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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I was able to find an online video to take it part safely so I can check it out. With the exception of the wheel area, the mouse is pretty clean inside. I did wipe down the little clicker for the LMB, but that doesn't change anything. It is definitely a mechanical issue. The response of the clicker for the LMB is softer (weaker) than the clicker for the RMB. Those mechanical switches can last a long time, but not forever. It definitely looks like it just wore out over time and either needs to be replaced (While I don't mind fixing things, this is probably more than what I want to spend time on) or a new mouse is in my future.
  2. Really, I think swapping scrap metal tools with stone tools would be better (IMHO). Granted, it might make it more difficult (or maybe just longer to craft) than a simple stone tool / weapon, but at least with scrap tools, we don't feel like cavemen at the beginning 🙂 However, I am fine with both.
  3. This is an easy one for everyone to solve (as it only requires your opinion). I started to see an issue while playing where I would instantly fire my bow instead of pulling back and holding the shot. I then noticed that this occurred on other games where I had to keep my LMB pressed for long periods of time. I reloaded the driver for the mouse (with the latest available but this mouse is not supported anymore so that was 2015 I think). Problem still persist. I swapped to my cheap 2 button work mouse and the issue went away. My current mouse (the one with the LMB issue) is a Razer DeathAdder 3.5G. I am thinking about replacing it with the Razer DeathAdder V2, but thought I would get some feedback before I replace it. I can get by for a few days with the work mouse, and I really haven't thought much about Mice to make an opinion.
  4. *sigh* no, just no....no no no.....*sigh*.......no no no 🙄🙁😦😞😖
  5. Wait a minute....you took the time (and did the effort) to create a fully documented journal to describe and inform the player about the things you did in this mod; and yet, you still expect people to read it? have you no decency sir?!? Seriously, great work. Doing these small details that don't affect the gameplay but helps the player (if they would actually read it of course) is the difference between a great mod and a so-so mod.
  6. Curios, how does skeletons fall in the 7d2d universe?
  7. If it makes you feel better, my mind automatically put mountain in front of lion when I was reading your post 🙂
  8. That makes sense as their behavior is different than other animals / zombies. Non-horde night vultures won't attack you unless you are injured (not at full health), on a vehicle that is damaged, or part of a POI. They will circle above you until one of those conditions are met, then they will go into attack mode.
  9. There are mods out there that do limit ammo availability. I am playing one right now were I am at Day 50 and I don't have a ton of ammo saved up (even though I only used arrows for my first 4 horde nights). A simple XML edit will also limit ammo if you are looking to go that route.
  10. No more updates for XBox as the publisher went bankrupted. There might be a new release down the road but only after the PC version is completed and TFP decide to try again with a console version (and find a publisher, etc).
  11. How so? You can make pipe weapons a lot sooner than the other weapons that use the same ammo. I don't rush to find a weapon at the traders on Day 1 and looting at that early of a game stage, I am going to be very lucky to find a Q1 pistol in the toliets. With a pipe weapon, I can use that 9mm or 7.62mm ammo I find early on if I find myself in a bit of a jam.
  12. Did this testing include switches and relays on the other side? For example Spit - block - relay Spit - block - block - relay I know on some of my past base builds I had cop explosions take out relays on the other side but not the block in front of it, but wasn't sure about the spit attack. Granted, my new designs, accounting for explosions, should prevent spit from taking them down; but I am curious if it is possible 🙂
  13. If you are going to want more zombie variation, it will probably have to be through mods. Check out enZombies by @ErrorNull and A19/A18 CreaturePacks by @xyth. Also a few others (for example - Snufkin's Custom server Side Zombies by @arramus). However, not all mods are compatible with each other so read up on the description page. MM stated that they are removing some variants (like the cheerleader and football player) and reworking existing zombie models, but never indicated that they were looking at adding 50 more zombies like you been asking for awhile. Maybe more special type zombies (The Hawaiian tourist is being worked on to do a gas attack - sorry @MaxTunnerX you will probably have to exclude more variants in your casual mod down the road) are being worked on, but the majority of new character models will be bandits (things can change, but this seems to be the current roadmap based on Development streams I have watched).
  14. Don’t get me wrong, your opinions on how much gas this game will have after final release (along with Roland’s) are good and thought provoking. I just have an issue when people start throwing out numbers with no data behind to back it up. Even if your conclusions and assumptions are solid, numbers without data leaves you open for others to poke holes in your stance. It’s the engineer in me. Same thing about people calling themselves experts, but can’t tell the difference between Minnesota and Michigan, or make up non-existing places as proof.
  15. That is not how this works. If you provide a specific number, you have to have data to prove it out. If you are saying that more than 75% of kids wear shoes outside in 2021 compared to 1900, you need to have the total population of kids in 1900, the total population of kids in 2021, the number of kids wearing shoes in 1900 and 2021. Hearing it from people does not make what you say as fact. If I said that users with the numbers 115 in their username are all 3 feet tall, weigh 1 ton, and have green skin, just because I say I heard if from people does not make it true or factual. Or say you are a politician and lost an election. Then claim that 500k to 700k people illegally voted for the other guy in the city. And you say this is true because they heard about it from people. Does that make it true? No, especially if the actual data for that city shows only 250k people voted in the election. Any time you use statistics or absolute/relative comparisons, you have to have the data to back it up. Otherwise, all you are stating are opinions based on what you believe, not on actual data out there.
  16. Does the vehicles have to be on the player or can they be on storage? I got a marker for a minibike that disappeared on me and couldn’t find it with god mode enable. I been having issues with my bow firing as soon as I go to pull back on the string snd wondering if this is tied to it.
  17. Everybody plays it differently and there is nothing wrong with that. Play it based on the settings and mods you want, not what you other people play the game. It is all about your enjoyment, not some "pre-determined" way to play this game.
  18. Wolves though are a great source of meat. The mod I got right now reduces meat harvest so no more existing on rabbits and chickens alone (they are reduced down to 3 per). Though me personally, I love a pack of zombie dogs or vultures as they are a good source of rotten flesh and feathers. But hey I am different. I love it when I misjudge a situation and several ferals make me pay for it 😉
  19. Yeah this is not going to happen. Madmole has stated that LBD is not coming back, so I seriously doubt they will put forth any development resources to create a game that does both the current system and the LBD system. Most likely you will need a mod to do this (Darkness Falls does it already).
  20. You can either set the spawn rate to 0% chance or change what is spawn in place of the zombie itself. If you open up the file that Boidster replaced for casual zombies, that will point you in the right direction. Then find any instance of vulture and either change the name (say you want to replace vultures with wolves) or lower the spawn chance to 0%. You will need to find the correct name of the entity you want to replace so that the console doesn't give you errors trying to spawn in a non-existing entity. I am at work right now so I can't give you specifics. you know what is weird. I got this itch to download the original mod and your mod, and go through them, seeing how the original mod author went about it.....even though I personally have no desire to mod any of the specials out of the game 🙂
  21. The mod that MaxTurnerX was using had issues with POI sleeper spawns. Did you happen to check this out under those conditions?
  22. BFT2020

