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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 7 hours ago, Buddha18 said:

    I did that and still get the same error. 



    Nope you didn't.  You are copying the main folder.  You need to grab all the individual mod folders in the image I posted and load those into your mod folder for the game.  So when you look into your game's Mods folder, you should see folders like 0-Score, etc.  If you are seeing war-of-the-walkers folders in your mods folder, it cannot find the modinfo files.









  2. Trader rewards can outpace your crafting skill which they talked about balancing in the future - not sure exactly how they are going to balance it so that is a wait and see.  Me personally, I don't use the trader rewards so that doesn't affect my playthroughs.


    When I play vanilla, I find myself crafting more of the items I was spec'd into as I was finding those magazines frequently as I looted POIs and completed missions.  I would also supplement my magazines with trader purchases when they were available.  Crafting skills that I was not perked into, I tended to find better items in loot.  However, I don't push myself to get to the wasteland area for better loot during my playthroughs which will affect what I am able to craft versus loot.  That's another thing that will affect the items you get.  I tend to lean towards Agility playthroughs so I was crafting handguns, SMGs, knives, and bows before I could find a better one in loot.  But I play at a slower pace and don't rush to get my game stage / loot stage / trader stage up quickly; which probably affects a lot of finding better loot in trader inventories and in POIs (I typically don't complete the first tier of trader missions until around Horde day).


    I actually prefer crafting the items myself, which is why I created a mod that prevents me from repairing the items in game.  So even if I find a Q6 pump action shotgun in loot, I can only use it until it breaks and have to replace it with what I am capable of crafting at that time.  I also did a small boost to the magazine drops since I can't repair items anymore.  I basically added a small chance that you can gain a second or third magazine from OEM crates.  However, I also added Q6 crafting ability and merged the other schematics into the crafting trees so that changed how many magazines you needed to complete a series - so that small boost compensates for the additional magazines I need to find, but didn't make it feel like I was completing them too quickly.



  3. 17 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    Am also wondering if Styx Steel Ammo mod could be looked at to see how to do this.


    Probably a better suggestion since that mod is geared towards just adding a new ammo type while Izayo's work includes new guns.

  4. On 5/4/2024 at 7:38 AM, Bronco said:

    So, i wanna help a devs with the animations. Firearms and other guns in the game have a very bad animations. i can make a new animations for free, cause i wanna see a evolution in the game


    Submit a resume to the Fun Pimps and they will contact you if interested.  Otherwise, they have people already working on the game and the animations.


    You can also just make a mod if you want to to change the animations if you desire to do so.


    Also - this is for people to post videos about their channels, not an area to solicitate work

  5. 55 minutes ago, Buddha18 said:

    From the beginning of this thread where he posted at the top. It is where I have always downloaded it from. 


    Make sure you have these mods installed into your Mods file, not the parent folder.  Each of these subfolders has the modinfo file in them.


    Easiest thing to do is to unzip to your desktop, go into that folder until you see the folders below, then copy and paste all of these mod folders into your mods folder for 7 days to die



  6. Use one of Izayo's weapon mods as an example.  Izayo created new ammo types so you can see how it was done - it should include adding new ammos to items, modifying weapons to load the new ammo types, adding recipes, adding to the loot tables, and adding to the trader tables.

  7. 8 hours ago, Izayo said:

    I'll no longer update this pack , instead ,this will merge into the my new "All in one pack"  for -

    And let’s not forget easier for you to maintain, update, and ensure compatibility . 👍

  8. 1 hour ago, Buddha18 said:

    I have always went into the zip file then copy and paste the files which has always worked. I even unzipped it into the mods folder without success. I search the entire folder for the modinfo.xml file but it comes up as not found. I play on windows with steam and it has always worked in the past but for some reason I am unable to now. When the game loads it says it can't find that xml so it doesn't load it. It's this mod that I am trying to get to load as it is the only mod I really like. Thank you for replying. 


    Check that you didn't unzip and it created a new subfolder


    The mod structure should be:





    Sometimes when you unzip, it creates a new folder and you get





    In the later case, it won't load up correctly as it is looking for modinfo in the first BFT2020Mod folder when it is actually in the second BFT2020Mod folder.


    Note:  I used a generic mod name as I don't know the exact mod name for this one ( didn't want to confuse anyone with the wrong name)

  9. 29 minutes ago, Kugi said:

    Unfortunately, this piece of code is being executed before the effect from the bandage has been applied. So, it is HealingFactor*0 (and afterwards + 30) = 30 instead of 30 * HealingFactor.

    Is there any way to solve this other than editing all items manually by adding another tag again and checking this tag as a requirement?


    I'm no expert (so take this with a grain of salt as I don't know if this is the solution without trying it myself), but should the operation be perc_add instead of mutliply?  That is typically how it is setup to do either a percentage increase or decrease in a attritubute when you level up a perk (for example 10% reduction in time would be perc_add and the value -0.1)


    As for the bandages, try using the tag stopsBleeding instead of medical.  That would only apply to bandages, first aid bandages, first aid kits, and sewing kits.  Since regular bandages and sewing kits don't have the heal ability incorporated into them, it wouldn't give them a heal bonus based on your perk level.


    That is what I would try first if I was doing what you are trying to do.

