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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Such awesomeness being shared. I wonder if you could utilise the default commented out code for the blimp or built it up from scratch. Either way, this is absolutely delightful.
  2. @h0tr0d@ShoudenKalferas Well, here are some playtesting results. For both fun and serious consideration. Value 1 has a thermite fizzle and spits up pinky purple globules of untextured space slime. Value 2 offers the frag rocket effect with shrapnel tracing. It is very effective. Value 3 is identical to value 1; more slime. Value 4 is our 'beloved' vehicles. Value 5 offer the High Explosive rocket effect with all the subtlety of Duke Nukem. It quickly fades though and is very effective. Value 6 is a blast. It was very effective. The rockets flew through the air with all the grace of a 1970s space movie. Value 7 was an acid bath. Value 27 was just thrown in to see how far this goes but has no impact effect as it hits the tree but this highlights the damage. Probably not assigned to anything. And naturally, 0 is the official no impact effect. And yes, when I cross reference the default items.xml for the rocket launcher the official ammo type is suggested as 5 for both the parent ammoRocketHE and its child ammoRocketFrag. 2 and 6 are also viable but do not appear to be currently utilised in game at present. And the other value correlated for acid for characters with this trait. As I am not so familiar with the xml, I don't know if this can be randomised with 2 and 5 to give a Frag and HE impact effect to further match in game features. There is certainly a probability feature such as when raiding a nest for eggs and feathers with volume and probability for output.
  3. Thank you. Changing just for the sake of changing can create divisions, but changing for the purpose of restoring stability is just good sense. If objects are pushing through walls without context or creating anomalous game physics while in play then this can send the server into a stream of warnings which can ultimately cause instability. It's good to hear this feedback from multiple sources as well to ensure it's not an isolated concern.
  4. Great suggestions, and now that the shark has been mentioned publicly, I'll add to it 1. I also took a tentative peek at the Shark and played with a few file edits and tried to add one more. It's definitely going to need some work. Reducing the scaling back to 1.0 allowed it to be more present but there is an asset which may have been totally removed or received a name change that needs restoring. One thing I learned from Snufkin' code was how to add ambient sound: Adding: <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Underwater_LP"/> as a trigger for its idle state was amusing as it swam around in the air with the underwater sound. I also want to see the water mist effect give it a possible fog like shroud appears in the existing code. Needs time....... 2. I didn't touch the exploding car feature for Juggernaut simply because I didn't check any appropriate replacements and just wanted to restore it to Snufkin's original, which is surreal, exploding cars! But yes, alternative debris from the rockets is very realistic and may reduce any yellow warnings and server demand. 3. I noticed that and just as challenging is the Geist. To be honest, I had never played a BM version of this mod until today. The Geist got us both and we had that electric sound ringing in our ears constantly there after. We had to rejoin the server to stop it. Looks like a kill command is needed for looping sounds for end states such as those. 4. Maybe something like <property name="SizeScale" value="1.2"/> for the Cowhead character and hope it doesn't apply for all attachments as well. I for one, look forward to seeing you implement these into your version and share your own creations as well. I'll also tinker some more in the background with sound settings to see if we can find a workaround for loopyness.
  5. The creator of the Quick Hween costume is here with good news. Please bundle up absolutely everything you have done and I'll add a link to the post that Snufkin has linked to in the initial post which contains all the download links for what we have done so far. And if you make a separate post in this thread with an introduction and pictures I can link to it as well. 2 weeks is far too much coding to let it go to waste and server hosts are always crying out for variety. At the moment, the post has: 1. The restoration of Snufkin's Custom Zombies to as close to the original as possible. 2. Slawa's Compilation Zombie Mod. This consists of Snufkin's, Robeloto's, and Slawa's very own zombie creations all rolled into one. There is plenty of room for: 3. h0tr0d's Horde.
