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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Hi Ti2xGr. When just testing the shotguns in Navezgane on a fresh load out, I've been good to unlock and craft. I tested the 1887 as that was first in the list. I wonder if you have any other weapon mods conflicting. Hearing the pump shotgun is not craftable sounds like something else is removing it, replacing it, or resetting it in some way. Feel free to DM on Discord for this one as these are a most worthy bundle to get working.
  2. Bdubs Vehicles are complete models that are imported into the game to provide their custom cosmetics. Since 7 Days to Die cannot send these assets directly to players, everybody must have them added to their Mods folder. Server Side Vehicles do not contain any custom resources. All assets are already existing in 7 Days to Die. Only the host/Server needs to have them installed because players already have the assets in the 7 Days to Die game files. As for the cosmetic modification: - Bdubs Vehicles are imported vehicle models with no need to attach anything else. - Server Side Vehicles are existing game vehicle models + additional existing game models that are attached to the vehicle models. The reason they cannot currently be seen is because the 'buff' which allows them to be attached is not functional in A21. Custom Assets vs Existing Assets applied to Existing Assets, is the primary difference.
  3. Yep. Good spot. Too much toying with overhauls. This will allow them to play nicely together with a specific vanilla node for the icon display and its unique entry for unlock. <append xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/display_entry[@icon='vehicleMotorcyclePlaceable']/unlock_entry/@item">,vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel</append> <append xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingVehicles']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="45,100" value="1" tags=",vehicleMonoChassis,vehicleMonoHandlebars,vehicleMonoWheel"/> </append>
  4. There shouldn't be any extra recipes, but there is a chance that Oakraven made something more economical to give extra benefit to using the Cooking Stations. At least this was the case in A20. Yes, after glancing over the recipes: Blueberry pie only requires 3 blueberries once it is unlocked and remains that way. Low Skill players start at 5 and then reduce down to 3 as their Skill increases. Crafting time is also greatly reduced. A21 increased crafting time by quite a lot in some cases and these Cooking Stations are very efficient in that regard. But yes, switching over their crafting area from OaksCooker to campfire will restore their values and open up modded recipes... unless of course you want to add those modded recipes into the Cooking Stations recipe list and just switch that craft area to OaksCooker with a possible extra benefit. ^^ It really just depends on what your community both prefers and accepts.
  5. There are two important areas in the rwgmixer inside the A21-OldWestMigration\Config\ folder. These two important areas govern: 1. Amount of possible times the Old West will appear in a World depending on the World size. Case scenario: If you made a 6K World using 'Many' for Towns, but feel there are too many Old West Towns, change: <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='many']/@value">4</set> 4 to 3 or 2 to reduce it by 1 or 2 and allow another type of Town to appear instead. The same applies for few and default. This is on the premise that you aren't changing anything below as it will reduce the amount of Old West Towns and not the size of Old West Towns. 2. Minimum and Maximum amount of tiles the Old West will cover depending on the World size. This is the size of Old West Towns. Case scenario: If you made a 6K World and feel that the Wild West Towns are simply too big and cover too much surface area, change: <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='mintiles']/@value">6</set> <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='maxtiles']/@value">16</set> the number following 'mintiles' or 'maxtiles' to something more appropriate. 6 is set for 'mintiles' and that is actually very reasonable. It creates a High Street with possibly a single intersection branch. 16 set for 'maxtiles' can make a pretty large Old West Town. Setting 'maxtiles' to 10 will allow a High Street and a possible intersection branching off in a few places. 16 allows for a 'square' type Town whereas anything less with retain the long stretches of street. It is set to 16 to allow the chance of a 'square' type full Town and some branching Street Towns as it is based on random selection. It is very subjective but that 'maxtiles' value is the biggest factor for players who would like to tone things down a little and bring in more appearance potential for Country Town, Town, and other areas like that.
  6. A small update for the (A21) Oakraven Cooking Stations. Categories are now visible in the top left area just as with the Campfire categories icons. Apologies to those who prefer the long list instead of toggling, but it has been requested repeatedly for a couple of years and it's easier to remove than add. This adds a new file in the Config folder called ui_display. For anyone who likes the single list, simply delete that.
  7. A small update for some of the basic items in Localisation for the German interface. Corrections are most welcome as this was just fed through a translator with the only checks on compliance.
