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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. No, I am not tracking through all of your mods. Here are the ones showing out-dated information or errors.


    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.080 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'lootablewineBarrels'
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.081 WRN [MODS] lootablewineBarrels/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.087 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'OcbStopFuelWaste'
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.087 WRN [MODS] OcbStopFuelWaste/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.101 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'wolfbain5 - workstations repaired A21exp'
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.101 WRN [MODS] wolfbain5 - workstations repaired A21exp/ModInfo.xml does not define a valid non-empty Name (^[0-9a-zA-Z_\-]+$). Please consider updating it for future compatibility.
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.101 WRN [MODS] wolfbain5 - workstations repaired A21exp/ModInfo.xml does not define a non-empty DisplayName. Please consider adding it for future compatibility.
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.103 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 'zAmmo Disassembly'
    2023-07-14T19:20:13 46.104 WRN [MODS] zAmmo Disassembly/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.


    And just because you think a mod is working fine, even though it isn't up to date, and only appears to have a small visual issue, does not mean that it isn't causing other problems.

  2. 15 minutes ago, sandpaper600 said:

    Don't know how that happened. Let's try again...


    My Log File


    OK, I checked it this time. With all my apparent ineptitude, I'm just waiting for someone to discover I've ticked something in the game I shouldn't have. 😉

    You have a couple of mods that aren't a21 compatible. You should probably remove them.


    Other than that, there aren't any errors.

  3. Files are gone again. Not sure why people are incapable of using normal sites.  Trim the logs if they have a lot of repeating errors. Use justpaste.io or use freaking Google Drive or Onedrive or Dropbox or hell even megaupload is better with its ad-drive interface. 

  4. 2 hours ago, SHERLOCKSTANLEY said:

    Every time I start up 7 Days to Die I am confronted with "EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" repeating. This started after I launched Vortex Mod Manager for 7 Days to Die. I have uninstalled Vortex and all mods.  

    This problem is solved when I go into the 7 Days to Die launcher > tools > Clean game data > "Game data(selected) > then clean. However, I have to do this every time I start 7DTD and this deletes all my saves, profiles, and configurations.


    Uninstalling the Game didn't resolve the issue.

    This is the log of my issue. 



    Log isn't public.  Please use Pastebin as instructed.

  5. I see a lot of warnings for EoS, but not sure that is related. Be sure you have excluded the client and save from security software.  Details are in the Pinned support FAQ.


    The actual error when you are trying to join relates to an invalid block type. This usually indicates either corrupted client files, or mods being involved.  Don't validate until after you have done the exclusions. That could be the reason for the corrupted data.

  6. SE isn't fully 3D Voxel though. Only the structures are voxel. The landscape is a moldable mesh with no SI calculation data. 


    There are backup files in the save that you can use to recover. You just have to utilize them after the crash, and before you load the corrupted save. Again, instructions on this are in the Pinned FAQ thread. As is a workaround that may work if you loaded the corrupted save and broke all the backup files.


    If they were to progressively save your game, you would end up using several gigabytes of disk space for each save. For an older computer, this would essentially pause game progress for a minute or two while the save occurred. It doesn't come down to a matter of common sense. It comes down to how the data is managed, and the limitations of supporting older hardware. In your 30 years of gaming, you haven't come across a game yet that handles as much raw data live as this one does.

  7. PvP has been disabled on the server for now. It only takes a few @%$#s to ruin it for everyone else. 


    2 hours ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    So on the tfptest server I am randomly losing upgrade block hammer noise and in some cases delays by 1.2s it seems to definitely be impacted by people text chatting.


    Pretty sure text chat didn't have anything to do with this. Did discover some players basically demolishing part of a city though, which could have caused it.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ov3rrid3 said:

    How is it that a simple crash or reboot can result in such a catastrophic loss with no warning or way to recover?

    This is a fully 3D Voxel game. The world and player data is constantly being loaded and saved as you are playing. If you improperly shut down or exit the client while this is happening, that data will get corrupted. Just like core operating system files on your PC will get corrupted when you shut down improperly.


    There is no automatic save because of this, and no incremental save because unline 99% of the games in the industry, your save isn't a small 256kb file. Even games that have larger saves up to 150MB cannot compare. Just a single region file where you have your base could be over 1GB in size. As you move around chunks are being loaded and saved constantly.


    And honestly, knowing this, you can prepare for when you have that kind of issue. Don't try to start the game up after you exit incorrectly. Back up your save files and follow the recovery steps that are outlined in the Pinned Support FAQ.

  9. 4 minutes ago, AdamSLR said:


    1. You should not be using Vulkan on that setup. Switch the renderer to DirectX from the game launcher.

    2. EoS is blocked/suppressed and unable to establish a connection. Ensure the client and save folders are fully excluded from security software. This is covered in the Pinned Support FAQ thread.

    3. Ensure you are not using a custom Pagefile setup. It should be set to "System Managed". If you don't know what this is, you likely don't need to worry about it.


    Once that's done, validate the files a few times and restart the computer. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Aeteus said:

    I bought the game July 29th, so I could not possibly have read this post.

    Ahh from the future I see!


    Common forum etiquette would have been to at least read the posts in the thread before you made a reply to the thread. The last post in the thread is literally a link to the Pinned post that you should have looked at before you made your post. 


    Without the information provided by following those instructions, we can't help you. Your lack of reading comprehension is only hurting yourself, and wasting the time of those who might be inclined to assist you with your issue.

  11. Player data on the host is corrupted. Usually caused by improper shutdown or disconnect. 

    Your friend will need to go into their saves folder and open the Players folder. Then they will need to delete these files while their client is closed.




    Once that is done, your character will be reset and you should be able to join again.

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