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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Annoying sound, eh? I know the feeling. I don't know of a way for "strictly once", but with two cameras and a powered hatch you can setup a system of "couple honks per zed" and/or limit that in time duration to "couple honks every 30 secs - or whatever power uptime you choose" Cam 1 runs the horn normally: Power - Camera - Horn. Cam 2 looks at the same area and operates a hatch. Power - Camera - Hatch. The hatch blocks the view for Cam 1 when powered. If you leave the settings for both as Instant, Triggered: the horn blares for as long as the hatch takes to open. About two loops of the sound. If you want to add a "mandatory delay between sounds", you can increase the power duration for the hatch cam (Cam 2) - to keep the hatch open for longer.
  2. Changing things is hard, but perfectly viable. Easier to do with changes that don't really mess up your game, as bad eventts take the motivation out quite quick. For instance, for your setup, you have 4 tool slots. You won't have many, if any, moments in the game where you need a tool "right now". So while there's routine to swap to the tools, if you pull out a turret instead, it's not going to hurt you. A rocket launcher might, but you can wait until you've accustomed for those... Condensing those 4 to one slot would free up 1,2,3. For swapping the tools, get into a routine of: swap into tool slot, open inventory, click on wanted tool, keypress "equip". This equips the tool into into the tool slot and swaps the old tool where the new one was. Keeps your tools "sorted" in the inventory while you earn three more instantly usable items. Train the routine two dozen times specifically, and then a few repeats at the start of the next session, for a few sessions. Done.
  3. Well, my original point was only that there's No Point in comparing the damage of a baton to the damage of the clubs, they're completely different beasts. Would I bring up turrets? Well, that's half the reason they're completely different. Did a bit of testing, blurb: With AP ammo, nominal difficulty, 288 rounds from a single turret should take out 5-7 rads between reloads. For two right clicks, that's a hefty amount of damage. Even the three on Insane isn't all that horrible. The turrets aren't weak, while the batons are. INT just actually plays differently. Oh, but it very much is. It destroys prepped fights, choke points etc, and the amount of "oh surprise, 5 rads" in the game is pretty minimal. It takes prep to excel, but most of the time you can just as well setup even after agroing something.
  4. You don't really need the aoe to gain decent control over several targets with it. Three is a lot to control without it, for sure, you'll need to kite effectively, but it's a whole lot easier than with the clubs. I did some cursory testing of the difference earlier today, curiously my Q6 Baseball Bat did 67 damage on a power strike, and the Q6 Stun Baton did 66 when including the dot damage. I didn't check if the dot scales. Either weapon, unskilled, against rad healing is just fishing for a decap anyway, which feels a lot smoother with the baton stuns.
  5. #define weaker. Not that many other things in game reliably shake three or more rads off of you.
  6. The bookset allows making the stun a proper aoe crowd control, mildly random, but a permanent stun on a small number of targets. All the while you have two friendlies chewing up the stunned ones. I'd say balance-wise INT is in a good spot as is, probably even on the strong side. So adding power to the batons would require reducing somewhere else.
  7. Hmm.. it might require a bit of a POI rework to avoid some funky issues, having grass grow in recently dug ditches, breaking POI looks etc. But having a separate block type that will have a "grass shader" applied (kinda topsoil vs dirt split) would allow for some control over it. Repurposing the block IDs from grass blocks would allow for that to be added in any case. It Does sound like a good idea for the most part, might come with some implementation issues of course.
  8. The recent tech layoffs give me some hope for a sensible restructuring, but it would indeed require some interview-activies like watching some good old Carlin, and trying to come up with reasons why the jokes are bad. The one with the least number of complaints getting the job, of course ...
  9. Just saw JaWoodle clear out one in the "book house" attic, they're still there.
  10. Weell, it's a bit of a timeline issue. Every other coffee maker has a fresh brew going, and the employees are diligently at their desks, so the apocalypse happened this morning. Then again, every parking meter has been retrofitted to run on duke's tokens, so the duke took over all the cities and the economy well before the fall. Not sure how the military got around to arriving between the morning and the current time, but they sure got overrun fast ...
  11. There's now lawyers drafting legal documents (I've heard of at least letters and contracts) using chat AIs ... just wait a couple years for the courts to catch up. Judgements-by-AI. You'll be in jail never having met a human; unless you resist, of course, then the flesh-bots show up bashing down your door. Skynet is coming a bit backwards, but just as effective...
  12. That's a valid tactic, frames aren't spawnable. The phrase "player placed" is just purely misleading. It doesn't work to prevent spawns when placing the wrong blocks, and it doesn't work to Allow spawns, POI/world deco blocks spawn with the same rules, POI-concrete doesn't spawn, but the POI-dirt does. Sure, players won't often place terrain blocks - I do sometimes place asphalt blocks for their terrain nature, zeds don't see terrain as a valid target to randomly destroy, at least if they have any other way to get to you (digging is a little different). It makes for easy AI hacks and is quite resilient to random damage. But that's why the phrase lives on, as it "works", even when rather incorrect...
  13. When done in an isolated setting, it's no different from looking at videos or reading wikis. I might even argue that figuring it out yourself is better, you can check all the things the video might've missed and generally follow your curiosity. Just launch a new game on Navezgane for testing, the world is already generated so it loads up fast, no need to even wait.
