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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Masters of Chaos Gaming is a group of experienced gamers who host and run servers for some popular games. We currently have a variety of servers for 7 Days to Die. Whether you're a beginner just getting started with the game, or a long-time player looking for a serious challenge, **we have the server for you!** We host on our own hardware that more than exceeds the dedicated server hardware requirements, and keep regular backups on a separate system to ensure that your gameplay experience is unmarred. Offering three levels of difficulty for you to play on. Zed Rising Zed Rising is a relaxed, beginner PvE 7 Days to Die server running Alpha 20, with fun Quality of Life mods, 2 Land Claim Blocks and a friendly community of gamers on a 10k custom map. We welcome new players and strive to provide a fun environment for people just starting out in the game. https://mastersofchaosgaming.com/ZedRising steam://connect/ Always Double Tap Always Double Tap is a more challenging server on Warrior difficulty. It has the same QoL mods as Zed Rising, but the enemies are more challenging and there are more of them hanging around. https://mastersofchaosgaming.com/DoubleTap steam://connect/ Join us today! https://mastersofchaosgaming.com/7Days https://discord.gg/HrCaxm2
  2. I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time looking at the existing threads before starting a new one.
  3. Most likely Never. The current console hardware is not capable of supporting the client past Alpha 16. Any further details on updates for the console have already been discussed in-depth recently. You should probably do some looking around and research before you make offensive posts in all caps. Here are a few examples from the First page of this forum. It's not like you even had to dig to find them. console updates/bug fixs Why are TFP still selling 7d2d on consoles? Loyalty & Respect console updates rethink - sign petition Hopes and Worries about the Telltale Closure and Future of Console Edition If you chose to flip to Page 2 of posts. The Last Update A Letter To The Fun Pimps Update Xbox version please Could we at least get an update from the devs? Will there be a console update? 7d2d console idea (fundraising?) Console Updates? It's not like any of those topics are really old either. They go back to the first of June.
  4. Actually, now your next CPU should be an AMD. As of the 3rd gen chipsets, AMD is blowing the pants off of Intel for a change. Took them almost 20 years to turn the tables, but they have done it, and in a really huge way. You can get better performance cheaper with AMD now, and the 4th gen is going to put Intel to shame even more than the 3rd gen did. It's why I went with a 3900X instead of an i7-9900k or 10900k.
  5. No offense, but that CPU will bottleneck a GTX 770 on a regular game at 1080p. This is a voxel game that demands even more from the CPU. Dropping a 1080 into the system is a complete waste unless you happen to have immediate plans for upgrading the rest of the system.
  6. Working on bug fixes isn't much different from working on an update with new content. We've already discussed this to death several times over.
  7. This is not a bug or an issue. This is precisely because you set the loot to 300%. Increasing the loot % does not increase you chance of finding items. It increases the quantity of items in stacks. So at 100% loot, if there is a chance for a book to drop, you get 1 book. Set to 200% you get 2, and 300% you get 3. To fix the "issue" set your loot back at 100%.
  8. 1. You put it into the \Data\Worlds folder, then put the name of the folder into the server config. i.e. Generated world folder is "North Randavo County" your server config should have <property name="GameWorld" value="North Randavo County"/> 2. Known issue in a19 when making maps on the dedi, and can happen on the client with some seeds.
  9. ok, so I ran the test, and was unable to replicate the issue. Distant POI Close POI The gas station So after playing a bit and not getting anything, I turned on creative mode and started teleporting around. Then I just put it in fly mode and went cruising around a city at high speed. Definitely exceeded what this laptop is capable of by a large margin. And only then did I start to see it. So then I went back to my Min Spec PC and tried to replicate it. No dice. So I went back to the laptop, and logged back in without cheats. Low and behold everything was fine. Went back to the Sonic replica the normal way without cheating, and it's showing up fine too.
  10. Your GPU. Client requires 2GB dedicated VRAM on minimum specs, and 4GB on recommended. Your pseudo-GPU doesn't have any. It claims 6GB, but that's is shared system RAM, and not dedicated. It's also stealing CPU cycles because it's an inbred chip, and not an actual dedicated GPU chipset. Add that to the extremely poor performing 8400, and the only thing that really performs above min spec is the RAM and maybe the hard drive. Even using specs that meet requirements like the OP has, I have been unable to replicate this issue. I'm going to be pulling out that old craptop I have in a minute to test though. Like yours it has a weak CPU and inbred GPU stealing the RAM.
  11. Confirmed in b170 that this is still an issue. World Name: East Soate County Seed: 62534816 Trader location: 360 East, 2332 North Can attach player block right to the wall supports, and build an elevated base that the zeds have no hope of knocking down until you get into a stage that includes cop spit.