  6. I really like The Wrestler and added a little comment in the release post for how server/client hosts can add it to their group file. I tried The Wrestler in the desert at night and it felt really good. The orange glow and the lack of silhouette as well as the almost camouflage effect make it a very ominous encounter. It's also coincidental that The Undertaker is a professional wrestler and The Wrestler and The Undertaker make a wonderful tag team for this nighttime biome appearance. I think this may be a good place for him and will see if anyone adds it to this biome and collect feedback to see if it can be a permanent feature for the future.
  7. I took a look at the original thread for StompyNZ's original and also the efforts you made to restore it. Based on original code and the current default code, it looks like a lot of the syntax in the Buffs.xml has changed from an ID: to naming format and I don't know if the buff effects still exist at all. The UMAController also seems to be an issue if that was implemented based on StompyNZ's additional suggestions. It seems that IDs are specific to certain items and this has caused conflict on recent updates. I saw you were interested in maintaining the speeding lunge towards the player followed by a 20 second detonation if the player escaped, and a low health when it was in its lunge to pick it off. I wonder if customising the bomber to take on more traits of StompyNZ's character would be acceptable. It seems to be a more viable option that rebuilding StompyNZ's character unless experienced coders got involved which doesn't seem to be the case as you have certainly tried :).
  8. Thanks for running it under such an eclectic mix of other mods. If anyone ever asks about compatibility with other zombie mods, this is a great post to direct them to.
  9. If you want to experience as close to Snufkin’s original mod as possible, the arramus version is the one for you. If you want to experience an enhanced compilation containing Snufkin’s original mod, Robeloto’s characters, and Slawa’s own characters all built into one, then Slawa’s mod is the one for you. Best not to run both at the same time as they share identical assets for Snufkin’s mod and things could get very messy. It’s great that they’re only server side and can be switched without causing the clients any pain. All the best with your choices.
  10. After extended testing by our community server administrators and client hosts as well as much support from community modders here is a link for Snufkin's Custom Server Side Z(S)ombies - A19 Stable. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19-Stable-2020Nov03 This additional download is just a one layered zip without the github additional folder for server hosts having trouble with that. I added the above one so as not to leach too much from the forum. Snufkin_CustomZombies_A19-Stable_2020Nov03.zip A full Revisions and Readme text file for all changes to make Snufkin's Custom Zombies stable for A19 is included in the Mod. Experienced players who are well versed in zombie control can try the Snufkin Party version of the entitygroups.xml for a more challenging version of Snufkin's Zombies. It increases spawning probability and adds all 15 zombies to a blood moon event which is up from the possible default value of 10. However, it still retains balanced and cumulative advancement to match Game Stage and Level. Add this file to your Config folder and rename it to entitygroups.xml entitygroups_Snufkin_Party.xml The Snufkin's Research Camera ADD ON that requires the above mod as base is not currently fully functional because the update from A18 to A19 caused some of the most important features to no longer appear to work as intended. For example, the progress bars do not show and it is uncertain whether the HP reduction buff is functional. On top of that, multiple external images are not showing up in the Computer Interface. At present, it is not really recommended to use this Add On as it will cause from frustration than fun. However, you are welcome to play with it at your leisure and if you can resolve the issues, feel free to share. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Research-Camera-A19-Stable-2020Oct28 (If you do use this Add On, be aware it has its own entityclasses.xml file which will override the original in the mod to make things compatible. Should you run this Add On and wish to amend Snufkin Zombie features, edits need to be made in the Add On files) There are 15 Zombies in total as follows: Archon, Banshee, Bomber, Cowhead, Geist, Juggernaut, Mantis, Parasite, Psycho, Scarecrow, Scorcher, Siren, Undertaker, Wendigo, and Wrestler. I believe this completes the restoration of this mod as all changes are as consistent with the original as possible. The main mod breaking issues were: 1. AvatarZombieUMAController This appears to have been removed from the default files for how the mod referenced it. As such the one clear entry to it has been purged from the code. 2. Mesh Renaming A number of characters had their properties reformatted to a new naming system. The