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Everything posted by Darklegend222

  1. I take it you haven't read the post where (madmole?) Replied to a comment that said: "will you guys allow the modding community to help you make and program the bandits?" To which, said person got a reply of "omg LOL" Honestly, you had me in the part of a level 1-10 looting a house, will get less loot than a level 50-100. And i also like the boss zombie, if the infection really is from a human made virus, like in Days Gone, they're pumping 1000mg of different drugs into these things in order to see what they mutate into. Cool story and interesting POIs. Would fit quite well into Skyscraper_02. But moving forward from that, have you checked any of the previous alphas? A16 quite literally, had bandits in the spawn menu that screamed "YOU @%$#ER" and "I'm gonna get you!". They had melee and ranged, you are more than free to get a16 and look at it for yourself. Also, they are working on fixing issues with bandits having 100% accuracy and other AI issues. So add a new game, and having to program this one, and think of ideas and artwork, then test to make sure the community can use them, and hire some Unity devs to work alongside them, and use hardware from 2013, and work with new code from a better engine.. it adds up mate. Early access games shouldn't be for you if you're going to expect devs to cater your every need. I'm sure the modding community would be somewhat willing to help you setup your own bosses and your own goals. Your just being irrational about the situation. I've just gotten into modding and these devs may seem like they're slow, but they're good at what they do. And coding in Unity is a @%$#show. If your that unhappy with a $20ish dollar purchase, of a game in alpha, then you should avoid early access titles permanently. Just have some fun mate and play the game. Check back in a year or 2, the criticizing and demanding is not making the game work any faster or making the devs wave magical dust on their fingers to type TRIPLE THE WORDS PER MINUTE. It takes time.
  2. I don't see the majority of the population going around as zombies with stone tools in a shotgun factory..
  3. <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkElectrocutioner']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="3,5" value="1" tags="meleeWpnBatonT2StunBatonParts"/> </append> that is currently what i am using. I reversed the core file change and everything is working perfectly! I have considered removing it with xpath but this seems to work exactly as expected with no issues. I am simply adding this line after all
  4. That works if i modify the core file directly, I'm currently finding a way to implement it into the passive group through append. The XML gods and their nodes have taken pity and it works perfectly! Thank you for the information, in some way you inspired me to to copy your line and just paste it under the existing line. May you have good fortune!
  5. Long story short, I've made stun baton parts (meleeWpnT2StunBatonParts) craftable and I have managed to gate it behind the Electrocutioner perk. The only problem, I don't know how to specify at what level to get it to unlock. I've attempted to modify the Tags="meleeWpnT2StunBaton" to tags="meleeWpnT2StunBaton,meleeWpnT2StunBatonParts" under the 1,5 which had no avail of working (should have assumed that). If anyone smarter than me could inform me of a line to add that would be helpful. https://pastebin.com/z0MeMQ55 (items.xml) https://pastebin.com/SYUih2R8 (progression.xml) I couldn't figure out how to remove xpath here.. remove xpath="/progression/perk[@type='perkElectrocutioner']/> had no avail so I don't know what to do about that. https://pastebin.com/bV0tmzAS (recipe.xml) Don't mind the low resource costs, its just a placeholder until I'm able to gate it properly otherwise its useless anyway
  6. Opening a door slowly will raise the detection bar by 33% of what it would normally do if you opened it by just pressing E, and make it open 50-66% slower to make up the difference in percentages and reduce the noise by 50%. It's useful for stealth builds, and let's be honest.. in a zombie apocalypse, your not swinging doors open like a mad man.. zombies, players, and possibly bandits could be waiting on the other side. Don't want to get detected or possibly heard!
  7. Thats interesting, before I installed 19.5 I uninstalled the game and deleted everything from Appdata LocalLow and Roaming thinking it was enough. Didn't know the launcher let me clean all that up automatically since some stuff was missed. Thank you for the help! edit https://pastebin.com/JCqvVJub the issue is still there with the boat, made a new save, deleted everything in launcher, used the same seed "19.5" then walked to trader joels and went to the docks_01, accepted, and the boat is still not there.
