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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 31 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    Your RAM is not configured properly. That alone is going to cripple your system's performance.


    I'll look into more of the report once I've had breakfast and some coffee.

    🤔 says getting breakfast and some coffee, but lives close by as I am cleaning up dishes from dinner......proof that ST lives in a different dimension

  2. 10 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    So I've looked through the XML's for gamestage groups in A19 and it seems that feral soldiers never spawn during horde nights... It begins with regular soldiers and then jumps right to radiated after a while. Will this be looked at for A20, as an "inconsistency" of sorts.

    To be honest, I never stopped during horde night to figure out who is a normal zombie and who is a feral.  I would have never noticed this if you hadn’t done some digging and posted about it. 😁

  3. I typically decide before hand what melee weapon I am going to specialized in and how I am going to approach my gameplay (i.e. where am I going to build a base, is it going to be also a horde base or will that be separate, am I going to wait for my character to find recipes or do I have a time when I use perk points to get things like vehicles or crafting stations).


    I normally don't specialized in any of the attributes as I typically spread them around to unlock various perks.  I usually go to 7 in a single attribute (I typically play Jack of all, master of none) but if I survive long enough, I may raise some of the attributes up to 10 to unlock all

  4. 5 minutes ago, Boidster said:


    I get the issue on a new 'gaming' laptop (i7-10xxx, RTX 2060), but it's rare and I'm using Compopack POIs so my experience is not valid for bug reporting even if I could replicate it.

    I should have also noted on my post that I play strictly vanilla.  No mods, no custom POIs, using the games RWG.  Though, I did have the phantom block issue on my old computer under the same vanilla conditions.

  5. 59 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    I thought about it, but I don't understand why the game doesn't give a challenge.
    I think I'll try mods. I've already tried some, its usually difficult.
    Although I don't like them in general. I think the vanilla version should be difficult without mods. Especially the amount of settings available


    Of course, I can still set 0.1% loot and 0.1% experience, but it's an artificial complication like unkillable zombies. I think the difficulty should be not just how many times you need to hit a zombie to kill him and not how many chests you have open to find a grenade launcher


    The game is balanced for the lower difficulties.


    In addition, this is a sandbox game.  The developers have built us the sandbox.  Now it is up to us to define how we are going to play inside the sandbox.  There are a lot of options out there (in the vanilla game) that makes it harder, especially at the higher difficulties:


    • Loot abundance set at 50%
    • Increasing the zombie speeds (I do this by default now, no more default zombies walking)
    • No air drops
    • Loot doesn't respawn

    My options / restrictions I been adding to increase the challenge:

    • Using crafted only items
    • Not using traders or limiting their use greatly
    • Only using POIs for BM bases
    • Not mining (only mining surface boulders)
    • Food expires


    I got over 2000 hours playing this game and not once have I used a mod.  My last playthrough I got to 125 days before I lost interest.  Move onto another game under development to play it a bit (less survival, more casual play) but I am getting ready to generate a new map in 7D2D to start over again.  Setting up some rules to make it more of a challenge and will probably start playing again this week if work allows me to start up again.

  6. 29 minutes ago, worstgameiveeverplayed said:

    Fedup of hunting for books so I can cook some food or plant a seed.  Impedes progress and makes the game too grindy.  Please fix it.

    Master Chef rank 1 unlocks a lot of basic recipes for cooking items.  You don't have to max it out unless you want the higher tier food items or the special brews.


    Living off the land unlocks the seeds.  You can get by just 2 levels of it to unlock most seeds.


    Good alternative if you don't want to track down the recipes or seeds in loot.

  7. 2 hours ago, bachgaman said:


    I know that, but I already have a drill and a gyrocopter, I have automatic shotguns and grenade launchers. I'm already tired of 5th tier quests. At the same time, my blood moon ends at 02:00 and there are no demolishers in it, haha, balance (I remind that I set the highest difficulty level) 


    I'm already starting to get bored




    Btw, we have still not died during BM in whole life of this world

    Do a crafting challenge then.  Only things you can use or sell are items you crafted.  Loot and trader purchases can only be used for parts and raw materials.

  8. 58 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

    It's been an issue since Distant POI was introduced in a16.0.


    It's also been really hard to get people having the issue to submit proper bug reports containing useful information to try to replicate it.  I've only been able to get the issue to occur by either using obsolete hardware (and even then I had to over-stress it), or by using mods or other things that would invalidate most of the testing.

    I can support this.  My previos computer (>10 years old) had this issue all the time; my new computer haven’t had this issue at all.