  8. Hirnsturz has been kindly streaming a play through of Preppocalypse in German although his English appears to be very strong as well. https://www.youtube.com/@Hirnsturz A number of messages in the comments following the stream ask if Preppocalypse is localised into German. The answer is, it can be, if a kind soul would assist in double checking the end result of an online translation tool to catch any errors or lack of nuance against the original.
  9. The Railgun has been added to the Server Side Weapons download area as a stand alone option modlet. In the days of the Juggernaut, it was viable. Since the entity mod it was made for has brought the HP down to levels just above default, it is a touch too much. It is there and optional for those who want that. Railgun This weapon can be made from Level 75 of the Rifles Crafting Track. It can be made to Quality 6 at Level 100 in increments from 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, and 100. It cannot be found in loot, and is not available from the Loot Box Machine. It remains as close to the A20 version as possible, and apart from re-calibrating aiming sights, it stay true to form. It can take a scope, if you really need one. One shotting a Demolisher.
  10. It's unfortunate, and may very well be a limitation of the controller for that input area.
  11. Good to know, thanks. I also wanted to implement this feature for A21 but would have never known as I can't dig to that level of detail.
  12. The Oxide Gaming team shared that they have added in an abundance of new Server Side only Mods to their Server Side PLUS server for anyone who prefers not to download things before joining. Complementary Quality of Life things along with some of the traditional challenges.
  13. Slots for input crafting area, amount of 'refining' slots, and output area have been expanded in a number of mods. Adding a 4th for the actual refining area would be similar to how adding a third is placed in some mods. It's require some compromises though on layout. Existing mods that add in 3 slots would assist as a template to show how it's done.
  14. Check up on the EntityPenetrationCount in items.xml and progression.xml and how it is added to certain ammo and weapons as an effect type buff. I believe that is the multiple target hook up based on how it links to ammo and the progression settings for perkPenetrator and some unique individual cases. Possibly appending the bolts with the requirements taken from other ammo will get the result you want.
  15. A21 appears to have removed things like: <objective type="ZombieKill" id="zombieMaleBatonHazmat" value="50" phase="1"/> <requirement type="Holding" id="meleeWpnBatonT2StunBaton" phase="1"/> ZombieKill is now EntityKill. Holding and some other variants tested did not function in A21 quests. It was rejected when loading. In your case, something like <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="Magbow"/> grabbed from buffs did not transfer over to quests. There may be something out there, but I have not looked or tested too deeply.
  16. Sorry but there was no intention to add the railgun. Base entity damage was 300 and with headshot and other skill accumulators, it was a bit too much in testing for A21. Since the UMA type Juggernaut and friends with their very high HP can no longer be added, the railgun was pretty much instakill even with body hits for what remains. Since the Zeus is practically identical in many regards and remains at an equally, but more forgiving high of 200, it allows body shots to be heavily damaging but not always instakill. I hear what you're saying about the Behemoth at 5000 HP and this was very much of high level Snukin Zombie level. It is still possible to release the Railgun as a stand alone Modlet without changing any of its settings beyond the needed updates for A21.
  17. Just tested a Day 35 Horde Night. I could snap up about 25 loot bags of mixed type and received a single Weapon Maintenance Mod. Just the single Mod alone from all that is going to save a heap of maintenance on a primary weapon and for this stage of things all good there. Another player would have got lucky and picket up a ticket or two, and my turn will come. As loot bag drops increase over time, that will also increase the ticket potential. For Day 35, it was better to be on the low side and allow Server Admin to increase to suit their preferences. Just getting that single Mod was a hint of things to come. This test was on a dedicated server and an opportunity to see how things were comparing to a very controlled SP test. The result was comparable since the Weapon Maintenance Mod has higher chance to appear than Tickets. One result of having to fill the group a little to calm the Tickets appearing too often is a little more junk in an extra slot on the loot bags. Junk such as ammo related specifically to small, medium and large group for yellow, blue and orange loot bags ^^, an extra book here and there, and regular random stuff. The balance was there and regulated to A21 values, which changed quite a lot from how previous Alphas handled things. Feedback on this will be very helpful but if this SP test and a dedicated server test were anything to go by, it's looking reasonable where tickets are very much the exception and not the norm. It will be quite something on a community server when the first player in a party is the lucky one to have a ticket when they clean up the loot bags.
