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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 3 hours ago, Gamida said:


    I thought more dangerous animals spawning at night was a thing already...including in forest biome.

    Well make them spawn in the day sometimes and much more in the dark 


    Maybe some animals won't activatly hunt you down until you say have lower hp like what vultures do. 



    3 hours ago, Dreyseth said:


    but at night you can just walk past them as they don't seem to see, hear, or smell anything when it's dark

    They are kinda stupid compared to zombies. Lmao 

  2. 4 hours ago, beerfly said:

    Even at night, the forest biome is like a walk in the park. It was really good with bears. Irl I live in forest in the mountains and we have plenty brown bears. 



    They could just make it were they spawn at night! That's it lol

  3. On 11/3/2023 at 12:41 AM, bdubyah said:

    I hope they are making new animations for the animals as well. The current ones are...rough. The new zombie dog looks great, and I think it actually has new animations but it still looks pretty goofy to me if you just sit and watch it walk around.

    The zombie dog does have new animations.  I hope we get it on the wolfs and coyotes. Maybe feral dogs??? 


    But the game could uses difficultly in terms of wildlife again. Cuz they made it to easy in A21. As of yet I have not found 1 bear in the forest! I need some danger! Add a mountain lion or 2 or something!

  4. While I think that would be too taxing


    Have random events like survivors roaming around and pretend to savage and Bandits having raiding parties 


    The main thing we need is Post Apocalypse bases and poi. Both ones with zombies and survivors.  


    Like imagine raiding a overunned trader post (trader Jimmy RIP). Old settlements/shanty towns full of zombies, maybe a biker bunker that was used for drug running or something.


    Then you got the active survivors camps. Some friendly.  Can trade a small bit. And take small jobs like the old missions (kill male zombies and come back) Or hostile... we're they shoot on sight. 



    And with any game with human enemies you gotta have some special uses!!! 


    Like melee, ranged, Stealth, tanks, heavy, demos, grenadiers ,snipers, support, archer, boss, 


    Hell throw in a odd tamed dog or drone to spice stuff up. 

  5. 2 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    Great new animals, so does that mean different types of meat and other food recipes? I'm still wanting a Zombie Stag deer. Also could there be an option to change the screamers to Moaners?


    That would be a cool normal zombie. He just lures (AKa spawns) a small amount of zombies and can spawn in pois. While screamers spawn hordes basicly 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

    Maybe we'll finally get that updated vulture model they showed off at one point... Maybe even a zombie squirrel or two?

    Though we got that? He looks much different then what he used to look like in alpha 16

  7. 7 hours ago, Arma Rex said:

    Since no one shared it here yet, the pig is returning with a new model. Additionally from what the tweet implies, we'll be seeing new animal models and perhaps new animals all together.


    I hope they aren't removing the boar. They made much more sense.  


    Also maybe zombie pig

  8. 5 hours ago, zztong said:


    I could see doing a variation on that. That is...


    You can repair any item.

    If the item's level is more than one greater than the level you can craft, then decrease the item's level.


    Example: I might be able to craft a quality level 3 shotgun and maintain a level 4 shotgun. Any level 5 or 6 level shotguns I repair would lose a level after they were repaired.


    In this way, a character that can craft a level 5 item could maintain a level 6 item. Items would degrade, but only to a point that matched your ability to maintain them.



    That would be better or like what the other guy said.  Unable to repair something unless you know how to build it. 


    Or Make the cost more where you need parts. Repair kits are just so easy. Then again with stuff like augers it's a godsend 



    Happy Halloween Pimps! Make sure you steal your lazy neighbors candy and don't drink snowdogs koolaid

  9. On 10/26/2023 at 3:24 AM, meilodasreh said:


    As an easy fix they could hire slimer himself instead of his brother.

    I already asked him and he's eager to participate.




    ...omg what have I done...now I will never be able to unsee it.

    I hate you 



    I hate you 


    I can't unsee this 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    I just realized: the overlord hipoly means you finally got your skeleton in the game Adam  :) And there are 3 skulls in one at that.

    I'm not the one who wants skeletons WE got a nice gore pile thats enough 💀 I just want playable overlord armor... and flamethowers... and plasma baton, and console demo.... and airports.... but mostly overlord armor! LOOK AT IT! IS SO COOL 

    brett-briley-spark-03-bbriley-overlord-shot-03 (1).jpg

  11. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    The Illogica site says it will be more of an arcade experience. So this is how it probably went down. Madmole got sick of people calling 7 Days a looter shooter and said to himself, “I’ll give them a looter shooter!!!!”

    I mean you can loot and shoot 😝


    Then again.  The game has so many things to it, 

  12. I would love stuff like this. An ambience update would be really cool. Hearing birds, coyote welps and howls, wolves in the distance, zombie moans, whisper, footsteps and branches breaking, 


    Snow has wind as usual but also snow shuffling around, more wolves and maybe at night you could hear mountain lions 



    Desert has even more coyote welps, harsher winds, sticks breaking, zombie moans, and... the worst part.  Vultures..... 


    Wasteland is more or less the same but you hear stuff like zombie moans, zombie dog howls, Vultures, whispers at night 





    Also at night, more of those spooky night tracks would be cool

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