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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Possible, but I've never seen that - the only class of cloned drones I've seen is the one with actual copies being spawned, with an actual loadout from a time in history, and fully functional. I don't think I've ever seen any type of a ghost entity in 7dtd. There's rather scarce data what the OP is experiencing here, and some of it is rather vague, so I'm going with what I know. Which is nothing ...
  2. If you want to go that route, a couple mollies might fry em up real nice like. Then again, that won't fix anything that telling them to stay wouldn't fix.
  3. Would've worked too, although, Good Vibes might be a little too peppy whilst staring at the salty sea with thirst-dried eyes ...
  4. Weell.. not exactly. If you look at my replies as a whole, I limited myself to the island theme. The music was kinda hard to come up with, BÖC was the only thing that actually came to mind that would somehow match. They're all right, though, so I'm not ashamed of having put them there, but I am roughly of "the following generation"...
  5. Hmm... 1) Castaway 2) Lost 3) I dunno.. Blue Öyster Cult? 4) Raft, of course
  6. Hmm, how should I put this ... Let's say: In many ways I might've preferred this to the reality (as most of them couldn't sprint ... )
  7. Fair warning, that's kinda what I meant with "proper" there; you'll get some getting through, but the bulk will be held back.
  8. It's more HP, but can entertain triple the crowd. As more zeds are beating on the same block, the faster it'll fall. Plus their breaking is a little catastrophic, one block and you have a whole highway to you; with steel blocks, they'll have to break two blocks to open a proper path, two steel is 20k HP already.
  9. That's actually an encrypted version of axes vs skulls, right...? Madmole reeally had enough about that one, or something? It is, but not in the logic of this game and as such: This will Not work, nothing in the game will change the type of a gun - with regards to books or skills at least.
  10. Isn't that Magnum Enforcer? You're now confusing three book series. Automatic Weapons Handbook, Pistol Pete and Magnum Enforcer. Each set applies to exactly one set of weapons: Automatic Weapons Handbook = Pipe Machine Gun*, AK-47, Tactical Assault Rifle and M60 Pistol Pete = Pipe Pistol*, Pistol, SMG-5 Magnum Enforcer = .44 Magnum, Desert Vulture * I'm not sure if the Pipe versions are properly affected, but if they are, that's how they would be. None of the book sets applies to Any of the Other groups of weapons.
  11. Not DEADLY, just a decent grasp of the difference between a hashmap and a proper index; and an educated preference for one of them. But I'm absolutely willing to leave it at that.
  12. Well, now that you said that, I went and checked my game - I wasn't sure if the "self" setting of the motion sensor would recognize the vehicle. Seeing the vehicle instead of the player would be a plausible source for issues, but I'm happy to report it seemed to work fine. Solo game, so the vehicle was placed by me - who knows, ownership might matter...
  13. Cool, that's a respectable start for a career. No snark. Without going into any actual detail, I completed my first software project for a defense contractor .. oh geez, what, 19 years ago? I might be getting old. A little database, nothing fancy, but still. Kinda points to our differences here as well. You're used to the mechanics provided by a game engine, willing to defend them, maybe a little overzealously, but clearly with a decent understanding of them. You're just using the jargon just imprecisely enough that I can have a little amusement by poking at the misnomers. I haven't done anything serious on a game engine, ever - although I might question if anyone has. You know, "serious". And with a little snark: I wouldn't dare to try, dear.
  14. Well, it can work, as long as the lights after Bank2 end up taking up the power first - but nothing is guaranteeing that. With the electric system occasionally being unable to decide whether a component is a Trip Wire or an Electric Fence, I wouldn't trust a "loading order" to remain static for any period of time; which is sorta why I proposed that other loadout, it has a better chance of being stable as it's all in series. And literally, it's ALL in a single series: Bank1 -> cam1 -> cam2 -> light -> light -> light -> light -> light -> light -> Bank2 -> Door -> Door -> Door -> Door -> Door -> Door So, while you Can connect several things outgoing*, you don't want to in this case. *at least from Relays and such, I'm not entirely sure about cams, but I assume so. The first door takes 5W to work, so I think you'll need to hit 1 to 4W coming to Bank2. 5W seemed to randomly bug it out. As those lights are 5W each, you may need something else to hit the 1-4 gap.
  15. (Dear Santa, I guess I do deserve my coal this year - please deliver it to the nearest power plant in need, they seem to suffering. But I'm sure you understand! Your's truly, theFlu) So, the first step for indexing by name is to rename everything? So the name can be a unique identifier. Fair enough, kinda necessary, but.. - So, Timmy_1237987, we're naming things as [Name]_[UID] here? - Yeah, sounds about right. Why? - Well, we need to be careful with that UID part, it can't have collisions or concurrency issues or any of that nonsense, right? - Yeh yeh, that's all trivial, industry standard. Especially simple in a game that runs on two threads. - Soo, we can generate all the UIDs we want? - As I said, barely an inconvenience. - Anything stopping us from, you know, dropping that pointless dozen character string from the front and just using a 4 byte number there instead? - Well, then we wouldn't be indexing by name, now would we? - Indeed, dear 81237987->name, indeed.
