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Everything posted by dcsobral

  1. Will the screamer and the wight be updated or removed?
  2. I mean, I like the walkways, crossing signs and street lights but what's the use? There's a bunch of zombies jaywalking!
  3. I updated my post with 19.5 data. Also made it true DPS instead of damage per minute, sorted it, and replaced internal names with english localization where available.
  4. They are in the configuration files, but not available in-game. For example, the plasma baton: <item name="meleeWpnBatonT3PlasmaBaton"> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Test"/>
  5. On a side side note, thinking about unbalanced weapons reminded me of one very weird factoid I came upon. Shotgun shells have penetration count 2. Enforcer (magnum) completion gives both normal and HP magnum bullets penetration count 2. Pistol Pete completion makes 9mm ignore armor at point blank range. But 7.62mm normal ammo has no advantage against armor and no penetration, with even 7.62mm AP needing Penetrator 3 to get to penetration count 2. So 7d2d is basically going for the reverse of real life when it comes to ammunition properties...
  6. My complaint is that there's only one tier of melee weapon in the Int tree, and it's the middle one so it doesn't benefit you in neither early game nor late game (and, honestly, I usually skip mid-tier weapons and tools since they can't compete against lower tiers of higher quality or high tiers). It also has a limited set of mods available, but so do other melee weapons. As far as DPS goes, it isn't the worst and it's one of the only two melee weapons with AoE and when you combine it with the Repulsor Mod it has unmatched area control. I do wish it was slightly faster, though, to be more effective in POI clearing. People usually compare Perception, Agility and Intellect melee weapons vs Strength and Fortitude melee weapons and come to the conclusion they are underpowered. I'd argue STR and FOR melee weapons are overpowered, and at least for strength yeah it makes sense they do the most damage. The melee weapon of other attributes have non-damage offsetting benefits. Spears can attack outside zombie's range and can even be used as a ranged weapon. Blades can attack then move away and let the zombie die by itself (except bleeding causes rage too often, negating the slow down debuff). Intellect has crowd control. If these benefits do not interest you, then they are not for you. Clubs rely on killing fast. Sledgehammers have some added advantages offset by its slow speed. Which is not to say they are BALANCED. Knuckles have as much DPS as Clubs and some seriously unbalanced perks, such as high chance of knocking down enemies and healing up to 130 points per minute. Batter Up completion bonus makes a joke of every other melee weapon but knuckles (which doesn't need stamina regen). The perk for both get extra effects at levels 3, 4 and 5 (Batter Up 5 extra effect is on par with Spear Hunter's completion bonus!). So it's much more STR and FOR being OP than all others being underpowered. For curiosity, here's a DPS table for 19.5: meleeHandPlayer 6.67 Flashlight 7.80 Stone Shovel 8.00 Torch 8.50 Stone Spear 9.44 Iron Shovel 9.67 Bone Knife 10.20 Knuckle Wraps 10.33 Stone Axe 10.50 meleeToolFarmT1IronHoe 10.78 Iron Spear 11.37 Iron Pickaxe 12.13 Hunting Knife 12.20 meleeWpnBatonT1JunkBaton 12.60 Plasma Baton 12.60 Stun Baton 12.60 Wooden Club 12.65 Candy Cane Knife 13.20 Impact Driver 13.75 Ratchet 13.75 Wrench 13.75 Claw Hammer 14.00 Taza's Stone Axe 14.00 Steel Shovel 14.50 Stone Sledgehammer 14.58 Baseball Bat 15.08 Iron Fireaxe 15.10 Iron Knuckles 15.17 Candy Cane Club 16.64 Steel Spear 17.05 Iron Sledgehammer 17.45 Machete 18.15 Steel Pickaxe 21.27 Steel Axe 22.64 Steel Knuckles 22.67 Steel Club 22.71 Steel Sledgehammer 26.18 Dev: Hammer Of God 5833.33 Dev: Super Wrench 8333.33 This table is computed from the configuration files for items (Data\Config\items.xml) by multiplying entity damage by attacks per minute, then dividing by 60. They are base values which means quality 1, no random stats, no mods, no attributes or perks or books. Numbers are being rounded to two decimal cases, and sorted from lowest to highest DPS. For weapons without localization the internal name was used. Note that there are things in the configuration file which are only available through the creative menu or even not at all.
  7. Make a pit, surround it with robotic turrets, throw zombies into the pit with stun baton (+ repulsor mod + nerd tats), profit. Use more than two turrets so that new turrets take over as turrets run out of ammo. Either AP or shotgun ammo. That's one way of using turrets and not using guns, but the point of this thread (which is entirely off-topic and will be moved away sooner or later) is analyzing the effectiveness of the weapons of Intellect tree by themselves, vs the effectiveness of weapons of other attributes.
  8. The batton can definitely do it. The electrocution does damage over time, and with the AoE of nerd tats you are applying damage over a lot of zombies. When the club cannot keep up, I switch to the stun baton + nerd tats + repulsor. Why that isn't the case for you I have no idea, but I have held off hordes of 64 simultaneous zombies with it. As for steel club vs baton, the baton is a mid-tier melee weapon so of course it's much worse. You have to compare it to the baseball bat, iron spear, iron sledgehammer or knife. There's no top tier melee weapon in the intellect build.
