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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:


    If they don't have some special feature for twitchcon, my guess would be that they are simply collecting as many bug fixes as they can. It could mean that 21.2 would be the final release before A22.



    Maybe then we will get alpha 22 dev diary and overlord armor?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Khyron said:

    Padded armor is absolutely fantastic because it gives you some resist early game when you need it the most and because it gives you zero penalties to stamina or movement or noise. Leather armor in my opinion is awful because while it does Grant small amount of armor more than padded, it also lowers your stamina regen it makes more noise and it reduces your speed. I don't feel like it grants enough additional armor for that trade-off to be worth it. Typically if I'm going light armor I stick with padded and boost it with whatever banded armor plating I can find until I can get a good set of military gear. With heavy armor it's all worthwhile because you're making that trade off of armor for mobility and Noise right from the get-go and the upgrade amounts are significant enough that you always want to have the strongest available


    Personally I really hope that the new armors and outfits and everything else being added in the next update will be a lot more interesting and give me reasons to want to do anything other than padded armor 80% of the time

    I usually mix scrap with cloth so I had the best of both worlds at most a scrap helmet but I also just hate spam crafting.  It's not fun


    But tho leather is my second favorite looking armor.  It sucks in terms of protection

  3. After playing console for a bit I can say this! 


    I don't miss learning by doing. Some stuff was cool like melee, mining, running, etc but most of the others were ether so convoluted or pointless. Like who's going to upgrade tailoring? 



    The only thing I miss is wellness but it was flawed too, cuz you only ate one or a few things the current system is still kinda flawed in terms of food, maybe something stuff like cornbread could give buffs like extra health, 

  4. Really the only ammo that issue used that much is 9mm and 44 but 9mm has much more uses then 44. A suggestion is make a weapon mod simply called 

    44 receiver and the 9mm receiver 


    The 44 and 9mm receiver can be placed on the Tactical AR, Lever action and SMG


    9mm holds more ammo but deals less damage.  Adds 14 rounds for the lever action and 32 to the TAR 


    44 deals much more damage but damages the gun more. The lever action holds 12 and the TAR holds 25 rounds.  And 20 for the SMG

    It has a piercing abilities 


    You may say! But there is no automatic rifle that shoots 44 Adam! You stupid 


    My response.  The game is set in the future. Maybe then someone will make ether a SMG or an assault carbine in 44. Plus saves gives more uses for other guns 

  5. 2 hours ago, meilodasreh said:


    I wouldn't give too much to the fact he isn't around here much anymore.

    I mean, this is a forum of a game developed by a company he's one of the founders, yeah fine, but that doesn't make it "his site", it is not his job to run/participate/interact here on this site at all!


    The CEO of my company is also not been seen around and interacting much with the "common people",

    which doesn't mean he lost interest, nor that he's ill or even dead.


    He just has more important stuff to do, which is fine for me, and I don't even care about his highly important bs...for the less important stuff he has minions like me. 😄

    We even don't know each other at all, but in the very rare cases we run across,

    we both give each other that silent nod when passing by, and I swear I know we both silently agree that we don't give a s%!T about what exactly the other one does, and we're absolutely fine with that as long as the job's done. 🙂


    That one thing I really liked about Madmole was on the site he partly made, playing the Game he had in hand making and talked to the community 



    Now he's not on here That much. Probably cuz me and Matt bullied him by asking so many questions it drove him mad. 


    But oh well! It was nice hearing is voice during the dev stream and interview with GNS

    And yeah people got mad when predictions.  That's just apart of everything. I said I have a feeling the dev diary will come out on the 20th to 22 because of twitch con  but it's a 



    On 10/5/2023 at 2:50 AM, Roland said:

    They will remain with Unity for 7 Days to Die.


    The next TFP project uses Unreal engine and beyond that we simply don't know what they plan to do.

    Too bad we won't be getting anything like ASA, but given the crap they are going through.... probably for the best 

  6. On 10/4/2023 at 4:28 PM, HB_H4wk said:

    Some angled version of the pipe would be great. or some variations of the Ibeam small, like some curved pieces or angles or make some kind of railroad track pieces....


    ibeam small.jpg

    I just want that pipe texture. 

  7. 9 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    For the backroom storage/delivery/receiving goods area it would in fact fit perfectly.

    Just ask you local stores if you may take a look 🙂

    My store I work in has one! 


    But only a cardboard box one 

    Maybe in the future they take recycling super seriously 


    So much so where plastic blinds are made of toothpaste tubs and bottles! :)

  8. 15 minutes ago, FramFramson said:

    What's meant by "Districts"? POIs clustered together as a sort of a multi-POI neighbourhood?

    I'm just putting on what the post said many pois and districts added. Or something I'll let u know If I'm wrong 

  9. On 9/27/2023 at 11:08 AM, retrogamingdev said:

    First, I will admit I didn't read all 7 pages of comments.


    But, the whole 'realism' thing is thrown on so many fronts, I don't think it is that strange that they did away with the containers. Like, my guy can run around with 17 tons of concrete in his backpack... 


    Yes, I do see the OPs point, where did it go?? But, I think some of these stretches are here for the sake of gameplay overall. Like, now we don't need to haul around empty cans, jars, etc... we can just think of it as a one time use item. You get the water, you use it and it is freed from your inventory. Make more room for concrete anyways 😁

    You can hold 49 4x4s 

    Your broken limbs heal really quickly 

    A repusler that sends things flying 

    Able to melt down metal without a bellow 

    Using jars of water in soups but not getting a jar back 


    But drinking a jar of water and eatting the jar is unrealistic 

  10. On 9/11/2023 at 10:27 PM, Gamida said:

    XML refers to the editable xml files in the config folder in your game. 

    It is where you can make changes to the game settings such as stack sizes, harvest amounts, trader hours, etc.

    Careful though, once you start tweaking them you can get hooked.



    Again stuff that should be in the base game 



    But other stuff Like 

    More random cars being in on the road like a army truck, the old sedans and bus too 


    Able to have one of each trader only, 


    Able to ether have ocean around the border or Land, 


    Lake/river pois like on navezgane even if they only spawn on the coast 



  11. 8 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    As I said some time ago... they're all playing Stafield right now. :heh:

    Yup! Just gotta wait for them to finish I guess 


    But we are loyal disciples of the cult! And speaking of.  Where is the Alpha Dev Diary and overlord armor  ;)

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