  14. Yeh, I guess that's the main source for the myth of "player-placed-anything". World spawns and hordes don't spawn on blocks, they spawn on terrain. Covering your dirt with wood blocks prevents spawns inside. Covering your terrain with terrain, doesn't. With the caveat that no, I haven't covered a world to test it ... EDIT: Vedui42 did thou, some of his musings in this one:
  15. I kinda agree, but I'd solve it towards the opposite direction; I'd rather not have any loot respawn automatically anywhere. It makes no sense, who goes around dropping things into trash bins, refilling tool crates etc etc? The tying in of zombie respawns to loot respawns is a step in 'a' right direction, at least there's some challenge added to it; but spawning new zeds into already-busted hiding spots is silly. I'd still rather not have loot respawns. Although, note, I play solo or two-player co-op, might be quite different on old/large servers. Traders, sure their loot makes some sense to respawn, but stealing their junk should also cause them to kick you out.. There's couple problems with that, 1) the game doesn't generally know what is a player-placed block, if it did, you wouldn't need a land claim to pick up your workbenches. 2) It's a whole lot more expensive to check against "all nearby player-blocks" than it is to check from a player to "containers within 8 meters". Now, even if I dislike the current respawns, I wouldn't be opposed to a gradual re-setting of the world by some means smoother than quests. Kinda hard to imagine how to, without breaking player outposts and such, but as an idea a world that would slowly grow towards a "usable" state after being plundered would be pretty nice.
  16. By design, can't just setup on top of a loot pile at a Tier 5 to keep looting it over and over. The mechanic is, roughly: every time you go close to a container, the timer for that container is reset to zero. Can't remember how close, but reasonably close.
  17. Well, for one, an active land claim and/or bed will prevent spawns. And I wouldn't expect the spawns to work completely right with modified interiors, one would probably block a spawn point or two. So.. if you're trying to emulate a land claim protected POI out there, I think you've reached the right conclusion, nothing will spawn there... But if you want to see when the spawns occur, just clear one and don't touch it otherwise, then come back after the loot respawn timer has expired. Not sure if console time settings respawn things properly, some of the timed things are .. weird. Can't see why it wouldn't, buuuut..
  18. Shush. Stop being such a conspiracy nut, that didn't happen. He's just using it for rage bait. Besides, we all know youtube doesn't give specific timestamps on their strikes, so he can't even know what it's actually about. ... Am I doing this right? ... Got under your skin? Sorry... Nothing to see here, move along! ...
  19. Somehow the other seven pops to mind... Se7en if you wish to google.
  20. 50 blocks sounds way too long for a horde base, awesome for sure, but rather hard to use. If you're planning to snipe along it, just let them run the first 30. If it's just a travel tunnel, I dunno, slap some checkpoints along the way, with a fence or two across and some wall-mounted turrets keeping the peace.
  21. Hmm. Spinned up my test world to check a few of those ideas, or maybe I just felt like batting a few Arlenes again. Here's a data blurb: Summary: You can increase your DPS by about 60% at the cost of tripling your stamina use (worst case). Not counting the regen loss, damage per sta is the same, so at best case you can think of it as a 60% DPS increase with no drawbacks. But you do need to figure out when you can afford it. At the end of each fight, sure, but that's not really an issue either way. There's pretty significant variance to zed health now, I ran into Feral Arlenes with 80 points of difference between them. Swapping one headshot from Normal to Power would give a 34 point difference in my test, skills would roughly double the difference - that would still be within the variation for one of the weaker ferals. My point? You cannot actually know how many it'll take or if it'll make a difference. Yeh, that's where we agree, some procs are well worth the cost. Unless you need the sta of course.. The rest goes back into the first point, HP variance. You can't really know if it'll make a difference. But you can know if you can afford the stamina to try, so, when you can afford it, it's not a bad move. There's also a confirmation bias sort of thing going on: Finishing something off with a power attack will always feel great. Even when the zed had 1 HP left when you swung it - and you won't ever know.
  22. Hah, yeh, sorry - I ended up ranting about other people, those damn youtubers. It wasn't directed at you, but I did wonder if I should've emphasized that a little more.. that "you-passive" didn't help matters. Yeh, it's not a bad system, it has its upsides with edge cases (like how the situation changes when low on regen). But it is quite hard to learn. Some kind of highlight for the "you're not regenerating right now" might help, but that would likely be "too flashy" once you've gotten the message.
  23. That is a thing I can't understand why people wont learn. Mainly some of the 'tubers I watch, but seems like a common problem.. Scenario: You're going somewhere. The trip is likely to end up in a fight. Either during the travel or at the destination. Actual travel or just running back and forth in POI: 1) Sprint til out of stamina => sprint in bursts to keep stamina under 25% => show up to the fight with <25% sta => "wait for stamina" while getting beat on. is exactly as fast as: 2) Sprint til at 75% stamina, walk til full => repeat between 75 and 100 => show up for the fight with >75% sta => get to fighting. As you need the stamina for the fight, the options are Exactly equally fast, but with 2) you just won't get beat on while you wait for stamina in the fight. And while I'm complaining.. if you haven't figured out a real reason to press the power attack button, don't. (There are reasons, they're just .. rare) Watching tubers go left click - right click completely randomly, keeping their regen mostly off with rare and pointless power attacks, and wondering why they're constantly out of stamina... it's turning into a pet peeve of mine..
  24. I've never used it to import a prefab, but chunk reset just sets the area to the state your "generated map" is in. So if you've built something in the area in-game and then do a chunk reset, you'll lose whatever you've built. If you edit a map and then "apply" the change to your current game using chunk reset to do so, the same should happen, it'll just reset to whatever is defined on the map. (not exactly an expert in the area, someone please correct me where I'm wrong.. )
  25. It's also kinda mandatory for steel tools, even iron benefits greatly. Unless you don't mind waiting for stamina, of course, but that implies quite a relaxed play style.
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