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Everything posted by dcsobral

  1. Nooooo! That's it, a20 won't be released before 2022.
  2. I think this is the second time I hear about city size or count being a setting on world generation but I haven't seen the source for it. Where does that info comes from?
  3. They did reduce the chance of skyscrapers at one point, but reverted that somewhere along alpha 19 -- not sure when. You still see them rarely because they only spawn on the downtown of cities and their size makes it hard for them to fit there. Ironically.
  4. I spoke of bedrolls because I know what their influence on POI-quests is for sure. But LCB also has influence over game events, like preventing sleeper respawn and not overlapping with trader protection, so it might well have influence on POI-quests and buried supplies quests. I just can't guarantee it.
  5. Looks like a bug to me. I'd report it. Go to https://community.7daystodie.com/bug-test-1/ look at the the MUST READ information at the top (https://community.7daystodie.com/bug-test-1/bug-pool/before-you-post-a-report-r929/) for information on how to search the Known Issues list and the report format, then submit a new report (if it is not on the Known Issues list). Not true. Bedrolls, at the very least, can prevent quests from being offered at nearby prefabs and can prevent them from being started if the bedroll was placed after getting the quest. LCB might well be also considered, and Buried Supplies quest try to avoid placement overlapping existing prefabs and steep hills, so it's not a simple matter of "it happens". It might be a matter of "working as intended".
  6. I can still reproduce it on b132, with a new world:
  7. It can be modded onto players already. There are multiple overhaul mods that do it (all based on the same mod, I believe).
  8. It was remodeled, I think for alpha 19. I recall the twitter update on it. Well, I might distinctly remember it but I can't find it, but I recall it was an image on the garage of the military base compound, and also showcased the new lightning.
  9. It does annoy me how much drag there is going downhill. As for the other, I'm good. The gyrocopter can travel a long, long time without acceleration.
  10. I think "wilderness" is overrrated. Navezgane is about 4 miles from one side to the other. I've hiked trails where just to get to the trail takes more than 4 miles, so easily within walking distance for zombies straying from the urban areas.
  11. Yes, I'm not dismissing the suggestion. We'll have to wait and see how the new alpha 20 random gen works. So far there's been very little information about it.
  12. Yes, it is still relevant. I believe the post itself was updated with things that were added since. The question is whether rwgmixer.xml, the file that tells what prefabs to put in random gen, is updated with modlets before generating a world. I think there was a change to make it so in alpha 19, but I honestly can't tell for sure.
  13. Well, I might take it from Joel but not from Rekt that's for sure.
  14. Or you could use Tobii to aim and change direction with eye tracking.
  15. Oooh, that's tough! Splints won't help, but Health Bars will speed up recovery. Points in Healing Factor do so as well. Nope, I have no idea on how to do these things IRL.
  16. You can make a modlet to add the prefab to random gen with alpha 19. No need to add them by hand. Ah... I recall now that the problem is that modlets aren't loaded at the time the world is generated. I seem to recall some change in that regard, though.
  17. Actually, I take it back. Confusingly, the closer to zero the crit resistance is the better. It seems no armor defaults to -10% crit resist and it goes up from there the better the armor.
  18. Yeah, she just need to be renamed to stripper to correspond to her looks.
  19. I totally agree. That looks nothing like any burning zombie I have ever seen.
  20. You are probably seeing wandering hordes and not recognizing them. Here's a few examples of things that are wandering hordes: Dog horde, sometimes with zombie bears; Wolf horde; Vultures flying in the forest; Zombies bashing stuff. The last one is a pretty good indicator. Biome zombies rarely bash stuff because they are not trying to get to some place. Unless they see you, of course. If there are zombies bashing something then it is most likely a wandering horde going from point A to point B, bashing whatever is in their way. On the first few days you'll usually get the animal hordes. Which, honestly, kind of sucks because the animal hordes are much more dangerous. I've died to wolf and dog hordes, but never to a zombie one. Vultures hordes are usually hard to detect because they leave you alone and fly so high they'll often go outside rendering range, but if you happen to be hurt while a vulture horde is around then you are in for some pain. Sometimes you'll also get some zombies loudly walking nearby. I don't know why they sound so loud, but they do so to me. It's often a zombie from a wandering horde that has finished it's wandering and is now walking randomly. In these cases you can press F1 to open up the console and you'll see messages about zombies not longer being controlled by the wandering horde, and the wandering horde spawning further up. Grenades, molotovs, timed charges, dynamite are all supposedly throwable decoys. They do not have distraction passive effects, though, so I don't think they are working like decoys. Rocks (stone) and snowballs do work as decoys, though you have to throw so they hit the ground close to the zombies, then skip further away attracting them. Otherwise... just make noise then stealthily move away.
  21. They are still there. Or do you mean a20? I didn't see any indication they were going to be removed.
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