  9. 42 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I don't think it does. It may have been this way around alpha 15, but deaths just substract from total days. See the comment near the start of gamestages.xml:



    Hmmm, I must be confusing this with another game then.  Now I am curious what game has this mechanic I am thinking of.  Ahh, the joy of getting older. 😆

  10. 2 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    So, you could clarify this right away

    How do you do it? Let me guess

    Are you building some weird structures with zombies stuck in or something like that?

    Are you jumping from pole to pole trying to play for time?


    In any case, i bet it looks something like this. Thus, you "survive" not thanks to melee weapons, but in spite of them. It's like saying that a kettlebell tied to your leg helps you swim, because there are several people who have learned to swim with a kettlebell all their lives and they succeeded

    Again, who is the one attacking whom?  You started out fine but then instantly claimed that I am only "surviving" by building some weird structures.


    Do I just stand there and let zombies pound on me while I poke them with my knife?  No, I don't (and why would someone do that anyways?).  What do I do?  Let me give you a recent example of what I did.  I had a wandering horde come across me (I believe it was about 8 zombies).  Some were in the front, none of them were ferals so I quickly took stock of my surroundings.  I was in an open area, outside.  There was a large rock behind me.  I engaged the zombies.  First two in front, I power attack both of them once each.  This caused them to stagger and get bleeding effects applied to them.  I backed up, keeping myself aware if any other zombies are out there besides the wandering horde that is coming after me.  I keep an eye on my stamina, only engaging enough to cause bleeding affects via power attack (if they are not already) or simple attacks to cause damage.  The entire time I am backing up.  If they are starting to get too close, I disengage.  Put the rock between me and them, let my stamina recharge.  And then go back into attack mode, power attacks and regular attacks.  The horde numbers thin as I either take them out with my attacks or the DOT finishes them.


    So how do I survive?  By taking into account the weapon I am using, what I am facing, where I am at, and above all, maintaining situational awareness of everything around me.

    54 minutes ago, bachgaman said:

    Second, I put it in quotes because I really don't understand what he means. And I don't think he understands himself, because he wrote a typical populist demagogue message. Like we are all equal, we are all united, everyone is important, bla-bla-bla.


    I understand myself fine.  And I think my original statement that you have an issue with is fine on its own, I don't need to add anything to it.

    1 hour ago, Roland said:


    lol...I hope everyone in this thread clicks on that arrow and reads what @BFT2020 said to you about what it means to be a real player and then reads your response and then reads my question to you based on your response. I hope everyone reminds themselves of the full context of that post before reading my follow-up question.


    Because when they do and then see how you've behaved since then they'll think, "Gosh, that moderator has a lot of patience and even if he needs some guy to circle the back arrow for him, he's pretty okay in my book."

    Thumbs up from me, you have a lot more patience that I would probably have  😁

  11. 3 hours ago, bachgaman said:


    The fact that some "playstyles" are only available only at low difficulty suggests that there is an imbalance in the game, so what's wrong with asking to balance them? You attack me like I'm suggesting that all melee weapons shoueld be removed


    In addition, initially it was about making these abilities more interesting than 10/20/30/40/50% damage, I'm already tired of writing about this

    I never attacked you, and I never stated that you suggested all melee weapons should be removed.  What I been arguing against was your belief that:  Melee weapons were useless at any difficulty higher than adventurer, that the perks for melee weapons are useless, and that melee weapons and bows are worthless after the first week of gameplay.


    Remember when you posted "

    Deep Cuts

    Is someone really fighting with a bone knife instead of a club? or with a hunting knife instead of a grenade launcher?"


    I replied "Yes, I do fight with a bone knife at the beginning until I can get my hands on a higher quality knife.  Yes, I do perk into Deep Cuts.  Combine with Flurry of blows and parkour, I can handle anything outside of a 64 Z bloodmoon horde"


    And what exactly was your response?  "I repeat, you can tell any stories from the Adventurer difficulty level, this will in no way change the fact that these perks are worthless"


    Which I found interesting since I been playing Survivalist difficulty for some time now.  Who exactly is attacking whom?  The person who stated that they can play with other melee weapons than just the club and using those perks to their advantage, or the person that just assumes that the author is only playing at the lowest difficulty so their opinion doesn't count.


    So please stop acting like you're a victim.  I was never attacking you, just arguing against your broad comments that melee weapons and the perks for them are useless.


    19 hours ago, Roland said:

    Spears are definitely not the most powerful but using a spear in combination with a club is just a lot of fun. Jab Jab Throw smash.

