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Everything posted by Darklegend222

  1. I'm trying to make it so you can see all the enemies spawn in a quests POI no matter how many enemies you kill. So far this is what i have and it does nothing. <prefab> <append> <setattribute xpath="/factory_lg_01/prefab/property[@name='ShowQuestClearCount']" name="value">30</setattribute> </append> </prefab>
  2. I just did this quest again actually, the crawler at the entrance and the dogs/radiated zombie were missed on my first playthrough. The dogs above the freezer and the zombie to the right of the dogs spawn did not activate the first way through. I ended up getting lost and just nerd poling my way to the ceiling tiles. On my second way through, i had to walk REALLY close to the zombie dog like 3-4 blocks so it would notice me and i had to manually trigger the crawler by punching it, and the room with the lone zombie and cault door was no issue to find after that. The first time through was a mess but once i knew the locations my second way through was a lot easier but it felt.. wrong because the distance didn't seem to be setup far enough. Which is why i brought it up in this thread since larger pois have that issue.
  3. The tier 1-3 houses have a set path to follow, and that path includes all zombies. I can understand the "path only goes to the treasure" but.. I'm not there just for the treasure otherwise id just bash the treasure wall and grab and go. (Which i don't do, but that's the point of doing any POI). I've been keeping an eye on the dev notes and they tweaked the lower tiers (because the higher ones are obviously too large to be top priority over other things that need added and fixed) so that "you don't need to break any doors to complete a quest and do pois" which was their goal. I am okay with the killall command disabling the quests.. if the quest showed you where to go. I'm fine camping in a POI overnight but it's stupid how the quest giver KNOWS there's zombies there. "They send a search party in the general area" I'm the search party, and we aren't looking for a missing person. We can easily mistake that we killed them all without knowing that was it. But if you insist on not being able to show you where they all are, then allow us to turn the quest in and get a ratio of the percentage. For instance, 10,000 dukes for killing 100 enemies, i kill 60 enemies and turn in, i only get 6,000 dukes. Or, make it so that once you grab the treasure (hardened chest) all the enemies are visible since you basically completed the POI.
  4. The game SCUM did what you mentioned about character statistics. It's an insane chore to manage and really takes away from the fun. And it would be an excessive chore. The character creation is also getting an overhaul so you can't make abominations. Also, if you could punch like a sledgehammer, then they might as well remove it from the game. I get the point your trying to make and it's not a bad one, but it's not a good option. Instead, you could try getting the older systems back. "I punch zombie, punching has leveled" "i hit zombie with club, blunt weapons have leveled" would be the proper way. Especially since all food would need a rework and trust me, having to eat blueberries and corn all the time alongside meat would just be a hassle. Poor to maintain and would be more challenging than the zombies. Though i like where your heads at!
  5. I cannot do testing at the moment.. but you could theoretically run a dedicated lan server and specify the bedroll deadzone to be.. 200 blocks (can't do that with the in-game settings). And just go to town with an auger on some iron with bedroll nearby or see if it will prevent zombie spawns during bloodmoon
  6. Couldn't complete red mesa, shamway factory, or shotgun messiah factory, or dishong tower without using the "killall" command every 5 steps in order to "find" all straggler zombies to kill. It's ridiculous, how does the quest giver know there's zombies there yet doesn't tell us where till NEAR THE END?? I've had zombies behind locked doors, in places behind rafters (looking at you grocery_2) all of which didn't appear till i got 2-3 blocks next to them. Its impossible to complete a poi on 1 hour days with zombies set to sprint before nighttime, assuming you start at 4 and end at 21:00. Since there is just not enough time to thoroughly scan EVERY wall and break down every single door.
  7. I just started with a str/fort sledge build and I'm literally unkillable. I moved from steel knuckles because it was just, too op for me and wanted to go a step down. Sledge is so goddamn fun compared to steel knuckles though is SLIGHTLY weaker. I've been meaning to do a stealth build but the sleeper volumes pretty much ruin that and your seen on horde nights anyway so it's (useless?) Perhaps more tweaking can be done. But your point is correct, the game is what you make of it. Especially with talks of armor sets, a full archer set would be cool, same with a full tank set. I haven't even dabbled with an explosive build, that could also be extremely fun, for the price of all the nitrate and coal in the land.. which is no downside in my eyes For the first bit, get gud with melee. I'm on survivalist, 100% loot, 100% exp, no deaths, on day 16, eith zombos set to sprint at night. Level 4 steel sledge kills any zombie with 2 Power attacks in the head, if needed. Ever look into grabbing perk books at the trader? Have you even seen or used madmoles fort build with steel knuckles? I used that in a19.3 and it was just too op i had to back down a bit. Literally power attacking an enemy with steel knuckles staggered them. On top of healing 1 hp every punch, being completely unencumbered at night, and not being weighed down by armor at night due to perk pooks and careful preperation of lootong crack-a-books. Moving forward, i can agree that we should be able to craft t6 items, but not being found in loot? It's a survival horde SCAVENGING game. That's the entire point, now i do have my own gripes. Like finding stone tools in sealed crates Pre-apocolypse like what the @%$#? That doesn't make any sense. If your finding l6 aks on second day, then lower your damn exp gain, create shorter days, and set zombies to sprint at night. You'll be forced to take it slow and plan ahead.