  12. So you don't even meet minimum specs. This isn't really surprising then, but at least the information gives me something I can test with. I have a laptop with no GPU or dedicated VRAM like yours I can use with those settings. And just for reference, I set up a desktop that almost exactly met minimum specs last night, and could not replicate this issue in either a18 or a19. https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/2570942124844038592/?ctp=6#c4349865446122559433
  13. It's still a work in progress. On the internal build there was an option to adjust the size/dominance of each biome. Here is an example I took of the map I made just prior to the streamer release. If Pine forest were 1, then they would all be the same size. City layout would not have changed. I don't know if the sliders will be in the final builds or not, but I sure hope so. It's a nice addition.
  14. Yes there is. It's called View Distance. This adjusts how many chunks around your person are rendered in your client. Anything outside of that would be handled by distant POI.
  15. Steam client giving the error "An error occurred while updating 7 Days to Die (missing executable)" when trying to launch the game. This is related to changes that added a launcher and Steam not allowing multiple choices for launching based on version. I normally just launch the executable manually. Here is how to launch: After uninstall/install of the older version. Steam Client > Games Library Right-Click 7 Days To Die Select Properties and click Click Local Files Tab Click Browse Local Files Double-Click 7DaysToDie.exe You may want to make a shortcut to the executable itself to make launching easier. Alternatively, back up the 7dLauncher.exe before downgrading, then copy it to the install folder after changing to the older version
  16. Yes, that's how I verified the data before posting 😛 root@beta:~# 7dtd.sh help updateengine Usage: 7dtd.sh updateengine [--check [--showinternal]] [--experimental | --stable] [--branch BRANCHNAME [--password BRANCHPASSWORD]] [--force] Check for a newer version of engine (aka game) files of 7dtd. If there is a newer version they will be updated by this command. If neither --stable, nor --experimental nor --branch is specified the server will updated to the latest build on the currently installed Steam branch of the game. If --stable is specified the server will be switched to the default public stable Steam branch of the game. If --experimental is specified the server will be switched to the latest_experimental Steam branch of the game. If --branch SOMEBRANCH is specified the server will be switched to the given Steam branch of the game. Additionally if password is required to acess the branch this can be specified with the --password argument. NOTE that --password is also required if you previously switched to a branch that requires a password and want to update to the latest build on that branch now. If --force is specified you are asked if you want to redownload the engine even if there is no new version detected. If --check is specified it will only output the current local and remote build ids and if an update is available. TFP internal branches are only shown if --showinternal is also given. root@beta:~#
  17. If you're using Allocs scripts, why are you using steamcmd? Just run "7dtd.sh updateenging --experimental"
  18. Step 1: Exclude the client from your antivirus and anti-malware software. (I cover this in detail in the Sticky FAQ) This error is usually caused by security software not allowing EAC to do it's job. Step 2: Open C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat.exe. Select 7 Days, and click Uninstall. Reboot your computer. Run EasyAntiCheat.exe again, select 7 Days, and select Install. Then reboot your computer. Step 3: Verify the client files in Steam two times. Once does not always catch everything, and it's very likely your security software screwed something else up.
  19. Time to share your seeds again! Please post Seed name : Biome adjustment settings : Screenshot : Number of traders if known : Please not that this thread is NOT for discussion of Nitrogen. This is for seeds using the in-game RWG mixer.
  20. Yep, figured out I was able to do this and now there is one that pops everywhere in the console section. (except root, couldn't make it pop there.)
  21. This is the current known plan for the PC version releasing. a19 is literally just around the corner. We'll see public experimental in just a couple of weeks, and Stable will be shortly after. a20 is planned to release this fall, but with the number of bugs and new systems in a19 pushing it back a couple of months, we should see it by Winter this year. After a20, there may or may not be a21. Beta is the next major step with a focus on optimization, fixing bugs, optimization, and finalize the modding platform to add Steam Workshop support. Based on these plans, final release is currently slated for next summer. Just about a year from now. Then there will be some final post release additions and DLC to work on while working out a plan for a new version for the consoles. That will most likely take a minimum of one year, and half of that is just negotiating with Sony, Microsoft, and Iron Galaxy. And my two cents, they should not have shut down the General Support section of the Console section. They should have renamed it to Console Support and combined Bug Reports into it. I also felt that removing the Off-topic and General questions section weren't a great idea either, but at the same time no one went to them first. Posts mostly just got moved there from General Discussion because people don't know how to look up sub-forums.
  22. Just had this happen in b138 after making a map. No gamepad connected though. Started a save. Got into the game with my character. Exited to main menu, then clicked Quit. menu went away, and screen froze on showing the background. https://pastebin.com/raw/qZXaE7Ef
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