    For me, it was:


    You only need 3 things in your tool box;  A hammer, a roll of duct tape, and a welding torch.  If those don't work, you need a bigger hammer.

  13. 1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

    For traps, I agree completely too. Any meta build is just "Stand on a roof throwing molotovs and grenades". The only traps I really see used anymore are the shock wire ones to slow zombies to give yourself more time to deal with them. Turrets will blow your entire stockpile of ammo, and blade traps will just break 2 seconds in


    A cat walk + Explosion Candy + Molotovs and contact grenades = barely any resource expenditure for a horde night


    That's more an issue with grenades being insanely OP than anything though. I don't even bother perking into explosives, just the candy + base damage is more than enough


    Right now I am approaching Day 56 with my current horde base (Survivor difficulty, 64 zombies).  Current setup is electric wire fences (5), dart traps (8), and shotgun turrets (2) defending my base while I am standing behind posts popping heads with a sniper rifle.  Thrown in are barbed wire traps and a sledge turret to slow down / knock down any that get past the shotgun turrets, dart traps, and electric wire fences.  I also got 4 auto turrets on the roof to handle any vultures.  I used molotovs on Day 7 but nothing since then as my base design is preventing the zombies from reaching me.  Usually the only ones that get past my defense are spiders and the occasional dog that I take out with my auto shottie / smg.  And yes, the zombies have a direct path to me, I am not using any designs to make them think they can reach me only to fall off.


    I haven't figured out how to incorporate blade traps into my base design yet.


    I do go through about 300 rounds of shotgun shells a BM night, but I haven't had any issues keeping up stock wise.  I got two forges to replace the iron darts between horde nights.  Right now I am seeing radiated zombies (along with all the other variants) but expect to see demolishers soon.  I am also sitting on a munitions crate full of 7.62 ammo.

  14. 4 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Speaking of bleed damage, wasn't that supposed to be getting a major buff / rework in A20? I recall Mad Mole talking about wanting to make status effects more important for players and I think also mentioned it applying to the machete line to make them more appealing. ATM from all the tests I've run, machete is one of the worst weapons in the game just because it can't really compete with a club or sledge in any real situation. Even for hit and run you can just use a fire mod on a better weapon and bonk them

    I found specializing in knives and the machete with the right mods works fine.  You just can’t fight the same way you would with the club and sledge.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Atrimislegnacra said:

    Not really, people defend what they love, I get that. I wasn't trying to come off strong, though I do indeed have adult ADHD, been officially diagnosed with it and everything. Sucks when I'm unable to concentrate on anything.

    And everything that pops up during a normal day, you find yourself doing things you never planned on doing.  On one hand it is great having your mind going over mutliple things all the time.  On the other hand, concentrating on one task to completion is a pain in the rear.  I got the T shirt also so I can sympathize  with you; though based on your comments, you got it worse than me.

  16. 3 hours ago, Atrimislegnacra said:



    It's funny that I find the above post, as I was the one that "claimed" it, again, as I said, going by second had information. I would like to see said "once and for all" post though, because as it reads, and the fact that it was deleted does make one question things.

    You got the information second hand.  How do you even know that the post was “deleted”?  MM has always been supportive of crafting and building.  Based on MM’s stance over the various alphas, I wouldn’t trust your source.  You don’t need an “once and for all” post, you just have to be following MM’s posts as he makes them.

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