  9. Curious that the fireman mod makes the stone axe go over the stun baton, since it decreases the amount of damage to entities. The stone axe at quality 6 does 945 damage per minute, and the quality 6 stun baton does 1134 damage per minute (random stats not counted). There's no perks or magazines increasing the damage of either, though there's a magazine increasing the speed of the stone axe by 5% (maybe -- it's about fireaxes, not sure the stone axe is included), which amounts to 47 damage per minute which is not enough to surpass the stun baton. Other than that, any mods ought to benefit the stun baton more than the stone axe. Perhaps you got a bad stun baton in your test? But I'm surprised you had any trouble fending off a horde with the stun baton, because I could do so easily. The stun baton will stun every nearby zombie, and throw them away, so it's trivial to make a base where any pressure from zombies is relieved by dropping them to the ground so they have to go around to you again, and having a robotic sledge hitting them on their way back to you. Not to mention electrical traps, since they are part of the Int build and you get up to 50% XP from their kills. Then you compare the stun baton with other weapons. 400% less than clubs? The base damage of the baseball bat (the club at the same tier as the stun baton) is 17.4, and the stun baton's 10.8. That's not even 50% less (or 100% more). And that does not even account for speed. Your math is just wrong. As for your next test, first make sure you are using the repulsor mod on the stun baton and taking nerd tats, plus using fort bites and recog (physician) and electrical traps on the Int horde night, and not doing so on the machine gun test. Though using electrical traps is kind of OP. I made an AFK base with them and during horde night I just fly around with the free camera to watch the carnage. Then again, Double Robotic Turrets is also very OP, as is the stun baton with repulsor mod and nerd tats. And for POI clearance? Yeah, the stun baton is not the best weapon, just like the club is not the best melee weapon to use on horde night.
  10. This outfit doesn't really work if the mask is broken, though. On a serious note, it looks like broken glass on the mask. Isn't it made of plastic or acrylic, though?
  11. There's no guarantee of compatibility. That's what it means to be "experimental".
  12. Try checking out Editing Tools under the main menu:
  13. Funny that I find the spear one of the best weapons in the game, until clubs become totally OP. The club perks and the club magazines are what make it totally broken. I suggest comparing them to the spears, and you'll see spears bonuses are essentially a subset of clubs bonuses. BUT, spears have a lot of range, and they pack a decent punch compared to everything but clubs. The spear power attack damage is higher even than the sledgehammer's power attack damage (example: stone: 29.355 spear vs 21.875 sledge). At the steel level the sledge gets better (53.01 vs 57.75), and maybe it is better as iron as well since iron spears suck, but I'm saying spears are very good early game, not late. Spears simply have nothing special late game. Clubs have stamina reset, sledgehammers and stun batons have AoE, knuckles have health recovery. Machetes are also somewhat lacking. Knuckles also had a bug, which might still be present, whereas a power attack would always knock down opponents as long as you had a point or two in the perk. Now, someone said the stun baton is OP. The stun baton is OP in a horde night scenario, with nerd tats and, preferably, repulsor mod. As a looting weapon it is lacking. You might feel like it can keep zombies stunned until you kill them, but if you were using clubs the zombies would be dead or on the ground. Finally, spears do have one enemy control option: thrown spears will slow down enemies. And often knock them down, at which point you can get more damage by throwing them again, if you have the magazine for it. It just sucks tremendously for stamina. You'll be happy to learn that you can do that in alpha 19! And 18! And 17! Well, not roads, or terrain elevation, or biomes. It sucks that the world editor cannot do these things, but you can definitely place POIs (or remove them) to your heart's content.
  14. I believe these are background from Unity 3D, the tool used to make the models.
  15. Because this is the dev diary about alpha 20, not a wishlist and random musings of arbitrary people. If it weren't trimmed then people wishing to learn more about alpha 20 would have to read through hundreds of pages of rambling unrelated to what's actually in alpha 20. Messages that do not belong here get moved to a more adequate place.
  16. This is the most blatant one I've seen so far. b124 world and game. Is there anything I can check on this world location that might help?
  17. It happened on a new game on b124 as well.
  18. I love the compass. More practical because it's close to the ground, and easier to tell when you are going straight in a cardinal direction.
  19. Indeed. Software development is like cricket: you can tell when it's going to start, and how long you expect it to be, but you can never be sure when it's going to end.
  20. Feels like a20 release is getting closer. I don't mean soon, but sooner. Most of the stuff in scope for a20 at this point has been revealed a bit on twitter.
  21. I'm pretty sure he lied and the answer is "when it's done". Particularly when you realize he said it may be less than 3 months, more than three months, but not exactly three months.
  22. I just got another one. One thing in common is that this is a b122 world played in b123 (that is, world and game version differ). Here it is: 2021-05-26T10:33:25 2951.211 INF SectionType change from TraderBob to Exploration 2021-05-26T10:33:25 2951.211 INF Fading out TraderBob 2021-05-26T10:33:25 2951.211 INF Played Exploration 2021-05-26T10:33:25 2951.211 INF Fading in Exploration InvalidOperationException: Queue empty. at System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1[T].Dequeue () [0x00008] in <aa976c2104104b7ca9e1785715722c9d>:0 at DynamicMusic.ContentQueue.Next () [0x00000] in <3dd2d3b546ca4c91af62cd8abc0ff1cf>:0 at DynamicMusic.LayeredContent.Get[T] (MusicUtils.Enums.SectionType _section, MusicUtils.Enums.LayerType _layer) [0x00056] in <3dd2d3b546ca4c91af62cd8abc0ff1cf>:0 at DynamicMusic.FixedLayerMixer+<Load>d__4.MoveNext () [0x0006f] in <3dd2d3b546ca4c91af62cd8abc0ff1cf>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <eaed1887017646508aa3fd7a8edf50d6>:0 2021-05-26T10:33:28 2954.259 INF Saving 58 of chunks took 42ms 2021-05-26T10:33:28 2954.259 INF Paused Exploration 2021-05-26T10:33:28 2954.272 INF Paused TraderBob
  23. Nope. I wasn't even going to report it, but Alan wanted to pass it along anyway.
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