  18. If you continued reading the thread following that, which is a few posts above yours, the next related question was 'do I have to do all of them or just the zombies under ZombiesAll?' The response was All I'm afraid... But, an application like Notepad ++ will allow you to choose one entry and change all that are exactly the same throughout the whole page. There is a lot of duplication in there even though it's so long. The changes come in batches for the Horde Night entries.
  19. There will continue to be some testing with the safes and treasure chest as they haven't been given sufficient testing yet. They have the best looting potential since weapons can also be found there. The loot bags are all about the tickets and are looking very reasonable now. A player/group should find something worthy during a Horde Night but it will certainly take a lot of bags unless good luck is involved.
  20. This is an example of one single group as a reference. It is not the only group that governs this kind of entity. Please do not tag me directly into another posters messages.
  21. If you ever get the chance to share this proposal with the development team in their Discord, it will be given more attention from both the development team and other members who are very active and assist with balancing, testing, and so on. They typically consider how it plays into other features such as A21 has 3 tiers of horses with small, medium, and large inventory sizes but are always open to discussion. https://discord.com/invite/vc2XmnNWB8
  22. For those that prefer a more visual understanding of how the Tickets have a dynamic edge about them when switched out in the Loot Box Machine. Loot Box Slime Chart See how the slime slides and pushes back and forth between the Tiers. It's a bit like that.
  23. Are you asking if the 60 slot backpack feature in the Wild West Mod can be removed so that players can select their own backpack size by themselves?
  24. Here is an update for the Server Side Weapons: - 3 Additional Weapons for each class of 'low - medium - high'. The Vampire Gauntlets make a return with their regular feature. These have traditionally been classed as lower tier. Get in 20 hits and use 'F' key to activate Vampire mode which can restore player health. Quad Shotgun assets no longer exist in 7 Days. It was reliant on M5 additions which are long gone. Instead, to give the hint of Quad Shells, the sticks of dynamite are placed in such a way to allow 2 to show with the sparkles at the front of the barrels. Primary fires single shells at a regulated rate (more than the double barrel) while Secondary fires the burst of 4 shells. This was considered a low tier but A21 has increased it to medium tier with the upgrades to the Double Barrel. The Vulcan is a high powered ranged Gatling type weapon and is high tier. It still requires a little work for attachment features. Access to Unity to understand the pathways will be necessary to seek out new locations of .fbx assets. Until the new locations can be found to ensure certain things don't show, it will look a little scrappy. Loot Re-balance With new additions and extended play testing comes re-balance. In this test with Boss Loot, the results are as follows: 20 Boss Loot Bags returned 1 Server Side Weapon Durability Mod. The bags seen in the above image relate to the next test. 37 Boss Loot Bags returned 1 Green and 1 Red Ticket. This will provide the chance to get a high probability of a low tier Server Side Weapon at a higher Quality Tier from the Loot Box Machine for the Green Ticket. The Red Ticket will provide the chance to get a high probability for a medium Tier Server Side Weapon and some chance for a high Tier weapon. As Tickets move to Red and Purple, the chance of seeing a low Tier weapon greatly diminishes. In contrast, a Green, and Yellow ticket are pretty proportional in the opposite scale of things with weighting very much on low to medium. The ratios for the Loot Box are currently: Green - 80% Low / 16% Medium / 4% High Yellow - 60% Low / 30% Medium / 10% High Red - 10% Low / 50% Medium / 40% High Purple - 4% Low / 16% Medium / 80% High Loot weightings and balance will take time but these 12 weapons are good for now and no more updates will be required beyond bug checking and clear imbalances. Additional Updates: - The selling price of Server Side Weapons has been decreased to reflect A21 buy/sell ratio values and to ensure the value is more on the weapon functionality and not the economics of it. The goal of this mod from the outset was to create a collection with ever increasing Quality across all tiers. - Descriptions for the Bag Mod and Rabbit Hat Mod ensure players are familiar with potential bugs. The Bag Mod does not remove until a player leaves the server as the buff is not working. It works for all other Mods of this nature. The Rabbit Mod causes vehicle instability when sitting as a passenger. This is notable in flying vehicles. The description warns players to remove it when entering a vehicle as a passenger. This will also require a visit in Unity to see if there is a static version of the rabbit.
  25. Yes, the A21 version is in the Mod Launcher but not being publicised too much while it goes through bug check and comprehensive testing stage. It's almost there.
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