  8. When did harder areas offering the same loot as easier areas become the norm for games.. it didn't, which is why the devs are fixing loot tables.
  9. Don't play seven 7 days till update 20. It's currently in the works of a better version and modified loot tables. Instead of modifying the loot tables they just made everything harder, so we're in the in-between state of the game
  10. Didn't realize gnomes were in the desert. Christ you people get upset at the SMALLEST idea. No wonder this game is having a very hard time in Early Access.
  11. Read the first part of the first sentence again. It's easy to get caught up in a POI you forget it's also a quest. There should be a more visible marker for idiots, and for people who don't want to watch a number whilst running away to regain stamina.
  12. I've "left the area" far too many times either forgetting i had a quest active since i was after the POI, or because i was running away from a zombie not thinking to go left instead of backwards. It'd be nice if there was a visible boundary instead of guessing how far is too far. Especially for smaller POIs.
  13. Not the original commenter but the knuckles are insanely OP. Especially when you get a book that "melee power attacks greatly increase your knockdown chance" and the "every melee fist punch (leather, iron, steel knuckles) heal you one health per punch" stuff gets insanely op. Just charge into a horde and focus one enemy at a time. Pair it with sexual rex, heavy armor, and the perk book "your armor does not weigh you down while In combat" you essentially become a tank. Infinite stamina, infinite knockdown, infinite attacks. It's deadly, which it has to be for melee. As for HF, it's insanely OP. I always grab it the moment i can, I do believe what you engineered is a bug because I've never had that issue before. So i do wish you luck, i play on survivalist and the above build has never let me down! May the hordes be small and the loot be large!
  14. If I would like an iron tool, then i obviously need to level. The devs have PURELY made this game a level grind. You want to craft better quality? Level up. Want to find better loot? Level up. Want to make gasoline? Level up. Want to raid a POI? Might as well talk to trader for a quest since you can essentially raid them twice. Spamming quest after quest is quite literally how the game progression is supposed to go at the moment since everything has a tier and allows you to reloot a place. As for playing the game as a grind.. it's 7 days.. to die.. are we supposed to NOT grind until the 7 days or what? Anything past the first 7 days is purely for fun. Edit: i should specify that it is a WIP as you've said, and i am truly looking forward to see what changes we see. Early access is not finished, changes will be made. With the current system, it's quite linear gameplay.
  15. Let's make it a thing, put it in a request and I'll fist bump you. I like where your heads at.
  16. I can see you're not willing to be rational here. Didn't realize a stone spike is a projectile. LOL
  17. I don't need the buff. I believe if the developers are going to make "ages" a thing, then i believe it should be immersive. Since that is what they're going for.
  18. In A17, you looted POIs specifically for loot. Especially a shotgun messiah or a working stiff tools because you don't want to spend 2+ minutes cutting down a tree or chopping that rock. But due to the changes in A18 and A19 with the loot tables, you know that if you raid a Working stiff Tools you will find literally nothing but stone items, because a number known as gamestage depicts it that way. I consider it to have moved away from a scavenging game. Scavenging is going through shelves and shelves of stuff "hoping" to find something, now its just "if i raid this, i KNOW i'll find nothing useful, but once that number goes higher, MAGICALLY more stuff appears". Edit, I forgot to add the first bit. In A16, raiding POIs was a daunting experience because there was less stuff to loot, a lot of places had almost nothing, and the zombies were quite horrifying. Now its just running quests endlessly to level up and get more money to purchase an item because places will NOT get any loot other than stone items. Its a game of leveling and a game of questing. Not so much a horror/survival.
  19. I believe I was quite clear, I ended up making a second save because the first one was awful. I looted 4 of those Medium Can piles and got 2 Yucca juice, 1 red tea, and 1 bottled water. Hence why i stated increasing the food and empty can value. Secondly, regarding the item rate, this is still a Survival SCAVENGING game. The entire point of a working stiff tools is for.. Working-Stiff-Tools, not flimsy-stone-tools. Plus its not like you have to fight zombies and raid a POI or anything like that, no not at all. You just walk in and take what you want LOL You have missed the point entirely. I can survive the first 7 days perfectly fine. The first 7 days is the "primitive age" so i would expect "primitive" items to be buffed.
  20. Recently made a mod that adjusts recipes and you gain 30000 exp from crafting them which is absolutely ridiculous. I've tried craftableexpgain but that did not help. Experience="10" did not work either
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