  8. https://pastebin.com/su4iYNBT Not gonna lie, I misread the comment on what it was about. My bad Roland, I confused you with Jugginator and took his post as a confirmation of the issue I am currently having. His was in reference to trees not rendering, actually, im not quite sure who his reply was for. "You're not doing anything wrong, but DarkLegend was a bit off with the whole day 30/it's the way it is right now (ive seen servers stable past day 800 in 19.4). I've only seen it reported a couple times before the patch for this and it's either been a server crapped out and corrupted the files or mismatched versions. I would restore from a backup or transfer the characters' saved files to a newly made map (can be the same one)." I don't have the log from back when that happened, I did a fresh install of the game last night. There is a bug report in the Bug Pool section if you'd like to review that. Again, my bad, I was incorrect on the comment and who it was from.
  9. Mine would be the first time i played back in a15. There was nothing like being scared of literally everything and anything. Constantly running around, attempting to hide in POIs before being scared off and almost getting slaughter by a zombie with titties hanging out. But then... Night time.. i dug a 1x3x1 hole inside a POI, covered the top and then.. the GRASS, it's all i heard around me. I decided it was a good time to mine (narrator: It was an unfortunate time to mine.) And i made my hidey-hole 4 blocks larger. Then they pounded the door down and came for my hatch, it was a repairing job, then i ran out of wood, and tried to make a tunnel, then they broke through and all i could do was make my stone axe go THUD, THUD, THUD THUD while freaking out to myself "what is this massive @%$# doing here!" I killed her after getting to 10 health and boy was she hungry! I heard more rustling and got out of my hole, i got to the top of the house and hid.. for a good 2 minutes before everything collapsed and all i could see was 2 zombies looking like they haven't eaten in days and i was the meat on the menu. I got viscously slaughtered and exited. What a wonderful first day in the game!
  10. Just to clarify, disk usage is no issue. I've made a bug report in the proper place (bug pool) 20ish minutes ago if you would like to review it. I haven't really been given advice but check a stickied thread which was already of no use as I've stated. Or given a link to the one of which he mentions so I'm not sure it exists anymore. If you happen to know what 800+ day saves have to go through in order to make it that high and still be playable then that would be helpful.
  11. Do me a favor and look at this. I never said that SSDs don't get slowed down based on their capacity used. Though look at this and tell me, how does a partitioned NVMe using Macrium Reflect (to move windows from an HDD to NVMe) with 84.3GB/954 still running at full speed? When I'm playing 7 days to die, it never goes above 1-2%. You can blame my NVMe all you want, but the truth is, even if it DOES get bottlenecked, its still going to be around 300-600MB/s (assuming worst case to best case) and that is still FASTER than an HDD. And the truth is, I used to play 7 days and run my OS on the exact same HDD and had little problems with disk usage. Now i have ZERO issues with disk usage. You may talk bad about Inland all you want, but the truth of the matter is.. you have faulty SSDs bro. I'm not sure whether its UPS, USPS, or Fedex just throwing your packaging around, or poor handling on your end, but I've got no issues with hardware being bottlenecked. I'm sorry about devices being rude to you, but that doesn't mean mine aren't working properly.
  12. Jesus dude, I specifically said IF THERE IS A DIFFERENT ONE that you're viewing. I have went to general support numerous times, and I HAVE viewed the thread that shows you how to restore a corrupted save, shows where dedi log files are, and how to access saves. Now let me rephrase for you since you couldn't comprehend that. IF THERE IS A DIFFERENT THREAD of which you're talking about, link it BECAUSE I CANNOT FIND IT. I am trying to get this figured out properly. I HAVE attempted to restore a "corrupted save"with said instructions and it has not worked, leading me to think it's a game issue. Now then, i have reinstalled the game entirely, already made a bug report with a boat at docks_01 not showing, and am going to see if I can reproduce this animal bug in order to report it. 2nd, i also asked what SETTINGS THEY USED hence general discussion. Next time I'll split it up. So either you are seeing a stickied thread i haven't seen yet (out of the 3), or this thread has took it's course and should be removed.