  16. Quoting a randomish section.. I ended up testing that version of mine with everything in one chain, and I got it working. Basically: Bank1 (41W) -> Cam (5W) x 2 -> Light (5W) x 6 -> Bank2 (100W) -> Doors (5W) x 6 I had some issues, I couldn't get it properly stable with a 45W Bank1 and lights. One door was doing its own thing. That issue stabilised with the 41W watt bank. The chain drains 40W, so it happens to deliver exactly 1W to Bank2 when activated. That seems perfect to shut Bank2 off while powering as little as possible past it. Basically it looks like "charging" bank 2 doesn't actually cost any power, so the 5W extra was enough to open that one door. Might be worth giving the idea a try.. at least it makes sense this way... Also note, I earlier mentioned turning lights on/off to adjust the power.. seems that my lights were draining their nominal power even while off, so, might wanna verify that. I was using the Industrial Light Bulbs. I edited the above.. EDIT: for a little clarity.
  17. I'm going to let you edit that to include the "what are we trying to solve" part first; and then I'm going ask, "What is this, a job interview? You hiring? No thanks."
  18. Yeh, it's been requested a few times in the past, seems it's not going to happen. Too bad, I wouldn't mind it, this one would be worth some dev time. Although, the sorting buttons made it a lot less of an issue, as you don't need to stay in a box for ages anymore. Add some crafting-straight-from-boxes and it stops being an issue altogether - which might be just as dupable of course, but at least exists as a mod now.
  19. That sounds like a binary tree with words as values, no? "Word tree", afaik, is a net for predicting sentence structure, which would be pretty "irrelevant" here. May well be used for both of course.. But that still doesn't tell me what you're trying to solve with them; it seems you're just arguing against my "you don't index by name". What was the problem that would require indexing by POI name 1) for this feature 2) that isn't already solved in the game somehow? (quest system already knows what the POIs are, the damage tracking is missing, but doesn't have the POI name to begin with) (And I said "you don't index by name" because you don't - values on a tree aren't indexes, the structure of a tree doesn't have indexes. That's why you need to seek in it to find the value. Sure, C# calls some such structures "indexers", but they're free to be silly, sadly. You might want to listen to them, I might be a purist, but hey... they can also be wrong... )
  20. Umm, I know, but welcome to the world of internet forums, where people don't mostly stay on topic I was just adding some possible context to dough-boy's comment, my doing so indicated by my quoting him to reply ...
  21. Depends a lot on how you imagined they should.. The one significant difference a relay does cause is to turn an OR relationship between triggers into an AND: 1) Cam - Trip wire - Dart trap 2) Cam - Relay - Trip wire - Dart trap 1 will fire when either the cam sees something OR the wire is tripped 2 will fire when the cam sees something AND the wire is tripped Basically, the powerless relay in 2) won't give power to the Trip wire, while the (powered but not triggered) Camera in 1) will.
  22. I haven't tried the trick you're trying, only seen it that JaWoodle experiment, so, hefty grains of salt here. That said, I think that trick relies on the fact that a Battery Bank will not provide output power while being charged. It only passes through the power that is being fed to it. So, connecting the BatteryBank1 to the BatteryBank2 (via the cameras), drops the 100W Bank2 power entirely out of the equation. If that's how it works, I would try something like: Bank1 -> sensors -> LIGHTS HERE -> Bank2 -> Doors You're trying to overload the Bank1, so sensors + lights + "Bank2 recharge requirement" should exactly match Bank1 capacity, so the Bank1 can't provide any beyond Bank2 charging. Turn lights on/off for easy adjusting. This of course assumes that the powered components are activated in the order of the connections, I don't think that's an entirely flawless assumption, but it's the best I got.. And yeh, I haven't even tried it in vanilla, and you're playing an overhaul.. might not apply. At all. EDIT: lights might not work as adjustments..
  23. You can do vehicle-detection with at least cameras and trip wires, I haven't tried trigger plates but I would be surprised if not. For cams & wires it isn't even really different from walking detection, I haven't run into any vehicle-specific issues with either. You may have been bugged.
  24. Yup, but since the bedroll check already exists for questing, this feature wouldn't complicate that at all, as it wouldn't even need to touch that. If you are able to index by name then why was it your counterargument earlier? (Same preset, same name -> problem) I may have missed something there. There's also a decent chance that there already exists a suitable data structure to glue this one on. The quest system knows the distance to every quest POI - the way it chooses the closest/suitably distant POIs for questing requires location info. You could get away with a pre-calculated distance for that, but you'd have one of those per trader. Word trees? How many separate entries for "irrelevant" will you find in a word tree?
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