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Everything posted by RyanX

  1. LOL the rain and storm percentage is higher in the forest than in the desert. I think someone coded that backwards.
  2. Compress the skill tree and add some LBD back in.
  3. My wife says she thinks about looking in the trash on the side of the road because of 7D2d when she's driving, for real.
  4. It seems to rain and storm WAY too much in the desert. It's a desert, folks.
  5. This. If you DID have an active land claim then the fault lies with TFP and their coding. If you left your server open to others and didn't, well.....
  6. I tend to spend them as I get them because I'm usually bored with a seed by level 50 or so. I've found enough schematics to make my base almost AFK during horde night. Every point after that just seems to put icing on an already easy cake. I will say that I do get the first extra jump height from parkour, especially since the fall damage mitigation helps early game. I just put points into the INT tree for trading, forge efficiency, and a vehicle (I usually stop at motorcycle but sometimes I have the schems for the gyro). I'll put points into heavy armor. I sprinkle the rest of the points around for QoL stuff like sexy rex, mining, run and gun, etc. I don't really put more than one point into any ranged weapons because they are good enough as is.
  7. I always put the points in especially since it helps with reducing resource use in your forges etc in the perks above it. No brainer for me. Even if I get the schem early. Plus the trader bonuses and all that. I've switched to the INT tree early.
  8. Well, PvP not being a priority, or even in the top 10 on TFP's radar contributes to a low PvP player base. The cart is before the horse here. Suggesting that TFP shouldn't put assets into improving PvP because it's not in demand is backwards. The low PvP player base is not due to interest, but rather because the game lacks enough resources to make this a very viable playstyle. It's not my call whether they should or should not dedicate resources, but using this an an excuse not to is an error.
  9. Looks like his post was exactly about what he found when he was making an effort to follow the game's progress. Wtf are you talking about fanboy? This game is so glitchy and buggy that the criticisms are warranted, but that doesn't mean someone can't still play it and have fun.
  10. Yeah it's an old glitchy bug. It works in a lot of weird ways, like cop vomit will hit the corner of the blocks I hide my electric fence posts in and destroy them, even though it is fully enclosed. It's a buggy game, REALLY buggy and that's not going to change. As a matter of fact, there are more bugs as time goes on. Most of us have learned to adapt and live with it. It's a crap game, with crappy graphics, and crappy optimization yet I keep coming back to it because there's nothing else quite like it. I can't believe a legit developer hasn't bought this game and fixed it yet.
  11. You forgot a 4th option: There is too much loot at all stages of the game, turn it all down.
  12. Just think how many more would be up and running if they ran well? I know many people who would come back and play (or host more servers) if they were optimized, and I think many of you do ,too.
  13. That's purely an opinion. I don't think he is racist at all, but talks about uncomfortable subjects many don't like to hear. Thus one has to use racism as an excuse to make someone go away (i.e. censor) so one doesn't have to feel "uncomfortable" or feel that their "safe space" has been invaded. In regards to the OP: It would be unrealistic to have a trader open 24 hours, I mean the shop owner has to sleep some time! Heck, even now it's strange that they are open for 14-16 hours a day 7 days a week. I suppose if they live there they could do some extended hours. Or maybe have another employee that runs it for half the day. I like the idea of random times, maybe even a 24 hour trader here and there...but they all close down for Blood Moon.
  14. Yeah, found the vanilla. You have it set to drop nothing on death. Thanks for the invite but I'll have to pass on that.
  15. Good old Roland...always there for us, making sure we don't get our hopes up.
  16. It's not just lower end PCs that are affected. Mine isn't top of the line but I am running an RTX 3060 with a good CPU and plenty of memory. I don't think it matters how much computing power you have right now.
  17. Gamma is easily turned up and will make it easy to see even at night in game. Personally, it would be great to have TFP make it pitch black at night so even Gamma can't affect it.