new names have now been found and replace the temporary names. These values remain identical to the original mod. 3. Buff Entry A single buff entry has been commented out. In fact, this buff entry has also been commented out in the default game files. As such, it may reappear at a later date. 4. Particle Effects A few particle effects were causing mesh/texture warnings upon collision and the audio for projectiles for Scorcher and Geist were being looped from the initial launch location. These were changed to alternative particle effects which has ceased the issue. The Archon also saw his particle effect changed to bring server stability even though it didn't cause audio issues. *The Psycho character had not been implemented into a group but is fully functional. As such he has been added to a group of zombies that spawn in the Pine Forest at night. The Psycho will not spawn during Blood Moon at all unless manually added. This character looks like a psychotic tool wielding doctor who is intent on playing 'tag' with you in the dark. He shares the Pine Forest at night with the Mantis. However, his probability of spawning is higher to balance out his disappearance during the Blood Moon. He'll be watching you... *There is one other character who did not appear in any spawn group. This is a special character who Snufkin originally intended for a Spanish event server. However, he is a very likeable and functional character, and after some testing feels right at home in the desert at night. He is also special because he uses a naming format which is similar to regular zombies and not the custom zombies. If you want to add the Wrestler to your own desert group, or any other group, here is the appropriate command to add to your entitygroups.xml: <entity name="zombieWrestler" prob="0.01" /> for low spawn probability or <entity name="zombieWrestler" prob="0.8" /> to become a regular feature Please be careful to note the 'z' is lowercase. One fun fact is that the spawn group for the desert at night already has The Undertaker. This will be a wrestling tag team biome and probability dictates you will get one or the other...unless the odds unexpectedly bring them both. Thank you to Snufkin for endorsing and supporting this restoration with timely advice when it was needed. Last but not least, so that Slawa's recent updated release doesn't get lost in the thread, all credit to Slawa for releasing an alternative bundled version which compiles assets from Snufkin's, Robeloto's, and Slawa's very own zombie creations into a combined mod. The recent release is two posts above and is updated to v3.0. It offer even more tasty zombies. A direct link to Slawa's post with the link to the download is here INSTALLATION - For players and server hosts who have never installed a mod before If you've never installed a mod before it is necessary to create a mod folder in the main directory or in an area suggested by your server host if they have modified the installation. Simply make a new folder called Mods (with a capital M to reflect standard nomenclature). If you drag the mod folder directly out of the zipped file it can be placed directly into the Mods folder and the game will look in there as you launch your World. If you allow your unzip function to extract the folder, it may make another unnecessary folder and place the mod inside it. This will not be recognised by the game/server if you place it in the Mods folder like this. Please take it out of the extra folder level. The top layer will be a single folder and in the second layer you will see a ModInfo.xml file with or without additional folders depending on the mod. This will become elementary once you've launched a few mods. Does this Mod need to be installed in the server/client host? = YES Do players also need to install this Mod? = NO The magic of this mod is that is only needs to be installed in the server/person who has launched the main environment that others join. It is a technical work of art. Enjoy. 👍
  11. @Slawa Now that's an interesting assortment. Character 1 and 4 look like they could be in their own spawn group and face you like a tag team, 'The gruesome twosome'. Character 3 , the 'Funk Freak' looks like he was infected while giving a performance on the stage and is using his instruments for a different kind of music. And character 2, is just plain scarey. He looks like a cattle rancher with cattle prods in each hand, 'Sparky McGee'.
  12. Just testing out the A19.1 (b8) build on A19.2 (b3) for compatibility. In addition, this will be running on a new World using the new CP46 Prefab pack with Bdub's Vehicle and a host of server side mods to stress test. It will also be a good chance to add back the appropriate mesh ragdolls that are being taken from another character they were not originally intended to be taken from. Once these mesh ragdolls are returned, this will put Snufkin's Custom Zombies back to 99.9%+ (give or take) of what was originally intended. I'm barely into Day 1 and we had our first visitor. It was a small mercy that Cowhead wasn't really in the mood and I kept my distance.