  13. I certainly won't get help by people saying 1000 day worlds don't exist, but I did make a fresh install and I've gotten log files to generate again so I'll be taking it to the bug reports section. This didn't belong in general support since i was asking a general question to everyone who has those worlds. Not a support discussion with a stickied thread that shows "how to restore a corrupted world" which did not help me as i have tried it. So if you could be so kind as to provide a link to the forum of which you talk about, I will happily view it.
  14. Roland himself has reported that other users have had the same issue and is UNAWARE of the cause.. yet people say there are tools to use in order to prevent this.. but i have been given no such thing. In a comment earlier i have provided a clickable link to said forum, in a reply to Roland. I would provide a log if the game actually made one, there is no log in the install directory aside from game startup successful. That's all it says, as a dedi-output-log.
  15. They have plenty of space, and the majority is taken up by games, not actively running software. I can assure you, an NVMe (2800MB read/write speed) with 100-150GB is absolutely plenty. Even used an SSD benchmark to confirm that it runs at that speed with a custom number of 80000gb to sift through for speed testing and no issues. Incorrect, have confirmed that 100-150gb is plenty for an NVMe. Used an SSD benchmarker to test and have extracted a 40gb file with only 50gb remaining, still ran at 2800MB/s with absolutely no issues. What you said counts for 2.5" drives, and select NVMe manufacturers. None of which affect Inland. If you are so insistent, i got the drive 2 months ago, and i have played 7 days on an HDD and suffered the exact same issue. (Yes, i completely reinstalled the game, so no, there is no possibility of corruption, and i have verified files) I am not new to this, and if it was my hardware in any way shape or form, it would've been detected and not posted on a forum ASKING FOR HELP on how to make the game more stable for 1000+ day saves, which no one here seems to believe people are in 1000 days. So that's where this thread is at.
  16. I've got plenty, 5tb across 3 drives, each ones got 100gb free space. I never play anything except Navezgane strictly because RWG doesn't have at least 1 of every poi and I've had some really bad ones, Never a decent one unfortunately. But if i have to exit every hour and re-enter to fix it, it won't be fun but it'll make it more playable then i suppose I'm in single player, and if i am running a server, it's a dedicated server straight from SteamCMD. I will never, NEVER pay money for someone to click a StartServer.bat for $15/month just to run the same files i do.
  17. Amazing "super mod" mate. I just thought it would be a way more tedious way to play the game but it infact was not! In fact all the tedious stuff like sticks and sharp stones, were not that bad at all! Especially with the gigantic inventory slots. Though i do have a few questions, 1. is there supposed to be a surplus of zombies during the day? I was walking around from trader jen to survivor_site_01 i believe and there was around 20-30 zombies. Thankfully a stone sledgehammer kills em in 2 hits. 2. Am i supposed to hole up at a trader encampent during the night? It seems to be the only place where i can actually survive the night without just hiding onto a roof which breaks immersion IMO. 3. You recently said that guards are planned to be removed.. what would that benefit? The trader would get absolutely annihilated over time, especially if zombies decide to go at them when players aren't nearby. Not exactly the easiest thing to setup traps around the place they're held up at maintain everything 24/7 for 5 traders plus your own base and horde base. 4. I noticed trader jen has 2 guard officer npcs, and when i did quests for either of them, i was not awarded a skill note of any kind. I would provide logs if 7 days to die would output one. Everything was on 19.4, fresh install, Navezgane world, no mods installed other than the ones from your 19.4 download(no EAC) link. Other than the issue and some questions, this is a fantastic mod and you truly are good at what you do! God tier mate, you certainly made 7 days to die so much more fun and lively.
