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Everything posted by dcsobral

  1. Here's something that I find disappointing in the current feature list is that there isn't anything on it that will change how the game is played. Maybe I got spoiled by older alphas, but I really miss it. Maybe the feral sense will provide it, but I don't have my hopes up from what was said about it. I love that random gen is being addressed, new POIs is cool, the prefab-inside-prefab thing Shawn mentioned is cool, I love the new art, the shape system is looking like a dream come true, pipe weapons are welcome, but it looks like combat will feel the same, looting will feel the same and horde night will feel the same.
  2. It turns out it is not the only one. Here are the ones I found: rwg_bridge_end_01 rwg_bridge_tile_01 rwg_tile_cap rwg_tile_corner rwg_tile_intersection rwg_tile_straight rwg_tile_t
  3. Trap floors and robotic sledges are kinetic traps already. And they don't get close to what a stun baton with repulsor mod and nerd tats will do.
  4. I saw yesterday that Night of the Dead introduced electrical traps, including a couple of kinetic traps I've wished for in 7d2d since alpha 16, literally, and something that has always been a pet peeve of my for their lack in 7d2d: AND, OR and XOR gates. I've grudgingly accepted no new electrical traps, but I still dearly want some of that gating and I hope this might be revisited before going gold. Chained triggers are equivalent to an OR gate, but there is no OR gate for switches. Triggers with relays between them and switches are equivalent to an AND gate. There's no equivalent to a XOR gate, or a NOT, and that severely limits what can be done.
  5. Totally off-topic right now, but... you find Valheim's cart overpowered??? Now that is a perspective that is entirely new to me.
  6. An expanded backpack doesn't have the same coolness factor. Nor can it be shot down.
  7. Amen to that. Was there any mention of when you are expected to get a mod? Get it early enough in the game and it will be absolutely awesome, but I'll take any inventory space you throw my way. I could see using it to store stuff like lockpicks, for example, that I want to have around but don't use that often. Things you leave in the vehicle, generally speaking. And if you don't want to waste the drone space with stuff you leave in the vehicle, then no one needs to sell you the value of extra storage. I'm curious about the mods. Maybe there's an attack mod? An extra storage mod would also make sense, as would a medic mod, but what else could be done with it? I know! A splint mod! Use the drone as a crutch! 🤣
  8. Since faatal said early fall as a crude estimate, I'd take early fall as the earliest for alpha 20 experimental.
  9. I'm still getting it: 2021-06-26T14:57:45 2151.033 INF SectionType change from Exploration to None 2021-06-26T14:57:52 2158.030 INF SectionType change from None to Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:52 2158.030 INF Played Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:52 2158.030 INF Fading in Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:52 2158.030 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played InvalidOperationException: Queue empty. at System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1[T].Dequeue () [0x00008] in <aa976c2104104b7ca9e1785715722c9d>:0 at DynamicMusic.ContentQueue.Next () [0x00000] in <2070cad869d34936ad324bfd8067dd7d>:0 at DynamicMusic.LayeredContent.Get[T] (MusicUtils.Enums.SectionType _section, MusicUtils.Enums.LayerType _layer) [0x00056] in <2070cad869d34936ad324bfd8067dd7d>:0 at DynamicMusic.FixedLayerMixer+<Load>d__4.MoveNext () [0x0006f] in <2070cad869d34936ad324bfd8067dd7d>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <eaed1887017646508aa3fd7a8edf50d6>:0 2021-06-26T14:57:54 2160.537 INF SectionType change from Exploration to None 2021-06-26T14:57:54 2160.537 INF Fading out Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:55 2161.036 INF SectionType change from None to Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:55 2161.036 INF Unpaused Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:55 2161.036 INF Fading in Exploration 2021-06-26T14:57:55 2161.036 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played
  10. First came big momma's underbritches. Then hawaiian's belly jiggle. Now rad-man's popping pustules... where is it going to stop? WHEN IS IT GOING TO END???