    Do you ever say that when you are playing?  Jab Jab Throw Smash?  😆

  12. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    Thus, everything that you wrote does not apply to real players, it applies to people resting in a near-creative mode. Also, all this does not make these skills boring and weak, such as 10/20/30/40/50% damage from a Javelin. You still don't understand what I'm talking about

    Real players are anyone that plays the game and has fun doing so.  It doesn’t matter if they play at the easiest settings or turn all the settings up to the max.  It doesn’t matter if they build a huge, complex base or take over a POI to defend themselves against the hordes.  It doesn’t matter if they go in guns blazing all the time, or use melee weapons a majority of the time.  It doesn’t matter if they spread their perks across multiple trees or specialize in one or two.


    Real players are players that play the game; it is not defined by your playstyle.

  13. 2 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    I repeat, you can tell any stories from the Adventurer difficulty level, this will in no way change the fact that these perks are worthless

    It's obvious that you are trolling me.  If you been paying any attention to my posts, I have clearly stated that I play survivalist which is the second highest difficulty level in the game.  Throw in increasing the speed of daytime zombies above their default, maxing out zombies in BM hordes, and lowering loot levels, I am clearly not paying this game at lower difficulty levels.


    But hey, believe whatever you want to believe to justify your opinion; just don't expect others to believe the same as you.

  14. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

    Pummel Pete

    Skull Crusher

    You can tell your stories as much as you like about how you can withstand BM with one baton on the easiest level of difficulty, but these perks are too boring and too weak to swing in a normal game. There are always more profitable perks, and the moment you can max out these perks you will not need to use these weapons



    Same as Javelin Master, very boring and weak perk for super bad weapons


    Deep Cuts

    Is someone really fighting with a bone knife instead of a club? or with a hunting knife instead of a grenade launcher?


    Light Armor

    Same as heavy, yes bonuses are better but in absolute terms they are same



    What is it for? For those people who cannot jump over the cliffs in fifth level tasks?


    Hidden Strike

    From The Shadows

    All stealth should be removed from the game for obvious reasons

    In quests, you cannot use stealth due to trigger traps

    In bloody moon, zombies always see you

    Outside of quests and a blood moon, you hardly have any problems with zombies at all

    Again, this is simply based on your playstyle.


    For those that don't abuse the death exploit or use settings where loot is a rarity,   these perks are very useful.


    Yes, I do fight with a bone knife at the beginning until I can get my hands on a higher quality knife.  Yes, I do perk into Deep Cuts.  Combine with Flurry of blows and parkour, I can handle anything outside of a 64 Z bloodmoon horde


    Late game I am still using either a compound bow or crossbow with steel arrows / bolts.  With perks in both archery and Hidden strike, I can do a ton of damage to a sleeper every time I come across one.  And yes, stealth still works in quests and POI for the majority of the time. (there will be cases where stealth won't work).  The other times I trigger and then retreat to see if I can get the Z's to get bored trying to find me.


    My last playthrough I ended at Day 123.  I was still using the steel club.

  15. Fast travel is really only necessary for games that only have walking / running to your next location as your only options (i.e. Fallout 3 / Fallout 4 - though 4 you can get smoke grenades and align yourself with the BoS to travel via flight between locations).


    7D2D has vehicles that allow you to travel between locations.  Since the game provides multiple modes of transport, fast travel is not necessary

  16. 4 hours ago, bachgaman said:


    Man, I understand that at the Scavenger difficulty level, you can successfully kill zombies with a torch, you don’t need to tell me that you are investing skill points in a spear playing at a high difficulty level and you don’t suffer from it. You only do this if you want perversions


    Im also playing with a club / baseball bat / steel club (in the last game I found steel club at a merchant in the first week) early days. So what? Yes, I killed zombies with 2.5 power attacks to the head, spending all the stamina on Insane difficulty. It was very cool, but as soon as I got a double-barreled shotgun and after 1-2 days more a pumpshotgun I forgot about this club forever. And imagine, I didn’t spend 5-10 levels on leveling up possession of this passable weapon


    You did not understand at all. I did not say that clubs are useless. I said that the club perk is useless. I said that perks for bows, spears and brass knuckles are even more useless. Perks for crafting armor are generally discarded skill points.

    I think Meganoth stated it well.  Just because you think a perk is useless doesn't mean it is useless overall.


    I play Survivalist (2nd highest level) and I use melee until the end.  Since I use melee, I spec' into the weapon I am using (clubs, sledges, knives) so that I can still use them at the end.  Never once thought that putting points in those perks was a waste.


    I do take guns with me, but I use those as a last option if I am getting overwhelmed.  I want to save my ammo for BM night as I typically have a lot of turrets to restock and need to have a good supply on me since I play with max zombies (64).

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