    PC Specs?

    With my newest computer, I went with the AMD Ryzen 7 3800X. I looked at the comparable Intel (Core i7-9700k) which based on benchmarks, the Intel was better. However the AMD gave me what I wanted and I got a really good deal on it. I am not a hard core computer person like all of you, but I typically build my computers to last (7-10 years) and with the exception of adding new RAM or replacing a burnt out component, I usually do a complete new build when it comes time and my computer is seriously lagging in performance. It makes it easy to get my wife on board to spend money on a new computer for me when I point out that every time I build one, it lasts for a minimum of 7 years. Mine is the 2080 Super. I don't think they had Ti or the regular ones available when I was building it, but I lucked out on getting this one. I hope I can get a lot of years out of this one, but I don't think I play as demanding games (with the exception of 7D2D) as you all do. As I have gotten older, I have gotten into the more casual games that I can enjoy when I am not spending time with the family 🙂
  23. Yeah, if you look at the mod page, this was a known issue with it back in 2018 and was never updated.
  24. BFT2020

    PC Specs?

    I thought about offering mine for free when I upgraded my computer last year, but decided against it (ended up taking it to a recycling center for computers). In hindsight I should have asked but it was a potato to me. An ASUS GeForce GTX 560TI with a whooping 1 GB. Yes, I was playing 7D2D up to and including Alpha 19 with that card. I now got a GeForce RTX 2080 with 8 GB. The difference has been stunning. You know, nobody asked Liam what his budget is......
  25. A simple solution is just to reduce the spawn chance in the xml files to 0% for special zombies, or even modify the spawn groups so those zombies don't spawn at all. While mods can be broken during the Alpha development of this game (which is not a surprise), there is a robust modding community on this forum that will help you with making those changes yourself and help you track down errors if your first attempt doesn't work out smoothly.
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