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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. The missing shader messages are supposedly harmless, but who knows... now I'm thinking it's a glcore thing. I know my card has run out before when using uh... excessive amounts of textures, but that may just be the sheer number of playthings I like to see on one screen. I'm not sure how many Jax has in this pack, but I have hundreds.

  2. Hey, if you had said "Sphereii and I couldn't agree on a format so unfortunately his launcher won't support my mod" then I would have left it. But no, you said "he doesn't seem like he cares" and "if the mod launchers author doesn't care about..."


    Come on man, you're clearly intelligent, you know what you did. :)


    Anyway, your thread, back to its regularly scheduled programming. Sphereii has 40k other users, so his project isn't going to get hurt and likely neither are his feelings.

  3. One thing we saw a lot of when messing with the archetypes is that when you have a large number of different textures on the screen, gpu's will simply not load any more; now I haven't had the chance to play this mod yet but assuming it brings as many new assets (and textures) as I'm hearing it does, it is possible it isn't a mod issue, just an overall limitation on the gpu's (doesn't matter of it's a 1080tixgpuqrstuv, at some point there is a limit), and I think it would be wise to, for those experiencing pink textures, to at least TRY to set their textures to 1/2 or 1/4 to see if it resolves the problem. It may help differentiate between an issue and an ISSUE.


    Just guessing.

  4. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all the hard work you have done on your launcher; you took time out of your busy schedule to develop this thing, to support modding, and to create a standard so that the "m" word wouldn't be so scary for a lot of folks... then you did the same thing for Starvation, and SDX in general, all the while having never actually modded yourself.


    Now that you HAVE a mod, I hope the bug has bitten hard and we see a lot more coming from you.


    You are much appreciated.



  5. I tried, there are some issues I encountered while trying to add the mod to the mod launcher using my custom link to the mod. I did contact the mod launcher author, but it doesn't seem like he cares to update his mod launcher to support my kind of url to the mod zip file, so I don't know when or if the mod will support the mod launcher, because if the mod launchers author doesn't care about improving/updating his program, why should I care.


    ...just so I'm clear; someone else takes the time to create and publish a well used piece of software that literally dozens of modders utilize successfully... that SAME author takes the time out of his busy real life day to walk YOU through what YOU need to do in order to be supported by his mod launcher, and then you blast him as if it's his fault that you are so narcissistic that you just have to know how many downloads you get, and accuse him of not caring (remember, this is the guy who not only wrote the launcher for people, but updates it continuously to support new mods, AND DOESN'T EVEN MOD HIMSELF) because he won't bend to your specific wants?


    ...I just want to make sure I'm all caught up.

  6. Mort, friendly reminder to consider proximity to other players as a factor in reducing insanity, and a more fleshed out rapid temperature change system to determine flu susceptibility... Maybe a constitution stat based on other factors as well.

  7. would love an answer on this as i makes game really annoying to play as they also show up invisible and i get no error message either when they spawn


    The hitbox thing is weird, but try playing with textures set to half or quarter to see if the problem still exists. I've a theory.

  8. Damn I'm missing awesomeness.


    Rotation gui suggestion:


    Special select (green instead of red?) to grab all layers.


    Rotate button (all the options)


    Rotates all layers pivoting around a corner, then can be dragged around for placement before being "set".

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