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Everything posted by arramus

  1. The log is referencing for Score and spewing the ClockDMT, Score being in conflict. An update is in order on the Score installation. The last few posts are all related to this issue where the new working clock is in the Wasteland Mod but not in that earlier version of Score. Installing the version in the linky 2 posts up should resolve this issue.
  2. A Quality of Life update for the modpack: - Information Panel for the 'Esc' menu This highlights some of the main features since the modpack incorporates quite a collection and it can be a bit of a learning experience for new players.
  3. You can try to delete the area referencing <!-- OAK MODPACK UI --> in the XUi windows.xml file that ends just before <!-- NEW WEAPONS -->.
  4. arramus

    NPCMod and Addons

    I am also using Host Havoc. It is currently running the Wasteland Mod which uses Score, NPCCore, a multitude of NPCs which take things beyond the NPCCore base due to a custom class for melee types. It has loaded up first time every time so far without issue. Please share the server logs to show what is happening. If you were also able to share what you have installed and your IP address, we can attempt to pay a visit and experience the situation.
  5. It has not been possible so far when testing a variety of settings. It seems the way they are made using the UMA player system is not fully hooked up to receive shocks and sometimes fire. The most reliable traps in testing were blades and spikes.
  6. A small update for Chickens and Rabbits: - Chickens and Rabbits now harvest their own meat types. - The parts (wing, leg, breast for chickens and whole body for rabbits) can be grilled but there is also a Chicken or Rabbit stew at Skill 2 unlock. They are hooked up to both cooking station types. The Coop chickens have also been hooked up to the new chicken harvest ingredients. Oakraven also wanted to test out the Score feature that allows resources to be pulled automatically from storage within 10 blocks of a workstation that is crafting an item. Score suggests this is experimental but Oakraven could test it succesfully in trials and we'll monitor that. For players that prefer not to use this system, it can be set to 'false' in Line 10 and 11 of the blocks.xml in 1-OakModpack folder.
  7. A small update for the Chicken Coops mod. - Coop harvested chickens will provide chicken pieces in the form of breast, leg, and wing meat. These can be grilled as they are and eaten as snacks. However, the chicken breast can be added to a Chicken Stew type dish. Harvest your raised chickens. Cook your stew in the pot or grill the pieces for a quick snack on the grill.
  8. The current known bug list was checked prior to posting. Summary: (a short description of the bug) NRE when attempting to break a woodShape:fence both in the Editor and an RWG World. Game Version: A20.6 b9 Platform: Steam OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: Intel i7 10700 System Memory: 32 GB GPU Model and VRAM: AMD RX 5600 XY Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Video Settings: Assigned automatically Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes EAC off Status: NEW Bug Description: When attempting to break a woodShape:fence both in the Editor and an RWG World, an NRE console warning appears. Damaging the block causes no issue. It is the final break block. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Break woodShape:fence with an axe or the ranged Dev tool 2) 3) Actual result: (description of what is occurring) This is being performed in customised rwg tile(s) for the Old West tiling system. It can be reproduced over all tiles in the tile series that contain this specific block. On blocks which are close to areas of terrain that have been raised/manipulated, this issue is not always reproducible. On flat untouched areas, which may just be subject to a block 'from' - 'to' switch, such as in the screenshot, it is reproducible. The final break block is causing an NRE for both melee and ranged and opens the console. Expected result: (what you expect to occur) A clean break with no NRE. Please update location of the screenshots folder in the user data area in the submission instructions. I was unable to locate a .CSV file Game log - Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YMufNjR8 (Shows both melee and ranged NRE) EAC loader log - Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/xYrmhbiJ EAC launcher log - Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/eVEdb54b Launcher log: Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/j0Dm3PmL
  9. Actually, Errornull released a patch a few weeks ago to allow the enZombies to work with the NPC Mod zombies. I believe as long as you use the NPC Mod versions of enZombies there should be compatability. This modpack contains the following from the NPC Mod collection: - 1-SurvivorzPack - 1-OrczPackAlpha and 2-OrczPackBeta - 1-khzmusik_Zombies - 1-ZombiezPack - 1-GansSpecialZombies - 1-NPCXSpiderPack and 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion - 1-FantasticBeastz - 1-YeOldeUndeadPack
  10. As for issues with not being able to craft. This issue is caused by the SMX ui having its own custom workstation codings. I tested this about 30 posts ago or so and there are images to show it. The discussion is practically identical to the current issues. The Oakraven collection appends onto the TFP original codings. This is something for the SMX community to consider although there is already a post to suggest they are not officially supporting other mods at this time. That is understandable because of the additional work load it would entail. If there is an SMX Discord, it is highly possible some users will support compatibility as SMX is already integrated into mod overhauls like AOO.
  11. I shall double check the mixers and blenders to ensure the icon text names match the icon names for the images. There was a mismatch in upper case/lower case and they have been uploaded with that edited. I can confirm they were functional in Navezgane without any other UI mods installed.
  12. Feel free to post a request in the Oakraven Forest Collection thread, as Oakraven reads that channel and has been known to consider such requests and additions. Posting about how you would see it work would also give an introduction to the concept and conversion ratios.
  13. @CaptainRoxy (Responding to a Direct Message to ensure the issue is searchable for the future) It is most likely the interaction between the Cooking Stations custom XUi conflicting with the SMXui custom user interface shown in the 3 screenshots sent by Direct Message. It doesn't appear to be from a bad download or outdated files. The SMXui will load after the CookingStations mod as the game loads them in alphabetical order. If the ZMX accompanying mod is also loading, it will have a secondary load to consider. Try renaming CookingStations to ZZCookingStations so it loads after the SMX and ZMX modlet (if installed). This has resolved the issue in the past which can be found a little further up in the thread postings. If that doesn't resolve the issue, it is likely a conflict that cannot be resolved since the CookingStations mod or SMX would require modifying.