  13. Putting CP46 through its paces on Alpha 19.2 (b3) of all things for players on low-mid end gaming rigs who want to experience enhanced gameplay with custom features. World settings: 8K with CP46 supporting vanilla built in Nitro. PC setup (Quite dated) i7 4770 / 24gb ddr3 / SSD for primary apps but running 7D2D on HDD / rx 5600 xt (6gb) At first there was a spike of 10-11gb while loading out. This continued for a while as regions unlocked and things settled down. After checking again 30 minutes later things looked very decent at a low 3gb. This was with Snufkin Custom Zombies and a whole host of mods on the server side as well as the necessary client addition of Bdub's Vehicles being drawn on in the client. What can I say? There really is hope now for lower end rigs with 8gb RAM (but adequate virtual paging to accommodate any spikes) to join CP modded servers and participate in the fun. Optimising the CP was probably hell at times, but thank you as the difference will make all the difference.
  14. Thanks for the release, rapid patch, and the overall very noticeable increase in performance. My first fetch trader quest was to Magoli's xcostum_timbershop. I couldn't find a quest marker anywhere as I neared the Prefab and didn't receive a proximity update either. I opened up the Prefab in the Editor, and there are certainly satchels in the Prefab but no sign of a quest rally marker. Just one for the list. Sorry to bring it up so soon after release.
  15. Snufkin's Custom Zombies - A19.1 (b8) can be downloaded here: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19.1-B8-2020Oct02 13 out of 13 Custom Zombies are now able to spawn with no red warning server/game breakers so far. There are periodic yellow warnings linked to projectiles and I hope the long term impact is minimal. All original settings apply beyond the changes made to get these characters back in game. The main issues were changes to mesh ragdolls which could be replaced with the new location or given over to the parent, one buff setting, one instance of AvatarZombieUMAController, and a material location change. This is just a start, and I appreciate it can be disappointing that this didn't come directly from Snufkin. However, Snufkin was certainly here in the background and came to the rescue when I really needed some advice for Archon and Banshee. In time, more appropriate changes can be made to restore original rag doll effects, buffs, and original custom 'apparel'. Failing that, they can receive the best alternative with what we have to work with. The quest for the Juggernaut also needs testing now that he has returned...but all in good time. The default settings are balanced for some but not for others so it's possible to tweak the settings for each character in the xml files. For example: - The health for the Juggernaut can be found in entityclasses.xml and by default is set to 12000. - The probability of Wendigo spawning in the snow biome can be found in entitygroups.xml and by default is set to 0.001 which is as rare as seeing the Abominable Snowball. All the best out there and I hope your servers cope with the load. Marshmallow toasting.
  16. And welcome back Archon. Finding the issue with Archon was a little trickier as the error was: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at EntityAlive.Update () [0x00134] in <b96846cfb0544c2da3579e57837d9053>:0 (Filename: <b96846cfb0544c2da3579e57837d9053> Line: 0) Through a process of elimination, it referenced Archon's glowing green eyes and they are temporarily removed just to bring him back. <!--property name="ReplaceMaterial1" value="entities/zombies/materials/rad_eye"/--> And welcome back to Archon's eyes. There was a reference elsewhere in the parent of Archon for: <property name="ReplaceMaterial1" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/rad_eye.mat"/> This worked out just fine and it was a new coding format replacement.
  17. Once again, Banshee could reappear with a crude comment out for the common culprit since the Ragdoll updates to the game. <!--property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardScreamerRagdoll"/--> Banshee is not as pretty as he originally was, but is recognisable.
  18. Thank you for clarifying that and giving your nod of approval. The Custom Zombies are simply too good to go to waste.I wondered if there was something special about them because some players reported they saw them spawn from time to time. The hunt shall continue to bring them back as well.
