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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 36 minutes ago, MasterScrotis said:

    Damn Lol only a few of his mods I'm not seeing in here. This is good work to salvage all this from the forum Jump mate my question now is.. where the hell is my old buddy Valmar? Does anyone even know? lol.. I dissapear for several years and I come back to this? XD

    I've actually managed to save my old Alpha 14 Mod showcase myself (from around the last time I was active in here it's actually been helping a lot in porting it to Alpha 19)  I'm sure if hes around hed have the rest of his mods? but the way you speak of him in past tense has me a bit worried considering He isn't even on my friends list in steam anymore.

    Anyway much love brother Well done ill see if I have my modded versions of some of his stuff to add to this list I could easily tweak it back the way he had it so it'll be OG.  



    Edit: Yup of course I used Valmars features on my old server XD would you like me to figure this out so it works for Alpha 19 so you can add it to the list bro?


    Valmar And I talk a bit. I updated his mods since a18 with his permission. No he is still around just not on 7 dtd no matter how hard I try to convince him to come back lol.

    I thought i got them all lol must a hid them. Sure send the ones i missed thru will add them for sure.

    20 hours ago, Szynsz said:

     Survival notes are worth 700 coins one (i hope that its a bug) .

    They dont even have an economic value lol hmmmm will look into it for sure. maybe will add a economic value.



    - Added economic value to survivor notes. (sellable to trader) also (bundle of 150 = 10 coins)

  2. 20 hours ago, Szynsz said:


    Anyone now any server that use Valmar A19 mods? I really want to play with this but not on singleplayer


    Btw couple bugs i found. Survival notes are worth 700 coins one (i hope that its a bug) and snares and coops don't need recipe to unlock

    I fixed the snares and coop book requirements, available to redownload.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Nagano said:

    i start to feel really dumb :D i deleted the mod again, dl the newest version and still the same error... 

    spawning.xml 1.56 kB · 0 downloads

    ok steps -

    1. can you try the invisible animals by itself no other mod in the mods folder

    2. verify game files





     if works on its own, start adding one mod you use at a time and test til you find the one causing it if it is another mod ofc.


    and not stupid together we will get down to the cause of it


  4. @Nagano


    Can i ask you try a sp game with just the invisible animal fix please and tell me if you still get the same error. (No other mods)
    I know Jaxs increased biome zombie spawn edits the same stuff, so just want to see if those 2 conflict.


    EDIT: nope those 2 together are fine. I am getting no errors at all in my logs.


    can you post the spawning.xml from my mod that you have here (simply drag the xml into the little box in your reply and it will upload as a file.


    That doesnt look like the current version is all as I have added to it in my latest version.
    (possibly delete all copies you have of the invisi animals in downloads and in game folders, re download latest version and try again also.




    - Changed learning from yeah science to perkadvancedengineering

    - Corrected solar and battery Bank low power when you had all 6 slots used yet when you had 4 slots you had max power, its now corrected

    - Increased economic value of all to be more harder to afford at traders.

  6. 4 hours ago, DracoChronicles said:

    Thanks for all the mods.

    Can you please explain a bit about the animal snare mod? How long should it take? Is there a book needed to create them? I found it in creative mode, but I could already create them without reading the book. And the book did nothing, so I am not quite sure how it should be used. And reading the book never changed the icon to a "read book" icon.



    I will take a look at it.  I probably forgot to add the unlock etc. 


    But you craft the snare place it can take upto 5/6 in game days to change to the next block. (Can decrease this in xml where it says upgraded_rate then under will have another line with a number on it. I think 63) 

  7. 2 hours ago, Nagano said:

    Yeah, i downloaded it yesterday (and today too lol) and its still the same error message.. weird. Im on .169

    I also get the null reference exception with your solar mod which is also downloaded yesterday and today.

    can you upload your players.log or output.log please.



  8. 23 minutes ago, Zyamaia said:

    Thank you for the quick response.  It was GREATLY appreciated but not expected.  Keep up the great work.  

    Oh and to actually answer your question lol those blocks are in there like a wild card. Like bad luck found rubbish type a deal lol. 


    Probably add more stuff as well eventually and fine tune it more.  Will see.

  9. On 7/9/2020 at 8:46 AM, sirwin44 said:

    I create a map using NitroGen and using Compo pack, corrected for A19. Some POIs load correctly at first, then glitch out. Is there a fix to this? Pics attached to show what im experiencing.





    That is a vanilla bug. Work arounds are exit the game fully and re enter game or possibly turn off vsync worked for another who had that issue.


    - Removed recipes put in wrong mod

    - Removed double items

    - Added new items that mining machine can find.

    - Removed goldenrodtea from raincatcher



    - Added recipes to make the wine barrels.



  11. 3 hours ago, gpcstargate said:

    Good Day stallionsden


    I was using it to the shock spikes .. and after several right-click .. it would just stay running .. and it has done it also with the fire spikes .. once it starts the only way to get it to stop is to exit the game .. I've takin it off the toolbar and put it away and the sound just get keeps on run .. even went into the CM thinking _ just maybe a different one would work, but after a few shot, the same thing. 

    The only reason I use it is ...... it will not over repair the shock spikes like the nailgun does and turn them into regular reinforced spikes.


    I found this line in the .. under gunTrapNailgun #14 ( item.xml <property name="SoundJammed" value="weapon_jam"/> ) would that have anything to do with it .. I play with the xml's if I know what it means .. or .. Have someone to confirm what I think.

    yeh i tried clicking multiple times i didnt get it. Stopped how it spose to. The trapgun is only for the firetraps tho lol. 


    But will take a look again when home at it. But that line only occurs if the trapgun is broken it will play a broken sound. 

  12. 59 minutes ago, Zyamaia said:

    Heya @stallionsden I love your mods and I hope you are feeling better.   I do have a question though about your mining mod.  There are several "blocks" it produces that serve no purpose although some "should" ?  I was wondering if this was intentional.

    Oh gosh i honestly havent changed anything in this mod for a while. Guess i prolly should lol. When i get home will take a looksie

  13. 21 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

    Good Day stallionsden


    I hoping you can help, knowing it did not make originally .. But the Repair Trap Gun has a bug .. (it is in The Extended Traps) When you use it in the game and right click it .. there is an Air Compressor sound that comes on and Gets stuck On and will not cut off unless you exit game and come back in and can drive a person up a wall. 

    or let me know file needs to edited and how .. 

    Thank you .. Take Care and Be Safe 

    Ok will take a look at it and see.


    I tested it and i dont get stuck on my end. it does its noise then stops I have upgraded multiple blocks to.

    what were you doing when this occurred (just upgrading or refilling the fire traps or)

    but its these 2 lines in items.xml that you can play with with the trapgun -

            <property name="Repair_action_sound" value="Auger_Fire_Start"/>
            <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="Auger_Reload"/>



  14. 24 minutes ago, Nagano said:

    I get this error every time I start the server, you know what to do?


    EDIT: Have you downloaded the new version. The new version didnt have friendlyanimalsForest in it as tfp had removed that group.

    What game version are you playing.

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