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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Jax, can you add this ModInfo.xml to your mod? ...you'll need to create a mods/ravenhearts folder to put it in. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <ModInfo> <Name value="Ravenhearst" /> <Description value="Ravenhearst" /> <Author value="JaxTeller718" /> <Version value="2.05" /> <Website value="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?76822-Ravenhearst-Mod"/> </ModInfo> </xml> ...and then update it as well? It's a quick and easy way for me to log into the server to see what version it's running w/o having to load the game.
  2. Good point. I dunno, so many mods, so many ideas, keeping track of who made what is tedious. =) My motto is "if I see it, I will use it." Jax is much more gracious than I will be. =)
  3. *Looks at the credits list in the op...* Yeh I've no doubts that Jax will credit where credit is due, especially if he knows credit IS due, but geesh, have some tact and pride on how you approach it.
  4. The volumes are only 3 high, so you'll need new volumes or to change the height of the volumes.
  5. It happens a whole lot more on a server that is struggling with resources. This is a very resource heavy mod, you may want to consider upgrading the server. I know no one likes to hear this, but it's true.
  6. Norton was bought out by cubeii, sphereii's mortal enemy. This is his revenge... ...kidding aside, yeh a restart may help.
  7. Can you set an install folder? Can't recall...
  8. Doom described it as a bit like valmod but with additional sdx assets. It's definitely not hard core, but is a solid enough base for a mod that you can tailor it however you want.
  9. The advanced feature is different copies of the game; so in theory you could have 12 different full installs.
  10. Then you used it wrong. It literally makes a copy of your folder, so I'm not sure how it could have possibly broken your game install.
  11. It's your mod, leave the header as Jax's Mods or something audacious. That way when you make more mods they're under your header. =) ...I get the dawn label now, but having never played on your server before it threw me. =)
  12. I played it, so there is a way. =) ...get the Mod Launcher, the tricky part is that it's named Dawn of the Apocalypse there, not Ravenhearst (Thanks Doombringer101 for pointing that one out to me).
  13. Thinking about it, they wouldn't stack with the others and they'd be a dead giveaway. Maybe a % buff chance, I dunno.
  14. Cool. Just spent 2.5 hours into it, I liked it quite a bit. It's definitely well thought out. I think most of the choices you made are on point. As far as difficulty, well, I haven't died yet, so I'd see what it takes to include a few more faster zombies during the day. You'll note that <ahem> other people have died. =) Someone, and I won't say who (Doombringer101) found out that the Mechanic can one shot you. =) http://guppycur.com/ Food is easy, especially with apples coming down and my propensity to chop trees. Perhaps every once in a while we get a poisoned apple, or one with a worm, and it makes us sick, but we can't tell the difference? I dunno. As it stands now, I can survive food/water wise, no problem off of apples, since they give both food and hydration. The wilderness spawns are on point; there are quite a few zombies out there and it makes it harder to find time to do "other" things, but that's fantastic. We're only day 4, and they'll probably be Day 9 by the time I get back on tomorrow, but we're taking notes and I'm recording, but overall I'm enjoying it. The starting sheds are a fantastic idea, but we were wondering if you meant them to be invulnerable? If so, maybe put a 6 day timer on them or something?
  15. Cool; running current version now, with the intention of wiping in the am, but I'll wait until the patch. =)
  16. Can you shrink the hell out of the trader zone?
  17. What's the gist of the null trader bug?
  18. Cool, have that update by Monday. =)
  19. Have a good update by ... Mon/Tue of next week, so ma peeps can check this thing out. =)
  20. Step one: Realize not every bad thing that happens when running a mod is because of the mod, especially when other people report it happening in vanilla, too. The actual reason is inadequate server hardware, but no one wants the truth. Might be the mod is too taxing on your server, causing chunk issues, which correct themselves by resetting. /no sarcasm
  21. I dunno, doubt it, but they would die. =)
  22. Remove trader protection and create a sleeper volume that has traders in it, so that they'll respawn later on after everyone has left the building. =)
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