  19. Thank you! Can I just confirm that Sparrow's Multi Trader was added up there instead just for reference purposes.
  20. Sorry to be a pain, but just gearing up for CP46. How does this part of the prefablist work? Is Nitro pulling from this area for trader placement? I didn't know if // is commenting out or commenting in a command. At first I used this default list and it certainly spawned in a lot of psuedo traders but I'm not sure if it was just cosmetic or at the expense of other traders. //TRADER'S : xcostum_Lost_Joels(pseudo-trader)(by_DMC),COMMERCIAL;INDUSTRIAL;RESIDENTIALNEW;RESIDENTIALOLD;RESIDENTIAL,2,-1,37,23,37,trader xcostum_Multi_Trader_02(by_War3zuk),Commercial;Downtown;Industrial;ResidentialNew;ResidentialOld;Residential,2,-4,30,12,29,trader trader_bob,none,2,-1,41,27,46,trader trader_hugh,none,2,-8,45,28,49,trader trader_jen,none,2,-1,43,24,41,trader trader_joel,none,2,-1,35,32,35,trader trader_rekt,none,2,-1,37,24,37,trader I changed it to this to see if Sparrow's Multi Trader joined the traders placed and removed the psuedo trader. It did place Sparrow's Multi Trader and I can't find any pseudo ones. Did I just get lucky or is it like a cvar setting? //TRADER'S : xcostum_Multi_Trader(by_Sparrow),none,2,-1,44,33,40,trader xcostum_Multi_Trader_02(by_War3zuk),Commercial;Downtown;Industrial;ResidentialNew;ResidentialOld;Residential,2,-4,30,12,29,trader trader_bob,none,2,-1,41,27,46,trader trader_hugh,none,2,-8,45,28,49,trader trader_jen,none,2,-1,43,24,41,trader trader_joel,none,2,-1,35,32,35,trader trader_rekt,none,2,-1,37,24,37,trader If there is a cvar element, is it possible to have Sparrow's in there by default just like War3zuk's? The pseudo trader is cool but I hope it doesn't replace the real traders and take a precious slot? I hope you can share some insight on how it works, thx.
  21. I wonder if the Bunker by Pille could be released with a clear or fetch/clear attribute? Just asking because it is a real challenge with a group, offers a nice supply of potentially replaceable coal, and simply adds more variety. In a 10K map I'm on now it appears about 8 times that I know of but there are still huge chunks of unexplored land and it appears to be a regular feature when a Nitro World compiles.
  22. This is a very crude attempt to restore most (11 of 13) of the Custom Zombies for A19.1 (b8) because my experience with XML is barely a month old and it's all very elementary and patchwork. So far I haven't seen any red warnings although there are a few yellow warnings from time to time about projectiles hitting things with no textures and the Juggernaut spitting out vehicle scraps in rocket debris. I spawned all 11 functional Bosses on that island in Navezgane for 30 minutes while we partied and the dedicated server didn't crash..........yet. I hope experienced modders can bring this superb mod back to life in a more sophisticated non patchwork way for the future. I have seen some other builds being kindly shared in this thread but I went this way as a learning experience as well. You can download it here to test: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CustomZombies-A19.1b8-2020Sept30 For reference, changes made, based on console errors and warnings for each character, as well as limitations are as follows: ------------------------------------------------ == Changes in order of finding them in the console as warnings or game breakers == ---------------------------------- 1. Juggernaut Zombie Issue entityclasses.xml entity_class name="Zombie_Template" Crude edit but changed the following property to a comment for the time being as this is causing the Juggernaut Zombie to sink below the ground surface by one block and cause a looping 'NullReferenceException' <!--property name="AvatarController" value="AvatarZombieUMAController" /--> Based on forum posts, this appears to be an area of contention. He runs with it removed. ---------------------------------- 2. Scorcher Zombie Issue entityclasses.xml entity_class name="zombieScorcher" Crude edit but changed the following property to a comment for the time being as this is causing the Scorcher Zombie to not appear at all and cause a looping 'NullReferenceException' <!