  18. I'm not sure why, but so many multiplayer servers have a bunch of immersion breaking mods that make the game super easy, like XP and loot multipliers, server currency for donors, teleports, etc. and I'm assuming it's to get donations for their servers. Well, I'm not donating for easy mode. I'm looking for a Vanilla server (at least medium difficulty (Nomad/Warrior/Survivalist). That's it. No teleports, no Donor Cities, no multipliers, no bots that give me coins for playing. You know, the apocalypse. A server where everyone has the same rough time. Where people build shops all over the map, maybe get together and do the horde and quests. But no invincible public horde bases. No 100 slot backpacks. You get the point. I mean if there's just a minor tweak or two I can live with that because I want to be *slightly* flexible. Anyone running a server like this that has regulars playing? We want to be a regular on your server too, and we'll certainly donate to help with costs (there's 2 of us). And for those that say "just don't use the mods", that's not going to work for me because that creates two groups of people on the server. I tried that and it ends up with people expecting me to teleport around the map to meet them, and it makes for an empty world because everyone is centralized and has their own traders, etc. There used to be servers like this, but they seemed to have either left or sold out to the donors. Anyone else want the apocalypse experience?
  19. So I joined this server and noticed that the XP and loot settings were turned up. Do you have a true vanilla server? Did I join the wrong one?
  20. You kind of proved his point here with your response. You replied to his specific issues when his point was that it's a "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts". It's not the importance of each specific issue that needs to be fixed, it's the general inattentiveness that has led to junk being piled up over time.
  21. There was a church I also saw that was like this. At just the right angle it appeared to be floating, then as I got closer it filled in. The mesh has been royally screwed for as long as I can remember, this is just the latest manifestation. I don't even bother reporting it anymore because stuff like this is baked into the code.
  22. Either way, It's the first I've seen a response from anyone in charge despite multiple people and years of posting, and that's a win.
  23. Way back in the day, you used to have to go to the Working Stiff tools to find calipers to make ammo, and it wasn't guaranteed.
  24. Did you see where I said even 30 or 40 could be good? Doesn't look like it. The "100" was a nod to the continued escalation where in some posts PvP doesn't even get mentioned and gets conflated to thinking people want a "Battle Royale" or "Fortnite" experience.
  25. First of all, it's awesome that you are asking these questions! It's all types of servers. There are all sorts of ways people set their servers up, both PvE and PvP. The best way to see is to check out the servers yourself to see what people are doing, but there aren't nearly as many now because of server performance and difficulty in running the servers, which goes back to previous alphas. Dynamic mesh does cause a hit for sure, but the issues go back a ways. As far as how many players for an FPS drop? That largely depends on the quality of the server, but at one point, 40-50 was no problem. This has deteriorated over time and required the server mods to restart their servers on an increasingly shorter schedule to clean up the junk that a server creates. A server owner could address this better than I could. As of right now, it doesn't matter how many are on the server....lag, falling through the world, stuttering etc. are prevalent at any population. Simply playing vanilla is my preferred way, players set up bases throughout the map, sometimes they set up communities and community horde bases, set up shops. Players will build restaurants, etc. and fill them with player vending machines and players travel from all around to buy stuff from each other. Players team up to run larger quests, it's endless really. Some servers will bring in custom POI's like prisons for cheaters or rulebreakers, malls for players to set up shop in. Others have set aside land for donors who help with operating costs to build on (a lot of these also do cheaty teleport mods which ruins the server). It's like any other multiplayer game where you meet new people, make new friends. It makes the world seem more alive when you see someone in the distance on their motorcycle. There comes a point where it gets to be too much, though. I think 50 is too many (not all do), even on a large map, but 40 isn't too bad. And remember that just means that there are that many concurrently online. Many others come and go throughout the day. As far as PvP goes, terrain glitches make it unplayable because you can see other's bases through the ground and even shoot through the ground. You could even fly a gyrocopter under the ground. The weapons, armor, damage mechanics, etc. aren't set up for it at all and would need a complete rework. As it stands now, server hosts used to be able to mod this stuff out (and still can to a degree) but it's a LOT of work. It used to be my preferred way to play but I don't bother with it any more because of all the exploiting and cheating that it's succeptible to. I had a group of 8 or so I played with in a group on some of the servers but it's just not worth it anymore. Cheaters gonna cheat. But in all seriousness, when PvP works, it's damn good. It's like a Mad Max experience. Better be quiet while looting that POI so someone doesn't come in the back door and steal all your stuff. Thanks for listening!
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