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Everything posted by TSBX

  1. Sure, I'll knock it out tomorrow. Thanks for the showcase video, looks good!
  2. No, don't delete anything. This community has a foundation built on sharing and collaboration. Finish it, post it, put it out there. There are things in your mods I might like better, and things in my mods you might like better. Doesn't make anybody right or wrong, it's all about making people's experiences better. Carry on, homie.
  3. Verified compatibility with A19.3 b3 Updated to 1.0.2 • Fixed: Furniture Variant using wrong Luggage blocks
  4. Water is getting looked at to some degree, and what we have is, and has been a placeholder for quite some time. Could it be better? Sure, but it's not bad for what we have now. That all being said, welcome to the community. There are better ways to address posts like the one above, instead of unabashed condescension and label application based on sheer assumption. Your post reads like an AI made a post after being fed FB comments for a month.
  5. Updated 1.0.1 • Updated custom loot list sounds
  6. Absolutely. I had planned on adding Improved custom loot list sounds for the containers to the next build .
  7. -Description- Vanilla Expanded is a new series of modules, each one independently focusing on a particular point of gameplay. You will mostly see additions to vanilla content, making systems deeper or more varied. Some modules will change the vanilla gameplay more than others, but they are also designed to be mostly modular, so you can choose what you want and avoid what you don't. -Released Modules- -Coming Soon- -Donations- If you like my mods, feel free to show your appreciation via a donation. ------------------------------------- -Description- Vanilla Expanded: Storage is a module in the Vanilla Expanded series that adds 50+ player storage options, easily crafted via the Furniture Variant Helpers in game. This allows for immersive storage areas, or just decoration choices! -Compatibility- (19.3 b3) This mod should be compatible with all other mods, with the exception that there could be visual duplicates if other mods use the same vanilla models and icons. If you see something, please say something. I'll do my best to keep up with the latest stable game releases, but barring any block name changes, there shouldn't be any problems. -Latest Changes- 1.0.4 Added: • Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerGarmentBag • Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerClosetRod • Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerToolBoxClosed • Block, icon, and localization for cntPlayerRollingToolBoxClosed 1.0.3 1.0.2 • Fixed: Furniture Variant using wrong Luggage blocks 1.0.1 • Updated custom loot list sounds 1.0 -Installation- Extract the "Vanilla Expanded - Storage" folder from the linked file below into your 7 Days to Die/Mods directory. (Mod launcher release coming soon!) -Download Link- Vanilla Expanded: Storage -Support- Having problems with the mod? Reach out in this thread, and check out my hosted channel on -Credit and Thanks- I want to specifically acknowledge Guppycur, Mumpfy, Sphereii, Xyth, Khaine, HaidrGna and Snufkin for all of your guidance and help making this real!
  8. I don't see masochism in your posting title or role either, but we all know it's part of the job. Those who read between the lines will find my meaning.
  9. I understand where you're coming from, and while I loved that system as well, TFP made it clear that that particular feature is no longer a part of their roadmap for this game at gold. Look for a section of the forums that start with the 'M' word if you're really interested in seeing it again.
  10. This can actually be daisy channed to "store" multiple charged throws Select spear 1 Charge up the throw Select Spear 2 Charge up the throw etc. All the way until the end of the belt, then they can be launched using the number keys giving you a spear shotgun, essentially.
  11. Here's some more info below. This happens with both the TV running from my GPU and my monitor which runs through the integrated graphics. output_log__2020-09-21__10-38-58.txt DxDiag.txt
  12. Here is the modified quests.xml if that's easier quests.xml
  13. Here's a higher resolution picture, the forum doesn't do zooming in well. https://i.imgur.com/duiywaE.jpg
  14. @cheebsco https://community.7daystodie.com/bug-test-1/incomplete-reports/xuic-controller-bug-r1602/
  15. This might be similar enough to SDTD-13586 to merge or link somehow.
  16. The CP adds the new zombies to the various spawn groups, so yes you will see them spawn outside of POI's, if I'm interpreting your question correctly.
  17. Re-tested in A20b17, same result.
  18. Tested MP Dedi/P2P and animations are unable to be disabled by either host or client so this stands as a SP issue.
  19. Without knowing the authors intent, it's impossible to say.
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