--property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombieStandardDemolitionRagdoll"/--> This allows it to spawn and fall back on it's parent class with: <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombieStandardSoldierRagdoll.prefab"/> ---------------------------------- 3. Buff Health Issue - ParasiteAttack buffs.xml buff name="ParasiteAttack" Crude edit but changed the following property to a comment for the time being as this appears to be causing a buffs.xml failure. <!--passive_effect name="HealthMaxModifierOT" operation="base_subtract" value="1"/--> ---------------------------------- 4. Ragdoll Issue entityclasses.xml entity_class name="Zombie_Template" The console suggests the property for <property name="Mesh" value="Zombies/zombie01Ragdoll" /> cannot be found. This has been commented out so it will fall back on its "zombieTemplateMale" value of <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombieStandardBoeRagdoll.prefab"/> which isn't causing any console warnings. ---------------------------------- 5. Typo Amendment from Geits to Geist changed in: entityclasses.xml entity_class name="zombieGeist" and associated items.xml partners. Purely cosmetic as they all associated under the same typo anyway. ---------------------------------- 6. Removed Archon from the BM spawn horde The Archon character does appear in the .xml files but has no archetype of its own. Something for the future. ---------------------------------- 7. Removed Banshee from entitygroups.xml and BM spawn horde. The Banshee character does appear in the .xml files but has no archetype of its own. Something for the future. =============================================================================== Summary on testing so far - Able to use without crashing or locking up YES / NO =============================================================================== 1. Archon - NO / No archetype. Attempted to rebuild Archon using Geist as a template. Failed and need to study more. 2. Banshee - NO / No archetype. Need to study more. 3. Scorcher - YES / Does bring up a yellow warning though. 'Particle System is trying to spawn on a mesh with zero surface area'. Hard to say if it's a server busting warning for the long term. 4. Bomber - YES / No warnings at all so far. Blastastic. 5. Cowhead - YES / No warnings at all so far. Mooooover and a shaker. 6. Geist - YES / No warnings at all so far. 'Shocking'. 7. Juggernaut - YES / Occasional warnings about the vehicle scraps and animator got state but so far. I have a 'soft spot' for Juggernaut as he's the first one I started on. 8. Mantis - YES / No warnings at all so far. Far out. 9. Parasite - YES / No warnings at all so far. 'Suckulent.' 10. Scarecrow - YES / Has an odd death spin animation which I am not touching. Pimpking. 11. Undertaker - YES / No warnings at all so far. Bone shakingly good. 12. Wendigo - YES / No warnings at all so far. Flies like the wind. 13. Wrestler - YES / No warnings at all so far. Just wants to be hugged. Rest well...until next time.
  23. That is a truly superb decrease in processing demand. 3 months ago on a 12K map I was crashing on load out with 12gb+ RAM demand and I had to increase paging followed by get a couple more sticks of RAM. The extra RAM peaked at 14.5gb on load out until it settled down. This will open things up to a lot more low-medium end players. A fine accomplishment.
  24. Supermutants!! RoaR! Having a lot of fun with all the vehicles and have been for a few months now. It would be hard to re-adapt without them. In fact, a gaming bud had been building a track in the background dedicated to the buggy but a few other vehicles also fare well. I'm asking him to Prefab it as it runs well and acts as a great template for customising although it is perfectly great as is. The buggies can really get some air but also come down just as quick when you ease off. I mean! Flaming barrels jump. We all really appreciate the vehicles and the care you give them.
  25. I got the whole lot by clicking on the green 'Code' tab, and then clicking on the 'Download zip' option. It takes a while as it downloads the whole repository. It meant I could get in some light sabre action though. If these aren't visible, as it does get a bit buggy at times, this is the direct download link. https://github.com/7D2D/A19Mods/archive/master.zip
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