  11. It never spawned on me until I actually got fully on the second floor, which is the point I was making with the video. I only crouch before finally moving to the second floor. I'm standing on a block just one block below the floor and there's no spawn. And, as it happens, you can see that door all the way back down on top of the cabinet, since you need to move in its direction to climb to the second floor.
  12. Are any of these games fully destructible? Or fully craftable? The biggest performance gain in photo realistic games is control of the sight line using static "backgrounds" which you cannot interact with -- a static 3d image, if you will. You can then reduce the amount of textures that need to be loaded, optimize light sources, optimize occlusion, etc. The moment you can go anywhere you see, destroy anything you see and recreate anything you see, at that moment you lose or reduce a bunch of optimization options. For example, you can't restrict your texture palette for the winter biome because the player might just decide to make stuff from the desert or forest biome, and then you have to render those textures as well so they need to be loaded. You have to worry about shadows because you can't control the light sources. And so on and so forth. So there is absolutely no point in comparing a game where the player can go anywhere, make anything and destroy anything with a game that doesn't. Now, that demo did purport to support this, though I shudder at the thought of the memory requirements, but let's say 7d2d was using Unreal Engine instead of Unity, would 7d2d use that stuff? No. Because it wasn't there in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 or 2013. As far as I can tell that is a whole new subsystem, something you need to build on top of instead of something that can be added to an existing project and instantly net benefits. Which goes back to my point: what game is currently available using it? I suspect the answer is "none", and no game under development right now will use it either. The only games that will use it are games that will start to be developed once this is available (from other comments it seems it's not even generally available yet) and the games that got exclusive access to it while it was being developed. And if no game that has reached alpha stage could make use of it then it doesn't matter whether 7d2d uses Unity or UE.
  13. No one is saying that, of course, but using the framework they are all familiar with has many advantages.
  14. I'm not sure I understand what your point is but this is definitely not rare. This is part of the path, how you get to the second floor, and both streamers I saw loot this place, Games4Kickz and Jawoodle, complained about it.
  15. I'm not sure where stamina came into it, but it would make things worse. The stun baton uses more stamina than the wood club so I'd be able to enjoy the full DPS of the wood club much longer than the stun baton.
  16. Try reading Arthur Stone's Respawn series. People have to drink something made out of zombie pus to survive! Yuck! Excuse me but what game are you talking about? I'm sure you didn't intend to compare a game with a tech demo, but I can't seem to find the actual available-for-sale game that does what the tech demo shows.
  17. Nice! Now we just have to figure out the year!
  18. Mind you, the best lawn mower in the game is the knife (bone, iron, doesn't matter).
  19. Lab assistant? I always say her as a doctor. Could be a scientist too, but she shows up on red cross-marked (but not) locations. Her internal name is zombieLab, but why would she be an assistant?
  20. It's going to be a base, not a POI. I think more to the point, will it be a main base, a horde base or a combo?
  21. I recall one such bug related to quest distance. It was A19 and it was fixed. Allegedly.
  22. It's rare for a map to have more than two skyscrapers total, so you often won't get quests for skyscrapers just because they aren't at the proper distance to the trader. That said, you have been unlucky or inattentive to have never seen the Crack a Book skyscraper -- it is the most common skyscraper on the maps, because it has the smallest area. Check the following spreadsheets for seeds; you can mouse over the columns to see what is present and in what quantity, so mouse over the Tower column for a seed and you'll see which skyscrapers it has: Size 8192: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B81oC76h1QFWQ4l3hSyO4VJxAuIDjL1FxOqXWenOHB0/edit?usp=sharing Size 4196: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12FyS0x9HtjhoKQZCzrtL91zGzIetNn5j2R3ruTyYo_o/edit?usp=sharing They were posted to the Alpha 19 Seed thread that is pinned under General Discussions. You'll see, for example, that the 4096 seed WilledChoirmasters has both a Higashi and a Crack a Book skyscraper.
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