  14. This channel refers to the individual mod collection of all 15 Oakraven Forest Collection modlets. If you are using the UI mod, then it appears this would directly conflict with the 15 Slot Toolbelt mod. If you are using the Oakraven Forest Modpack which incorporates numerous mods from this collection in addition to a number of community made mods, then that will have a change of UI and toolbelt already integrated. If you were to rename the 15 Slot Toolbelt mod by adding the letter 'Z' as the starting letter it should load after the Oakraven mods and potentially override things that were loaded before it. See if that works for you and if it is successful it will be useful to hear as it will benefit others who can appreciate the 15 Slot Toolbelt.
  15. Over the last few Alpha builds, NPC flexibility has reduced dramatically. A19 could use a very specific 'survivor' NPC which allowed healing from other players. Even so, they were not impervious to attack from other players and they could still be killed. A20 reduced that down to using the 'trader' NPC which sees further reduction in what is possible. Only so much change can be made using xml modding as some features are hard coded and not accessible. Such additions would potentially require Harmony patching. This is what the NPC Mod has achieved. Players killing them for the fun of it should show player kills in their kill counts. Killing 1 accidentally or killing 10 with intention is typically very clear and maybe such players should be suspended/banned as part of regular Admin activities. Until anything can be changed for the future, maybe this mod is best for small private communities/friends/single players.
  16. Here's an update for the Old West Migration modlet. Station 01 This POI uses strip_01 as its base and is customised to give the Station theme. It will appear in both the regular Old West Town and the added outskirt area for anyone that chooses to use that as well. It offers a 9th T3 POI and covers all quest types. This further mixes up the T3 variety. It sits on a 25 x 50 POI area which are abundant in the town. The quest is pathed in reverse of strip_01 and changes the types to Book, Post Office, Gun Store, and Station.
  17. Added a small update which is optional and requires uncommenting an area of the rwgmixer.xml file to make it activate in the same way as for the 'rural' addition. This update adds a custom outskirt tiling system around the perimeter of the Old West Town. This tiling system contains a rail track to give a different environment. In addition, the tiling system will also add Old West POIs which will allow for greater duplication. It is possible a large town may contain pretty much all of the POIs available in that one place. A few images to demonstrate. This overhead map shows the central Old West Town area with the traditional gravel wagon road. The outskirts surrounding the Old West Town has a rail track and has the potential to complete a whole circuit. The trail is metre guage as per the block size. It's possible to ride a 4x4 along the track for testers. The squiggly areas of 'road' have been given an angled crossing. This allows the track to join up. It's crude but does the job. This shows the scaling against the 4x4 and also how T junctions are handled. It seems to be appropriate blocks but better suggestions are welcome. Removing the !-- and -- from the beginning and ending of these rwgmixer.xml entries will allow the RWG to add this feature in when a world is being created. It is optional and turned off by default. 2 entries to remove those punctuation tags from, just as with adding 'rural'. <!--append xpath="/rwgmixer/township[@name='oldwest']"> <property name="outskirt_district" value="oldwestoutskirt"/> </append--> <!--district name="oldwestoutskirt"> <property name="district_spawn_weight" value="0"/> <property name="district_required_township" value="oldwest"/> <property name="district_preview_color" value="0,0.5,0"/> <property name="spawn_custom_size_prefabs" value="true"/> <property name="poi_required_tags_all" value="oldwestoutskirt"/> </district-->
  18. I'm sure Oakraven will respond here if this is something he wants to share publicly. Potential solutions include self healing or a different faction set up.
  19. The boss (Demolisher/Snufkin), strong (special/feral), and regular all drop their red/blue/yellow loot bags periodically. They will all be caught and this is the relationship to that code. These values are for A19 and need an update as items are being added directly to lootcontainers which is not the way things are added for A20. It was not going to be updated for A20 as certain parts were no longer functional. It'll be given more consideration for A21.
  20. Added 3 new Old West POIs since the Old West Migration modlet was updated. The sample world has also been updated to reflect these additions.
  21. Added 2 more POIs for the Old West Migration mod to support T2 questing and push the total up to 14. This provides a very satisfactory mix for T2 with greater potential to complete that tier with all unique quests. Market This offers a remnant market and was brought over for one shared with the NMM. It is hooked up for all Quest types. Stables 02 This is a second addition for the stables and is also brought over from an NMM submission. It provides a double stable for T2.
  22. A small update for the Old West Migration modlet: Bric-a-brac This was originally shared with the Not Medieval Mod but ports over quite nicely for the Old West and offers one more 'General Store' feature to mix up the loot assets a little bit. It is a T2 clear and fetch and brings up T2 choices to 12.
  23. Version Version: received the working clock feature which is necessary for the latest version of The Wasteland. is earlier and will not contain it. Use the version. I am also going to download that version for The Wasteland because it has an update for Entity Alive SDX. It suggests it will allow EntityEnemySDX to behave similarly to EntityAliveSDX. I am interested to see the impact of this as it will have a direct bearing on certain Wasteland interactions.
  24. Pushed an update to the Modpack from the collection. Oakraven Steampunk On/Off Lights 6 to choose from and unpowered with an On/Off switch. Breaking will place it in the inventory.
  25. The dedicated server has its own spawning.xml file in the main Data/Config folder. This governs the spawning rate for anyone that joins that server instance regardless of the client's settings.
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