  18. I like the idea but the implementation seems kind of poor. I would remove the mason, and just have a carpenter perk that gives you +>value<reach so you can build and upgrade from further away, and at later levels will consume less materials when upgrading and let you place blocks faster. It should not be forced to be able to build since it is a core feature and would just waste perks which are already awful to work with. I created a mod to remove the bacon and eggs from being gated because that's just stupid. I can boil eggs and meat but I'm too stupid to put them on the same plate? Get the $#$@ out of here with that.
  19. I do not, I can easily take the motorcycle from Hughs down to Rekts without a single issue in creative. I keep task manager open and it doesn't go past 50%. 30% if i turn absolutely every setting to low
  20. I can't either. I'll see no animals for 6 Days, then I'll exit game and come back, instantly 6 bears, 13 dire wolves, so many zombies, and around 9 cougars in the snow biome alone with more bears. A few people have had the same issue according to one of the mods on a post i made a while ago about this exact issue so I'm not sure what's causing it either. I do have windows 10, and i don't use any form of AV software. One of the mods said that a few people have the exact same issue of the game becoming nearly unplayable at day 30ish. To which i was told it was inaccurate and others have shown days up near 1700 and claim to have no issues. So either they're lying or they've done something in particular to make it run perfectly. View that thread, they are on day 4000 and claim to have 0 issues and say that "there is a form stickied with solutions" which is nothing more than explaining how the game works and ways to repair a save, not any way to actually prevent the issues from happening. So either they're lying or they're repairing the save every single time a day goes by in game
  21. Up until day 30 for me, i encounter an entire number of issues. Such as seeing no animals from day 2 to whenever i leave game and come back. At which point, i will get swarmed by how many animals DIDN'T appear when i come back in. Same exact thing happens with zombies, i can easily get to the seventh day without seeing a single zombie around my base. No matter how much i mine or destroy blocks. Over time to around day 20, chunks stop loading and i have to constantly get off my vehicle to force the chunks to load so I'm not being thrown back. I've verified files, deleted the game, removed everything from MY Games folder, and removed everything in appdata. I've got an i9-10850k, 32gb ram, NVMe, and a gtx 9602gb which runs at low with 0 issues. I create new worlds every single version and i never repair a broken world, i always make a fresh one when issues happen. So what is it that people are doing to never have these problems? Do you use certain settings? Do you delete stuff from files? Do you change stuff in the core inis to make it to thousand days with no issues that prolong?
  22. That's cool and all, but has no place in the main game. It's practical the way they have the game setup. If your looking for something op, dynamite is also available in the game. It's not an "explosive always wins", every single class is viable in the game. And as I've said, explosives are utility. People aren't supposed to run around with rocket launchers and pipe bombs. As for your "it's usable but people complain about lag" just because you don't have lag, doesn't mean other people have a lower download/upload. If i host a server on gigabit (1000 mega bits) and someone connects with 25mbps, they're not receiving all of my 1000. They're only getting 25. Be courteous and don't cause lag where it is not needed.
  23. Unfortunately that's just the way it is right now. We can only hope it gets better from here.
  24. The game breaks around day 30. I just had to start mine over. My previous game did the same thing, whenever i exit and continue a game, i get around 3 bears and 4 direwolves, and 6-8 zombie dogs in a pack running towards me.. it's extremely buggy as of now
  25. I disagree. You have to mine nitrate, coal, and have the ability to craft gunpowder. You also have to take into the account that a pipebomb only does 5 blocks of radial damage.. it is literally a giant tube FILLED with gunpowder, while a grenade is a small ball dedicated for shrapnel. The devs want everyone to be able to use anything. And explosives are mostly craftable, there are people who like pipe bombs and people who don't. I don't really like them since there is cooler stuff in the game, you should look into something else. Have you even seen the dynamite? In the real world, you couldn't throw anything above a 1/2 stick of dynamite far enough away without getting somewhat hurt/annihilated. Explosives are NOT a joke and are a utility.
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