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Everything posted by Kalex

  1. What the hell does any of that have to do with the useability of stealth and bows vs. radiated zeds on Warrior difficulty? Answer: absolutely nothing. If you are trying to imply that he is cheating things in, he is not.
  2. Calling serious BS on this one. I watch my husband take them out all the time with a bow using his stealth build. Hell, I've seen him sneak up on a zed and stab them in the head with a hunting knife and one shot them. And yes, we play on Warrior. So stealth and the bow works just fine. Sounds like operator error to me.
  3. What do you guys think about the sale of WETA to UNITY? https://geektyrant.com/news/peter-jackson-sells-weta-digital-to-unity-software-for-1625-billion-and-its-tools-will-be-made-available-to-creators
  4. Yeah having to re-share quests and re-party after every login/crash is a serious pain in the ass.
  5. OK, where's the other five of you? We need to go hunt down Guppycur.
  6. I still have the files for Z2 898-19-0-Release4 (all 3 three zips, main and two addons), but I do not have Sirillion's permission to distribute them to interested parties.
  7. I don't Roland, that would be immersion breaking for me to see some dumbass just standing there all the time in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Maybe change the exclamation point to a corpse or a note on the ground?
  8. Personally, I would rather 1 meter ingress/egress remain eliminated for everything except crawlers, dogs and other small animals than go back to the head-clipping exploits and the teleport to the surface bug in a 1 m high space.
  9. I love the new screamer. Less The Ring girl and more OMFG.
  10. That's a shame since it is my favorite interface. I love the color scheme in SMX but it is just too busy for my tastes.
  11. he disabled it because the current version is causing a crash and he hasn't had time to fix it.
  12. Do you have the "optional" 10 slot toolbar file installed as well? I do and I haven't been having any problems with my server running the mod.
  13. The churches one makes sense to me. I live in a town of around 200 people and we have 3 freaking churches within 2 blocks of each other.
  14. The tethering I am talking about is when you are running a client-host game (LAN) if the client tries to go too far from the host's character, it will rubberband them back into range of the host because of the way the game engine loads sectors based on x distance from the host only and not by x distance from each player on the server. Dedicated servers do not have this problem only the peer-to-peer games.
  15. IF they ever switched to the Unreal engine, that would be the last I played of the game. I can't stand the client tethering to the host in co-op that unreal pushes
  16. The only thing I miss in this mod is the N/S/E/W etc notations on the compass. What would I have to do to add those back in (if it is even possible)?
  17. There are no clay patches anywhere. Regular soil is all clay soil.
  18. Pike or sturgeons would be a better choice than catfish. catfish are bottom feeders and not much of a threat. Pike on the other hand are predatory fish with nasty teeth. And sturgeons are also predatory and will swim near the surface and rear their head and "upper" body above the water (see various Nessie-type creature sightings that are actually thought to be sturgeon sightings).
  19. No, those are chicken eggs. chickens are ground nesters, vultures are not ground nesters (we have 5 pairs who nest in our old barn every year).
  20. I installed the optional 10 slot toolbar file and adjusted the UI scale and it works fine for me on the vanillla 10 slot toolbelt.
  21. Did you try adjusting the UI scale in your settings?
  22. I love to send them flying with my stun baton with the stun repulsor mod in it.
  23. Is there a way to get this to display the toolbar slot numbers like SMX did? That's the only thing I miss from SMX compared to Z2.
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