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Everything posted by Matt115

  1. Most of them conected with PVP blowing someone base or just trolling purpouse
  2. For example. I was running out first aid bandage and there was a lot of soliders ferals etc it was late and my pickaxe was broken , so my i just blow up a hole to get out from bunker. another situation. I get quest elimanante all zombie from POI . i was looking everywhere and again it was late. So i just blow up a bulding and vulture somehow flew away , i kill it and go back to my base. so it is useful sometimes
  3. modern version looks like a toy gun rly few years ago my uncle bought simlar toy gun on festine .Yeez or "modern" tommy gun. It should be banned. btw what's go wrong after 2000 and 90% of modern guns looks like : everyone doing this same gun but little diffrent to avoid being suited XD rly what's go so wrong. Or even worst = "systems" so you have smg, bullbub LMG , sniper rifle and assult using this same base . This so annoying
  4. Yeez rly can just some convince TFP to add strip club named snowdog? Rly he is our comunity meme . This is nothing wrong but this some type of "well know member" like Afii from quake 3 arena
  5. In real live guns make a bigger holes that in games. One shot in head with typical 12 shotgun ammo can blow up head. Hmg can easy gibs arms legs etc. ofc endless ammo is stupid but in real life you can make a thrower like helsing from metro 2033 just find a iron scrap and you can shot . One m60 magasine could easy kill 100 zombie horde because penetration. And yeah some pistols can make a rly big hole, more even a some types a arrow can behead you ( you can find test on yt) . So yeah it is neccesary to find a balance - if guns head rly stats like in rly zombies would die by 2-3 shot in lower parts of body and 1 shot one kill chest or bleed out when shot in leg but it would be to easy. Ofc in real live sometimes strange things hapens like guy survive 10 shots with 9mm but in shor distant 1-2 shots is enough
  6. Well this is very... logical you know mayor' brother is selling benches so city buying benches for 1,5x normal price XD someone get money so who cares. That's why we are in s...t
  7. Or something like : for example : airport POI can have on 1 airstrip military outpost POI. Another this same airport POI can have bandit camp etc . Or " connected POI" like : collapsed car tunell is 1 POI and can be found somewhere or can be conected with military outpost POI ( something like -----MP-- tunel) . Or bridge with railroad tracks are one POI , but it can be another POI on it " abadoned train" and this same train you can find dunno on desert for example. Some combinations can have sens
  8. Well this have sense : in my contry you can find small city with 3 supermarket and almost any diffrent shop so... or small village with 2 small shops and 3 big factories and something between fort and church Came to Poland and you will see a rly strange things like : working airport without passagers , roads to nowhere or rly good asphalt road with led lamps etc in forest . Or 10 benches( i'm not joking , it was even in local newspaper) near rly bad road nowhere but there isn't any in logical places like park . Or flat with only ground floor ( yeah it is still flat because of reasons ). Rly it was looking like created in broken random world generator
  9. Nah he looks so much like russian or canadian hunter from typical " how i get here and i must survive somehow" movie
  10. well he looks rly cool and improvment is just... like change a sword into a machine gun
  11. Yep that's true , well there were created a bandit models near alpha 18 but you know ai problems so they just push it in to the future. For now we have only traders npc . In A20 is going to be for example RWG new zombie models guns etc
  12. Well L4d2 would be better example that l4d2 because it looks more simlar : train stop near a cementary , hotel near the park , highway near bridge. So some POI's can be connected like: POI trainstation have a rails right? and if you go with the rails you can find tunnel or broken train or bridge. Military outpost can best near value points near road like tunnels ( but it is diffrent poi) or gas station . So creating a way to connect POI each other will be good idea and logical. Well better to be outpost near crossroad near a gas station and bridge that in just random field with nothing nearby.
  13. i can't agrea about POI ; map can be this same size but bigger. For example : flat and skyscraper in my city are almost this same with small changes : their is a elevater in skycrapers and have 10 floor . Flats have 4 floors. So this same surface but have more m^2 . So if you decide to another skyscraper it will make map bigger without changing it size Yeah i understand you point but add more colours for "civilians" cars, maybe crashed it other , civilian truck with diffrent compan's logos ( just cope it froms shops) , military with diffrents camoes will be cool and well still using this same model but with diffrents textures
  14. Well in painkiller you litteraly using this shotgun to kill zombies/skeletons in hazmat suit. Yo know maybe radiation for zombies is like salt for human. A little bit is good but can you kill you soon Yeap stun gun sounds better that tesla gun . And again small change to hell bringer - well better to throw thermite - it would be this same but also let make thermit grandes . just throw somewhere and zombies will be without feets... and legs... well they will be crawlers XD And i still want artillery XD jeez it would be epick - just find a enemy group base , dig near of their base a hole, put mortar , ww1 vibes and your friend sitting somewhere cover you with snaiper rifle . It would be fantastic
  15. yeah i know what you mean so the "safest" option is add some old cars like in l4d2 because property rights and they were simlar so it will be easy to create something simliar but safe But still thanks for info !
  16. Well it sound a little bit as alternative type of shoting from second shotgun from painkiller overdose ! well just "goo" change into radioactive material and it would be fresh and immersive well green is more "happier" that purple. AND I HATE DIE RISE! Just nope rly nope even XI an rest of chaos maps were better
  17. Well now we have : military trucks ,fire truck and junkyard wracks... that's a.. well small number .i think add a hammer ( military jeep not a tool) could be legal - watch painkiller military base . Some civilian trucks , old cars from 80-90' some , maybe some 60 wrack on desert . Please @faatal comfire you are doing new cars models < begging on knees> ... and strip club for snowdog and zombie girl in japanse school uniform ( i'm joking with the last two but it could be rly fun easter egg if snowdog'strip club was on the map and this zombie had 0,1% chance for respawn )
  18. NOPE !! for example Piat - french " rocket laucher" is just... something like glue gun with spring XD it just throwing rockets XD not launching just ... throwing XD so why don't do junk PIAT XD
  19. M202 is rocket lancher sending fire rockets ! it is rly life fireball staff!
  20. Tier 0 : it sound's like idea for volksgewehr but with nails tier 1 : hl ravenholm in nutsell XD tier 2 : just add M202 FLASH - Wikipedia tier 3 : No. It 7 dtd not wolfenstein . How you would add a WW2 german bunker in USA?! Railgun? okay . Cremator gun? Vietnam vibs . But no chance for tesla!
  21. well you can keep truck in your pocket right? so just put mortar on the ground : achtung ! feuer! and again put in your pocket and go into your WW1 journey
  22. NOOOOOOOOO!! Better is to add rly intelect weapons as artilery weapons like 1. tier catapult 2 tier trembuchets 3 tier mortar 4 tier howitzer you now : calculater trajectory range etc
  23. i prefer random( but logical) barricades or military posts on roads and maybe colapsed tunnels because they are avalible to add
  24. I was trying to say that is not a piority so it will be fixed maybe in A22 or A23 more likly
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