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Everything posted by Callum123456789

  1. AS the name says having some sort of item quality crafting selection could be very helpful in cases where the player may not find a lot of weapon parts for an item or tool parts. for example i am aware that in alpha 21 if you spec into the perks you will have a higher chance of finding those specific parts in loot but lets say i read 80/100 pistol magazines and can craft a level 3 desert vulture but if i only have 8 pistol parts i wouldn't have the sufficient amount to craft at that particular quality and would draw me away from bothering to craft it in the first place, this is also how it is in alpha 20 most times i will find a quantity of parts that allows the crafting of a low tier item however my crafting skill is always too high and there is no way to have some slider that scales it up or down, furthermore allowing the player more freedom to craft what they need just at a level lower if they are having a hard time finding the sufficient parts to make the current unlocked crafting tier. as always pimps thanks for your hard work and awesomeness of this game, Callum.
  2. or maybe some sort of quest poi delay thing lets say you do house_old_gambrel_05 which is bob boars once you do it it then has some sort of day count required for it to be added to the quest pool i would say like 3 or 5 days.
  3. You make a good point I feel like the animal tracker perk gets forgotten about, you can literally crouch in certain areas and find roughly 4 small animals in an area if you successfully get then that's an easy 40 meats heck even 80 if you max out the huntsman I've never had an issue with finding stuff to hunt.
  4. i guess so yes maybe a mix of both worlds have to happen, canned food is just too common in loot and the snow biome is a meat farm.
  5. from my opinion on what would make food survival balanced is remove all canned food from general loot and only put them in the end chests of tier 1-5 crates so you either have to hunt or try your luck with a higher chance of getting food in a more dangerous poi but ofc this is my pov lemme know what you guys think and what you would do to balance food im curious.
  6. yeah i thought at first it sounded rather passive aggressive but i would say the message was conveyed with good intentions however if i was to say it it would be so the community can create their own unique experiences with a combination of assets and features from older versions and putting them back in a way that makes for a good addition that tailors to my playstyle preference.
  7. yeah i gotta agree with food being very easy to deal with in a20 at least however i spec into rule 1 cardio and never wear armour early game so i barely burn stamina furthermore i dont burn much food at all and since i loot a lot i have plenty and if i dont i just go to the snow biome AKA the meat farm.
  8. to be honest i think making bio fuel return would be awesome and for the gas situation make gas 4x as expensive to craft in the chem station and lower gas yields from harvesting cars by 30-40% thats just my idea i imagine youd have to do these activities a lot more to actually get a reliable set of gas.
  9. i must say what an excellent idea jost, i like the way you describe it and i could imagine some sort of weapon mastery tab for skills once you reach a certain point. of course not saying this is confirmed just letting my imagination lead me. 😀
  10. the last one about the wires is getting changed in alpha 21 they will only show when you have the wire tool in-hand.
  11. Every couple of Months it goes on sale often being 70% off as well so it's quite a steal at that point. My guess it'll be around the 11th next month.
  12. It would be awesome to see the navezgane only pois being integrated with rwg. like let's say that there's a big lake it could chose from one of the 6 different docks pois that are nav only I know they already exist in nav but I think it would add a little more variety to the already coming additions to it. I forgot what the docks game name is something like docks_02 not sure but the one with the cool flooded area when you go through that pipe.
  13. slightly inappropriate i must say but the first thing that came to mind when i saw the half dressed cowboy was the 18 naked cowboys in ram ranch meme....lol.
  14. i can confirm that they do spawn around them however there are no pois that spawn needing a crater nearby to spawn and also no pois spawn in craters from numerous tests i have done same goes for lakes and rivers wilderness pois will spawn around them but cities and towns countrytowns etc will not just wilderness pois.
  15. i think allowing poi placement on mountains and craters would be good however im not sure if that is allowed as of right now due to the mountains being very rough. the only way i can think of this being possible is some change in the rwg code that allows some sort of smoothening when there is a possible location to place a poi however wilderness poi path generation is another story.
  16. i think having some sort of poi randomiser would help alleviate the same looks of certain pois for example the working stiffs tools or any other pois there could be debris piles and other stuff to have a more destroyed variant of the that poi or less to show a newer intact version of the building or maybe loot is moved around so you have to look in all the different corners if you wish to get everything including the main loot location but not enabled to just spawn at the first room you get in. i think this might have been talked about in one of the alpha 20 dev diaries and has been partially implemented but only with the variable helpers behind the floor panels and wall panels like it can be a backpack, purse, trash or a sports bag.
  17. Single player I rarely have issues with not being able to find the last zombie I guess it could be linked to an mp issue, maybe the sleeper volumes aren't activating properly and showing them as they haven't been passed or spawned properly I think that used to be an issue but I haven't encountered that since around 20.2 or 20.3
  18. odd question we know there are new pois coming however are there new tiles for townships e.g. old west towns countrytowns and cities those types of things.
  19. there's a bug right now with alpha 20.6 world generation basically it has a small chance of creating no spawn points for some reason it happens to me every 2/5 maps that i generated for a test is this currently fixed in a21? i think this bug came with 20.6 and didnt get noticed or ironed out before it launched.
  20. +1 to this that would be awesome it would make zombies a lot more unpredictable i can imagine looting a shamway then i see a darlene just jogging to me but then a big mama full on sprinting and me going "oh lawd she comin' 😆
  21. there is no confirmed release date but as a reminder they reach out to streamers if the alpha will be done within 1-2 months as a current pattern shows so if they announce that streamers can get confirmed for early access thats when you know its not too far away.
  22. hey guys i know this probably isnt the most requested thing but has there been an increase fps wise for when you are in the world editor? my mean fps is usually 30 there and i was curious if that has been touched on at all? (it could also be my system lol)
  23. I know its been said a million times but try not to be too harsh on the new changes announced it's better to play first and get a grip on things and once you've completed a high day playthrough you can come to your own conclusion of what you liked what you didn't like and what could be better this is how constructive criticism is born.
  24. Thats right there It specifically says with a pickaxe I checked in the xml a few weeks ago and the auger doesn't have the perk tag from that art of mining volume.
  25. Youtube is just getting ridiculous all this censorship will lead to nothing but a negative status on the platform if everyone is forced to create content around being non violent or whatever else what's next if someone plays 7 days and see jen YouTube will flag it as explicit content or harmful lmao.
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