  10. Not sure why you started a second thread when you were receiving assistance in the first thread you posted



    I did mention that the name of the mod should not have a space in it and suggested you use an underscore between Drats and Skills.  So instead of


    <Name value="Drats Skills"/>


    in your Modinfo file, you should do something like


    <Name value="Drats_Skills" />


    <Name value="DratsSkills" />


    If you notice in the description information for that specific line, it notes that you should only use:


    Only allowed chars: Numbers, latin letters, underscores, dash

    If your mod is not loading, that could be one of the causes (assuming you have the mod in the correct location)


    Also your Modinfo structure might be causing the issue.  This is from one of my mods that I have had no issues getting it to load up properly


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Name value="BFT2020_MCGA" /><!-- Unique name for your modlet --> 
        <DisplayName value="A21 Broken Items and Trader tweaks" />
        <Version value="" compat="A21"/><!-- versioning number compat optional -->
        <Description value="Various changes to trader and drops to increase crafting importance" /> <!-- (Optional) More text to show on UIs -->
        <Author value="BFT2020" />
        <Website value=""/> 


    Note in my example I don't have a space in the Name line (I use an underscore).  In addition, my structure is just



    Yours is 



    Not sure if that is your issue, but it is what I am seeing different from what you posted and the mod I am able to load up successfully on my computer.


    Also, in the other thread, I mentioned that a good troubleshooting method is to go to the ConfigsDump folder where you game is saved as it writes into xml files the code for each one.  So when you modify Progression.xml through your mod, the game creates a Progression.xml file in the save game location that has the vanilla code and all changes made by any mods you installed.  So if I wanted to check my code, I would just open that file from the saved games location and search for BFT2020_MCGA in Notepad++.  It will then take me to every instance where the game made changes to the vanilla code based on this mod.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Kugi said:

    I would like to check the 'TraderStageTemplate' property of an item  (baseTier0-3) to be able to give more XP for a steel axe than a stone axe.
    How would I have to implement the <requirement tags to achieve this?
    Is there any other requirement possible next to ItemHasTags and HoldingItemHasTags?


    You are on the right path, but I think you are looking at it from the wrong end.  Instead of looking to have different requirements, look into adding custom tags for the items.




    <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="perkMiner69r"/>


    to something like this


    <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="BFTIronPickaxe"/>


    and then add the new tag to the item in the items.xml file


    <item name="meleeToolPickT1IronPickaxe">
        <property name="Tags" value="melee,grunting,medium,tool,longShaft,attStrength,perkMiner69r,perkMotherLode,miningTool,canHaveCosmetic,harvestingSkill,BFTIronPickaxe"/>


  12. 21 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    So we had to do new saves for years now because TFP didn´t feel like implementing this earlier during development?

    Or more likely, they had higher priorities that the developers were already working on and this wasn’t high enough to devote the time and work on yet.


    another possibility is that the game wasn’t developed far enough yet to implement it.


    There are more than one reason why a feature is not released right away.

  13. 40 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    And now it will be a 30$ game and people who buy it will get a incomplete game missing key features.


    No, if they buy the game today, they get the game as is and everything on the roadmap.  They are not missing out anything that was discussed 5 years ago about adding to the game.

    41 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    And it´s more than just icing. The balance, be it for traders or finally having an actual endgame (they go to version 1.0 and basically have no endgame that alone is a big no, no) is missing, bandits aren´t in, the RWG isn´t done yet. 


    Which is, according the roadmap, still being worked on and planned for release.  Version 1.0 does not mean that this is the final version for the game.  That is just what they are calling Alpha 22.  If they didn't call it version 1.0, we would have A22, A23, A24, A25.  More items are coming down the road in future releases.  They can call it version 100.100.100 for all they can, it doesn't mean that it is final.

  14. Looks pretty good.  The only thing I have done is made the world more foggy.


    I like the idea of more clutter for the wasteland, though others probably not so much as they like taking shortcuts through the wasteland.


    I might start doing that in my playthroughs also.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    About mods : I give you example : you want immersive mods? here you go. Or Sci fi stuff? no problem. LOTR? here we go.

    7DTD : parody only :)

    If you want to ask " So... what do you want?" 

    check out this video : in short - being more serious not Aliens,demons,lasers or mutants with miniguns


    It's clear that you don't know the mod scene for 7 days to die if you think the only mods out there for 7 days to die are parody only mods.  I thought about listing all the ones I can think of off the top of my head, but figured it is a waste of time if this is already what you think of the mods that are currently out there today.

  16. Some things that will help you:


    • Every game session generates a logfile, use it to see if there are any warnings or errors when you load up the game.
    • I am not sure if mod file names can have spaces.  At the very least, use an underscore between Drats and Skills.
    • In the roaming file location, you can find the save worlds / save game data.  In the game save file folder, it will have a config folder in it that represents what the game did when it loaded up your mod.  If you search in progression.xml for Drats, it will find every instance where this mod made changes to the vanilla xml code
    • Look closely at your second set command, you are not even close to the proper structure - layers, perk name, the values you have chosen to replace vanilla values
  17. First one needs to be:




    • The entire path has to be between two ".  You had an extra one after perkLockPicking]
    • The code is structured in layers, you missed a sublayer between progression and perk (perks)
      • Recommend getting a good xml editing program that shows the layers of code, I use Notepad++ myself
      • One way to avoid these types of error is just to do this


    • You need the @ symbol with name.  That tells the game to find passive_effect with Name = LockPickTime and the specific perk

    Second one has several issues, but it would add it to the items.xml file at the bottom:

    • In the item name, do not use spaces.  It needs to be continuous to avoid any issues.
      • If you want to have spaces in the name when you view it in game, you need to add it to the localization file which allows spaces
    • You have </effect_group> closed out but have no starting effect group in the code.
  18. XML only mods are fine to be server side only, but anything that adds custom assets has to be installed on all computers in order for the assets to be loaded....which based on your limited information shared, would be my bet on what is happening.  Icons would be assets, which would not show up if you have the mod only installed on the server.

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